Sort file:- Faversham, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 06 May, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1768-

Dolphin Hotel

Latest 1951+

86 Preston Street


Dolphin 1906

Above photo, 1906, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Dolphin Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Dolphin 1920

Above showing the Dolphin Hotel, circa 1920.

Dolphin 1933

Above photo, circa 1933, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Dolphin Hotel date unknown

Dolphin Hotel date unknown.

Position of the Dolphin Hotel

Above picture from Google maps, May 2009 showing the position of the former "Dolphin Hotel."

Dolphin Hotel sign

Above sign left from the "Dolphin Hotel." Date unknown.

Dolphin card 1951

Above aluminium card issued June 1951. Sign series 3 number 12.


I have reference to this pub from the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle September 1768, when the paper advertised the sale of household furniture of Colonel Parr, at his House in Burgate Street, Canterbury. It was stated that catalogues could be obtained from this public house. See Notes of 1768.

This was a free house until (I think) around WW1 when it was acquired by Ash's Dane John Brewery, Canterbury. A series of takeovers saw the Dolphin change ownership several times in the 1920s: Jude, Hanbury's Kent Brewery, Wateringbury acquired Ash's in 1923 and in 1929 the Dolphin became part of the combined tied estate of Jude, Hanbury's, Mackeson's Hythe Brewery and Frederick Leney's Phoenix Brewery in Wateringbury, all of which were under what became known as the infamous Whitbread "umbrella." Many more breweries were persuaded to take shelter under this, never to re-emerge!

In about 1932 the Dolphin was refurbished and when re-opened, it had been liveried up as a Mackeson house, as indeed all the former Jude, Hanbury houses were eventually. The swing sign, however, has Whitbread at the top and this too became standard for all Mackeson and Frederick Leney houses.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday 10 May to Saturday 13 May, 1769. Price 2½d.


At the “Dolphin” at Faversham, in the County of Kent, on Thursday the 25th day of may Instant, between the hours of four and five o'clock in the afternoon.

All that capital Messuage, or Mansion-House, with the Coach-house, Stable, Outhouses, two very large Garden walled and in planted with Choice Fruit-trees, and other Conveniences and Appurtenances thereunto belonging. And also that small Messuage, with the Appurtenances thereto adjoining; all which premises are situate in Preston Street in the town of Faversham, and are now in the occupation of John Collett Mawhood, Esq. or his Undertenants.

For further particulars, enquire Mr. Morgan at Mr. Hinde's, Attorney at Law, at Milton.


From the Kentish Gazette, 11 October 1775.


On Saturday, the 21st of October, at the "Dolphin-Inn," between the Hours of Three and Four in the Afternoon, in one Lot.

One Messuage, with the Appurtenances; situate on the West Side of Court street, in the Town of Faversham; some Time since in the Occupation of Mr. John Clare, Surgeon, deceased, and now untenanted. The Premises consist of a Shop, three Parlours, Kitchen, Wash-house, Cellars and Garrets, Stable, Hayloft, and other Out-buildings, with a good Garden Spot, and Outlet by a Back-gate to any Part of the Town.

Also one other small Messuage; situate in Conduit row, in the Town of Faversham aforesaid, adjoining to the Garden of the other Messuage, and now in the Occupation of John Stone.

The Estate is Freehold, and may he viewed by applying to Mr. Tappenden, Attorney at Law, in Faversham.


From the Kentish Gazette, 10 July 1838.

Faversham, July 6.

The Sessions of the Peace for the town of Faversham took place on Thursday last. John Gibbons was found guilty of stealing a pewter pint pot from the "Dolphin Inn," the property of Mr. J. Hodges.

John Taylor was found guilty of stealing a quantity of coals, the property of Mr. C. Drayson. Both the above prisoners were sentenced to one month’s imprisonment each.

Margaret Heywood charged with stealing two shillings, the property of Thomas Thurston,—acquitted. The prosecutor to pay expenses.


Kentish Gazette, 17 August 1852.



EDWARD PILCHER. (Late of the "Swan Inn," Charing),

RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public that he has taken the "Dolphin Inn," and made extensive improvements in the House and Premium, and an entirely new and lofty Carriage Entrance.

Superior Beds; Viands, Wines, Spirits, and Malt Liquor of the First Quality, at exceedingly moderate charges. Private Sitting Rooms, excellent Coffee and Dining ditto, good Stabling and Carriage Horses.

Omnibuses leave the "Dolphin" daily to meet the Trains at the North Kent Railway Station at Strood.


From the Faversham Gazette, Saturday 4 August 1855.


