Sort file:- Whitstable, November, 2021.

Page Updated:- Monday, 01 November, 2021.


Earliest ????


Latest 1938-

6 (12Kelly's 1903) Victoria Street


Victoria Street 1941

Above photo showing Victoria Street after the bombings of October 1941. I do not know whether the "Globe" is shown in this shot. Kind permission given from Kent Photo Archive.

Globe Inn location

Above photo 2018 kindly sent by Garth Wyver. The lockup garages is approximately the site of the "Globe Inn." All buildings shown are post WW2.


The bomb in October 1941 fell on a fish and chip shop and did damage to buildings in Victoria and Regent Streets.

The magnetic mine that was dropped during WW2 landed directly onto 10 Victoria Street, W. R. Tilly's Fish and Chip shop. The corner of Victoria and Regent. Much of Victoria Street, was destroyed from Harbour Street, to St Peters Road.

This would include 6 Victoria Street, Herbert Harman Hairdresser. The same address of the "Globe" given in the census taken late 1800s. Also listed in the 1938 directory is 6a, (The Old Shed) Foreman, G. W. Furniture dealer. I can imagine that shed belonging to the "Globe."

Conclusion, the "Globe" had closed prior to 1938.

As time allows and I find or are sent further information or pictures regarding this pub I will be adding further information to this page. I am certainly interested in any old photographs you may have, or information regarding licensees names and years of service.

If anything is incorrect on these pages, please let me know. Your help is appreciated.


From the Canterbury Journal and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 6 October, 1906.


Mr. R. M. Mercer applied for this licence, and Mr. Gibson said the house was extremely small.

Superintendent Jacobs said the "Sovereign" and the "Fountain" were close to the "Globe," which was situated in the congested area. The "Globe" was totally unsuited for the trade, it being only a cottage.

In reply to Mr. Mercer, witness said during recent years all the building at the back of the "Globe" had taken place. He thought the house was required if it were rebuilt. he had seen the plans produced and if the house was reconstructed he thought it would certainly be wanted.

Mr. Mercer said he was appealing to Messrs. Flint in three houses at Whitstable and three elsewhere, and he hoped if they gave up two, the Bench would grant four. he did not seriously intent to fight the case of the "Royal Native" at Whitstable and the "Providence" at Folkestone. he trusted the Committee would show their sympathy to Messrs. Flint who had received a great knock in having so many notices of objection served up on them. In regard top the "Globe," Whitstable, he submitted that it should be re-licensed as the Superintendent of Police had said if reconstructed it would be necessary.

The Committee refused to renew the licence.



TRITTON Edward 1881-82+ (age 49 in 1881Census)

TILLY James 1889-91+ (age 48 in 1891Census)

SANDERS Matthew 1901-03+ (age 53 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903Electoral Register


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


Electoral RegisterElectoral Register


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
