94-96 (130 in 1849) High Street
Above photo, circa 1913, in Cobb's Margate brewery livery, with
licensees, Mr & Mrs Thomas Ames, standing outside their pub. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo showing the "Brewer's Arms." Date unknown. The
pub was bombed during WW2.
Above showing a map of 1873.
Above photo by Suzann Foad circa 1941.
Brewers Arms stood on the site of where W.H Smith is today. As you can
see in the photograph the pub is a Cobb & Co house, however the origins
of M J Harlow mineral water manufacturers started from the Brewers Arms.
Early bottles produced by the company had the address of the Brewers
Arms embossed or acid etched on the bottle. Like the photograph the
bottles are exceptionally rare.
The photograph is from the Margate Historical Society collection and
belongs to Mick Twyman. Mick has no objections to anyone copying this
photograph so please feel free to copy and add your collection. There is
a file in the Margate Museum in the archive of all the Old Margate pubs
both past and present which is no longer accessible to the public.
The Brewers Arms, which dates to c. 1837, was sited
in Margate High Street. Interestingly, an advert for an auction in the
Kentish gazette mentions "For sale, Brewery Plant with malt and hop
stores, stables, dray lodges, cellarage, also Free Ale and Spirit House
adjoining known as the Brewers Arms". In 1867 the High Street was
renumbered. The Brewers Arms up to 1867 was 130 High Street, then it
became 94 High Street.
One Landlord, Michael James Harlow, was a Margate policeman and
mineral water manufacturer. Michael had started his business at the
Brewers Arms in 1878 after 21 years in the Force and Harlow's Ginger
Beer bottles are highly collectable today.
I am led to believe that there may have been two Mr. Harlow's at the
pub, probably father and son, as the ages given in the census don't
tally with the above information.
In 1941 much of Margate High Street was destroyed by enemy action,
three people were killed opposite the Brewers Arms. The pub escaped
damage to carry on business until the early 1970's when it became W H
Above photo showing a codd bottle of Michael John Harlow who was
licensee between 1875-1896, kindly sent by Tony Ovenden. |
One time Cobbs tied house. Cobbs were founded in 1673, but Whitbread took
them over early 1968 and closed the brewery later that year. However, I
believe this was also in the 1830 to 50s an independent brewery called
"Bishop's Brewery" owned and run by licensee and brewer Henry Bishop.
Kentish Gazette, 15 June 1852.
Margate. To Brewers and Innkeepers for Sale by Auction.
(By direction of the trustees and executors of the late proprietor, Mr.
Henry Bishop, deceased.)
At the "King's Head Hotel," Margate, by Mr. R. Jenkins. On Thursday,
24th day of June, 1852, at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely, all
that newly erected and capacious brewery and plants, on the improved
principal; with convenient malt and hop stores, large store sellers,
dray and cart lodges, and outbuilding; commanding a large and and
increasing public and private trade, and well known as "Bishops
The plant, which is modern, and fitted by the best manufacturers,
comprises a 7 barrel dome copper, a smaller open dome copper for short
brewings, commodious and well-appointed liquor beck, mash tuns,
underbeck, working runs, and cooling becks; wort pumps, engine spring
water and other liquor pumps; malt-mill and all other needed conducting
apparatus. Together with the free public house adjoining, and known as
the "Brewers Arms" replete with every requisite for the retail trade,
which from its celebrity and central situation, (being in the best part
of High Street,) command an almost unrivaled run in beer and spirits.
Containing the capital bar and spirit shop, bar parlour, back parlour,
club room, taproom, three bed rooms, wash house, kitchen, yard and
Any enterprising young man of practical experience, with a small
capital, would find this an opportunity of rare occurrence to invest it,
and enable him and a few years to realise a handsome independency.
N.B. There is also, immediately in rear, an enclosed piece of freehold
ground, with stabling, cart shed, and 8 buildings thereon, having a
frontage in Grosvenor Place, which the purchaser may have the option of
taking at a sum to be named at the time of sale, if he declares his
desires to do so immediately after the sale.
The rolling stock of household fixtures to be taken at valuation in the
usual way.
For further particulars and cards to view, apply to Messrs. Brook and
Martens, Solicitors, Cecil Square; Mr. John Woodward, Fort Paragon; or
to the Auctioneer, Hawley Square, Margate.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 2 January 1875.
Mr. Charles Allen, of the "Brewers Arms," applied for a temporary
endorsement of his license until the next transfer day, in favour of
Michael James Harlow, and the application was granted.
From Reynolds's Newspaper (London, England), Sunday, June 7, 1896; Issue 2391.
Michael J. Harlow, landlord of the
"Brewers' Arms," High-Street, Margate, committed suicide on Friday
afternoon by shooting himself through the head. The deceased was
formerly a well-known bookmaker and a member of several sporting clubs
in London, but owing to heavy losses in connection with the turf he gave
up his business some months ago, and since then he had been in a very
depressed condition. It is conjectured that the unfortunate man had lost
heavily through betting on the Derby.
Thanet Times, Tuesday 5 March 1968.
Publican goes on trial for receiving whisky' charge.
A Margate publican was sent for trial to Kent Quarter Sessions by
Margate Court on Friday, accused of receiving 106 bottles of Whisky, 48
1/2 bottles of whisky and 11 cardboard cartons, belong to British
He was Henry Gulliver, of the "Brewers Arms" public house, High Street,
Margate, who was given £50 bail to appear at Quarter Sessions on 1st
In the dock with him was Colin Richard Mandeville of St. Mildreds Road,
Westgate who was charged with receiving 106 bottles and 48 1/2 bottles
of whisky belonging to British Railways, between 29th December and 6th
For Gulliver Mr. A. J. Radford said his client wished to be tried by
Margate Court but the magistrate (Mr. T. Eden) ruled that the case
should go for trial.
Mandeville and Allen Joseph Paul Burns, of Grosvenor Place, Margate,
were charged with breaking into the store of Birchington Engineering Co.
Ltd. and stealing 9cwt of brass rods worth £200, between 27 and 31
There were also accused of breaking into the store of Jean Joseph Vigon
at Broadstairs between 17 and 20 January, and stealing 52 bottles of
whisky, 25 bottles of gin, 10 bottles of rum, 11 bottles of brandy and
21 bottles of mixed spirits, plus a number of half-bottles of spirits,
cigarettes and money to the total value of £450.
Both men were sent for trial to Kent Quarter Sessions commencing 1
April, and each was bailed in £50 with one surety of £100.
I believe the pub was forced to close permanently some time during WW2
due to bomb damage although the closed pubs project says it closed in the
1970 and has since been demolished. Local knowledge required here please.
BISHOP Henry 1838-51+
(also brewer age 50 in 1851 ) 
CULMER John 1858-70+ also brewer
ALLEN James 1871-Jan/75
(age 44 in 1871 ) 
HARLOW Michael James Jan/1875-Apr/96 dec'd
(also manufacture of mineral water age 38 in 1891)
EASTON Joseph Henry 1901-03+ (age 46 in 1901 )
AMES Thomas 1911-13+
(age 46 in 1911 )

OWEN Edgar French 1929+
GRINSTEAD Charles 1930-38+
GULLIVER Henry 1968+
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
Isle of Thanet Williams Directory 1849
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1862
From the Post Office Directory 1867
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Kelly's Directory 1890
From the Post Office Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Kelly's Directory 1930
From the Kelly's Directory 1938