John Skinner, of the "Dolphin Inn," Preston Street, Faversham, begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has engaged the fast and commodious Steam Boat, the "Alma," for an aquatic excursion to Rochester, on Thursday next, August 9, 1855.

The boat will leave the Standard Quay, at eight o'clock, a.m. and arrive at Rochester at half-past ten. On her return she will leave Strood Pier at a quarter before six, and Chatham at six, p.m., in order to arrive before darkness sets in.

The company will have the gratification of witnessing the ships of war at Sheerness, and also the gun-boats and floating batteries which are destined to strike terror in the strongholds of our common enemy; after which they will proceed up the Medway (which nature has blest with unparalleled picturesque scenery) to Rochester, where a deputation from the ancient city will be in readiness to receive them, and to offer their services in conducting them over the venerable Cathedral, the antique Castle, and other ancient buildings in the vicinity. Chatham Dock-yard will also be open for their inspection.

J. S. has entered into arrangements with the Railway authorities, to transfer any of his patrons to the fashionable resort at Rosherville, at a small additional charge.

The Packet, accompanied by an excellent Band engaged for the occasion, will arrive at the Standard Quay, Faversham.

N. B. Refreshments of every description may be obtained on board, at the most reasonable charges.

A Convivial Meeting will be held on the evening prior to, and on the arrival of, the Excursionists, at the "Dolphin Inn," at which the band will attend.


From the Faversham Gazette, Saturday 25 August 1855.


A fire which might have been attended with very serious consequences was discovered at the "Dolphin Inn," about six o'clock on Friday morning, in a bed-room, in which two of the landlord's children sleep. It appears that the eldest, a boy about 10 years of age, was dressing at the time, and trod on a lucifer match, which instantaneously set the bed clothes on fire. The little fellow had the presence of mind to pull his younger sister, who was asleep at the time, out of the flames, and immediately gave alarm. The fire was quickly extinguished by Mr. Skinner, with the assistance of his ostler, but not until the bed furniture and the child's clothes had been consumed.


From the Faversham Gazette, and Whitstable, Sittingbourne, and Milton Journal, Saturday 13 October, 1855.


Preston Street, Faversham.

John Skinner begs to return his sincere thanks to those friends who have so kindly supported him since taking the above Inn, and at the same time assures then that they will ever be his constant endeavour to deserve the encouragement he now solicits.

Superior Wines and Spirits, Good Stabling and carriage Houses.


From FAVERSHAM GAZETTE 16 February 1856.


John Skinner Begs to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he has purchased a considerable quantity of Wine and Spirits, which he now offers for Sale at the Lowest Prices.

Faversham Gazette, 26 April, 1856.

April 19, at Biddenden, the wife of Mr. Edward Pilcher, late of the "Dolphin Inn," Preston-street, Faversham.


Faversham Gazette, 14 June, 1856.


On Saturday evening last, a man of respectable appearance named Watson, was charged before the Mayor. R. G. Stone, Esq., and W. P. Hoare, Esq., with having obtained various articles of wearing apparel from Mr. Willson, clothier, Market-street, under fraudulent pretences. There were several tradesmen of the town present during the examination, who we understand had been induced to part with their goods on the prisoner’s representations.

Mr. Sharp, manager for Mr. Willson, clothier, Market-street, stated, that about the 26th of May last, the prisoner came to his shop and looked out various articles of clothing, which he ordered to be sent to him at the house lately occupied by Henry Barnes, Esq., which he said he had taken. He also represented that he was engineer on the line of Railway between Sittingbourne and Faversham, and he certainly should not have parted with his goods had he not believed that statement to be true. He, the prisoner, came some days afterwards to the shop, when he measured him for a coat, and other articles. Since then, from what he had heard, he had reason to believe that the prisoner had nothing whatever to do with the railway. He had not been paid for the articles he had supplied.

A lad named Theobalds, in the employ of Mr. Willson, proved the delivery of the goods.

The Mayor:— This is rather a serious charge against you, Mr. Watson — what explanation can you give us?

The prisoner stated what he had said was correct — that he was employed on the line, which he could prove if he was allowed time to communicate with his friends.

This the Bench consented to, and he was remanded till Tuesday last.

At the close of the examination, Mr. John Skinner, landlord of the "Dolphin Inn," begged to be allowed to address a few observations to the magistrates relative to this case. He said that there was an impression prevailing amongst some of the inhabitants, that he had been improperly harbouring the prisoner in his house. He begged to be allowed to say that the only end he had in view, in keeping him there, was that of ascertaining in what position he really was placed — and that if he were not what he had represented himself to be, he might be found, and dealt with accordingly.

On Tuesday last the prisoner was again brought up, and remanded till yesterday evening, owing to his not having received the communications he expected.

