Page Updated:- Friday, 10 May, 2024.


Earliest  1514-


Open 2020+

Broadway (The Street 1881Census)


01892 890260

Chequers 1905

Above postcard, date 1905, kindly sent by Mark Jennings.

Chequers 1920

Above postcard, 1920, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Chequers 1921

Above photo, 1921.

Chequers 1931

Above postcard, circa 1931, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Chequers 1943

Above photo, 1943. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Chevrolet SWB 15cwt lorries (fitted with the longer No.12 cabs) parked up outside the Chequers, with a well-loaded Bren Gun Carrier passing them by. These vehicles almost certainly belonged to a Canadian unit, probably an infantry brigade on manoeuvres locally.

Chequers 1948

Above photo 1948.

Chequers 1956

Above photo, circa 1956, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Chequers 1956

Above postcard, circa 1956, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Chequers 1949

Above photo, circa 1949, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Chequers 2010

Above photo 2010 by Oast House Archives Creative Commons Licence.

Chequers sign 1973Chequers sign 1996

Above sign left 1973, sign right 1996.

With thanks from Roger Pester

Chequers sign 2021

Above sign left 2010. Sign right 2021.

Chequers 2014

Above photos, 19 April 2014, taken by Eric Hartland.

Chequers 2021

Above Google image, September 2021.


Kentish Chronicles, 30 May, 1794.

On Tuesday the 8th, a mad dog was found in the "Chequers Inn" stable, Lamberhurst, where there were six horses, two of which were bit; when first discovered it immediately set off, but on being pursued, and after having bit two other dogs, it was killed.

One of the horses died on the 15th of this month. The circumstances should caution all owners of dogs to secure or destroy them the instant they are known to be bit, which will prevent the very fatal consequences that frequently happen by there being suffered to range about the country afterwards.


South Eastern Gazette 30 November 1841.


Nov. 21, at Lamberhurst, Mrs. Mary Eastland, of the "Chequers Inn," in the 82nd year of her age.


From the Kentish Gazette, 29 February 1848.


Feb. 12, Mr. Edward Eastland, many years landlord of the "Chequers Inn," Lamberhurst, in his 55th year.


Kent Times, 12 April 1862.

Starvation Of A Blind Idiot.

A shocking case of starvation, under circumstances of peculiar aggravation, if reports are to be relied upon, has just occurred at this place. Ann Padgham, who formerly cohabited with a man at Tunbridge Well, has for some months past lived with her parents here, who are in easy circumstances, her father being a master carpenter. Their daughter brought home with her an illegitimate child — a poor, blind, idiotic creature. It appears that the little innocent has been neglected by its mother and her parents, and has been cared for more by the neighbours than by those who ought to have felt more interest in it. From information he received, Superintendent Dance, of the Tonbridge division, with two of his men, went to the house of the Padghams recently, to make inquiries about the matter. He found the child lying almost dead in a packing ease, on a tick in a back room, where there was no fire. It presented a tearful spectacle. It was a perfect skeleton — its legs were drawn up to the chin, its arms were emaciated and rigid, and the bones nearly protruded through the skin. Mr. Dance immediately placed the child in the care of Mr. Martin, the relieving officer, and Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Graham, surgeons, promptly attended to it. Both medical men at once expressed their strong opinion that the state of the child had been caused by a want of proper nourishment. The child was removed to the house of a neighbour named Baily, where it died, on Sunday last. On Thursday an inquest was held at the "Chequers Inn," Lamberhurst, on the body of the child and it appeared from the evidence adduced that the child was born blind and idiotic, and had been treated for some time after its birth by the medical gentlemen connected with the infirmary at Tunbridge Wells, in which town its mother was living as a married woman. The man with whom she cohabited deserted her in September last, and being left in a state of destitution she returned to her parents. A post mortem examination revealed a thoroughly diseased system which accounted for the wasting of the child; and it was proved that nourishing food had been administered by the mother as it was supplied to her by charitable neighbours. The jury returned a verdict of "Death from natural causes."


From the Kent and Sussex Courier. 2 April 1886.


As occasional license was granted to Mr. W. Beech, of the "Chequers Inn," Lamberhurst, on the occasion of a cattle fair.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 6 February 1914.

Mr Beech senior


The remarkable fact was mentioned on the occasion of the transfer of the license of the "Chequers Inn," Lamberhurst this week from Mr. Beech, sen., to his son Mr. Beech jun., that the license of this old Sussex hostelry has been uninterruptedly held by the Beech family for four centuries. The portrait is that of Mr. Beech, sen,. who has just handed over to his son the destinies of this ancient inn with its record of four hundred years in the Beech family.

Pall Mall Gazette, Saturday 6 September 1913.

Chequers Inn 1913

The Chequers Inn, Lamberhurst, Kent, which contains a bedroom in which Queen Elizabeth once slept, and which was considerably damaged the other day in a motor bus accident.

From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 6 February, 1914.


FRIDAY.— Before Mr. F. Wadham Elers (in the chair), Mr. C. F. Gooch, Sir Robert Thompson, and Mr. H. Edmonds.


The license of the "Chequers Hotel," Lamberhurst, one of the most famous hostelries in Kent, was transferred from Mr. E. Beech to Mr. Beech, junr., his son. The license of the "Cheques" has been held by the Beech family for 400 years.


From the Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser, Friday 14 October 1921.

There was much conviviality at the "Chequers Inn," Lamberhurst, on Tuesday last, when Mr. Alfred Chester Beech, the genial host, received congratulations of numerous friends and customers on the occasion of the diamond jubilee of his family's association with this historic old hostelry. It is just sixty years ago that Mr. Beech's grandfather came from Cranbrook to take over the "Chequers," which flourished in the old coaching days before railways were invented, and is now enjoying the new prosperity which has come to the King's highway with the advent of motors. The "Chequers in a picturesque specimen of the old English Inn with its massive oak timbers, and there has been quite an old-time air of jollity prevailing the place during the present week. That Mr. Beech may long be spared to carry on the hospitable traditions of his grandfather and father has been the wish of his many friends.



EASTLAND Mary 1828-Nov/41 dec'd (age 82 in 1841) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

EASTLAND Edward 1841-Feb/48 dec'd (age 45 in 1841Census)

EASTLAND Mary Feb/1848-51+ (widow also farmer age 48 in 1851Census)

ELLIOTT Henry 1881+ (age 44 in 1881Census)

BEECH W Mr 1886+ Kent and Sussex Courier

BEECH Mr Edwin sen 1901-Feb/1914 (also farmer age 51 in 1901Census) Kent and Sussex Courier

BEECH Mr jun Feb/1914+ Kent and Sussex Courier


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-