Sort file:- Dover, June, 2023.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 20 June, 2023.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1852-

Princess Royal

Latest 1854+

Market Place

Biggin Street



Reported at the above address in 1852 but another was reported in Biggin Street in 1854. I am assuming the two are indeed the same as the vicinities are close.


Dover Telegraph 12 February 1853.

Dover Petty Sessions, Monday: Before E. Sibbitt and C.B. Wilkins Esqs.

Francis William Fone, a gunner in the Royal Artillery, was charged with stealing a watch, value 5s.

Jabez Vinall, eating house keeper, Market Place:- The prisoner slept at my house on Thursday night, and left about ten minutes after six on Friday morning, after having a cup of coffee. The watch produced was in a stand on drawers in the bedroom. Prisoner slept alone, and no-one but myself entered the room while he was there. I missed the watch about two hours after he went away; it is a silver one, and I bought it with another of a Jew at Hartlepool.

Superintendent Coram:- Yesterday the prisoner came to the station house, and confessed that he had stolen a watch from the house of the last witness on Friday morning. I took the charge and detained the prisoner, who also told me that he had sold the watch at Folkestone, to a fisherman, whose name he thought was Tom. I went to Folkestone, and found the watch now produced in the possession of the landlord of the "Mariners Home," who stated that he obtained it of an artilleryman, and advanced money and refreshments to the amount of 9s.

Thomas Hall, fisherman and landlord of the "Mariners Home," Radnor Street:- The prisoner came to my house on Friday, and offered the duplicate of a watch for sale. The watch was pledged for 4s., and he wanted 6s. for the ticket. I advanced 4s. 1d. to take the watch out of pledge, and prisoner had refreshments to the amount of 5s. He wanted another shilling. He left the watch with me before he went away.

Richard Abbott, fisherman, deposed to receiving 4s. 1d. from the witness Hall, and the duplicate of a watch from the prisoner, and redeemed therewith the watch now produced.

The prisoner made no defence, and was committed for trial.


Dover Chronicle 12 February 1853.

Dover Police, Monday: Before R. Sibbitt & C.B. Wilkins Esqs.

Francis Wm. Fame, a young man belonging to the Royal Artillery, Dover, was charged with stealing a watch. Prisoner had delivered himself up, and confessed the offence to Mr. Superintendent Coram. It appeared that on the night of the Thursday previous, Fame had slept at the "Princess Royal," a public house and eating house, in the Market Place, kept by the prosecutor, Jabez Vinall, and that the watch was in a stand in his bedroom. After having stolen it, the prisoner took it to Folkestone, where he pawned it. It was subsequently taken out of pawn by a fisherman named Richard Abbott, at the request of the prisoner, the money required for the redemption (4s. 1d.) being advanced by the proprietor of the Mariners Home (Thomas Hall), where the prisoner was staying. Hall afterwards advanced to the prisoner 5s. more, the watch being left in his possession with a view to its being sold. On the information of the prisoner Superintendent Coram proceeded to Folkestone, where he found the watch in the possession of Hall, as above described. Committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions.

I have Jabez Vinall at the "Garricks Head" in Market Place in 1853. Perhaps he moved on.




Last pub licensee had HOBDAY Thomas 1852

VINALL Jabez 1853+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