Yesterday evening he was again brought before the Mayor, when the proceedings against him were withdrawn, his friends having made satisfactory arrangements with the different tradesmen by whom he had been furnished with goods.

Upon his being discharged from custody the Mayor addressed him in forcible terms, impressing upon him what must inevitably be the end of such a line of conduct as he had been pursuing, and urging upon him the necessity of taking warning from the circumstances in which he had recently been placed.


Faversham Gazette, 27 September, 1856.



(Before Charles Harwood, Esq., Judge.)

This was an action for goods sold and delivered to the amount of £5 15s. Mr. Johnson for the plaintiff, who resides at Bath, and Mr. M'Carthy Stephenson for defendant, who is landlord of the "Dolphin Inn," Preston-street.

Charles Davis stated that he had taken an order of the defendant, at his house, for some chairs, at £2 15s. each, which were afterwards sent to him by rail.

Mr. Johnson then produced letters from the defendant, acknowledging the receipt of the goods, and promising to send a post-office order for the amount.

Mr. Stephenson submitted to the court that, in the absence of the defendant, he was not fully able to prove his case; but should call a witness who would shew that the chairs were not of the value set upon them by the plaintiff.

His Honour remarked that nothing would avail the defendant after the admission he had made by letter for the plaintiff.

Judgment for £5 15s. and costs of witness from Bath.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 7 September 1867. Price 1d.


Faversham Juniors v. Sittingbourne and Borden Juniors.

The return match between the above was played on the ground at St. Ann's Road, last Monday, resulting in a victory for Faversham, as the subjoined score shows. In the evening the players took tea together at Mr. Rogers', "Dolphin Inn," and spent an hour or two in innocent enjoyment. It should be stated that the match was played for a ball, which was exhibited in the tea room, decorated with blue ribbon.


On Thursday May 28, 1908 a fire started in the early hours of the morning around from the premises fronting the Market Street area on the south to the rear of the "Dolphin Hotel." The fire spread behind Preston Street as far as the "Dolphin Hotel" where the scullery and harness room were burned. Behind the corner of the street, the printing works of Messrs Voile and Roberson suffered damage and a corporation cottage was burned. The premises most severely damaged were those of Henry S. Tett and J. H. Curling.

The area today is the main car park to the town.

Faversham fire 1908

The above photograph show fire-fighters in action, although the picture was actually mocked up after the fire had been extinguished.

Faversham fire 1908

Above photo showing the aftermath and extent of the fire in 1908.


The Dundee Courier and Advertiser, Friday 29 August, 1947.

Widowed on her wedding day.

Donald James Thompson (29), of the "Dolphin Hotel," Faversham, died a few hours after his marriage. His bride was Miss Freda Robinson (23), Gravesend.

Before their wedding at Gravesend, Mr. Thompson complained of feeling unwell. He appeared better at the reception. He and his bride later left for Greenhithe, where they were to stay the night at the home of the bride's brother.

Shortly after arriving there Mr. Thompson became ill. He was put to bed and died while the bride was reading telegrams of good wishes.


Hull Daily Mail, Friday 29 August 1947.

No inquest will be held on Donald Thompson (29), of the "Dolphin Hotel," Faversham, who died a few hours after his marriage to Miss Freda Robinson, of Gravesend, at Holy Trinity Church, Gravesend. Death was due to natural causes.


From an email received 16 January 2020.

Mark Whyman kindly sent me the picture below of a salt-glazed flagon with the name John Hodges, Faversham printed on it. That would date it to circa 1840.

John Hodges flagon 1840



PAGE Robert 1794+ (Faversham Society)

THISELTON Thomas 1824-32+ Pigot's Directory 1824Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

HODGES John 1840+ Pigot's Directory 1840

SCOTT John 1851+ (age 34 in 1851Census)

Last pub licensee had PILCHER Edward 1855+ Next pub licensee had Post Office Directory 1855

SKINNER John 1855-56+

HOGBEN Edward 1858-62+ (age 35 in 1861Census) Melville's 1858Kelly's 1862

ROGERS John Joseph 1871-82+ (age 58 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1882

ELTHAM Charles 1888-93+ Swinock's Faversham Directory (age 45 in 1891Census)

YEOMANS Henry 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903

DALLY W 1908-13+ (Guide to Faversham 1908)Post Office Directory 1913

SPENCER Chas Geo Spencer 1930+ Post Office Directory 1930


Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Post Office Directory 1855From the Post Office Directory 1855

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Kelly's 1862From the Kelly's Directory 1862


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Swinock's Faversham DirectorySwinock's Faversham Directory 1888

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Pikes 1908From Pikes 1908

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-