Sort file:- Ramsgate, March, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 26 March, 2024.


Earliest 1840-

Golden Ball

Closed ????

11 Union Street (Regent Street 1841)


Golden Ball 1930s

Above photo, 1930s, kindly sent by Michael Mirams.


The "Golden Ball" adjoined, and was owned by, Edgar Austen's Regent Brewery, in a working-class maze of terraced cottages. It was rebuilt in the 1930s, when dances were held nightly, with occasional bean-feasts, in a large hall at the rear of the pub.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 8 September, 1860.


On Monday last the annual licensing meeting was held for the district. There were five applications for new licenses.

Ann Austen, "Golden Ball," Regent-street, Ramsgate.

Mr. Mourilyan jun., appeared for the applicant, and Mr. L. Daniel opposed on behalf of the landlords of seven licensed houses in the district. Mr. Mourilyan having shortly stated the facts, Mr. Daniel in opposition said, this was the third application and there were no new facts to justify the Magistrates in altering their former opinion. Mr. Mourilyan, in reply, made a strong and energetic appeal on behalf of his client, stating that she and her late husband had carried on the business of beer-sellers in this house for 25 years without a complaint, that the memorial in support was signed by all the immediate neighbours, and that the opposition was only that of other landlords in the vicinity.

The Magistrates however refused the application.


From Kentish Gazette 11 September 1860.


Ann Austin, "Golden Ball," Ramsgate. Her and husband had held the premises between 20 and 30 years without complaint. Other licensees objected & licence refused.


South Eastern Gazette, 11 September, 1860.

Innkeepers’ Licenses.

At the annual general licensing meeting held at Sandwich on Monday.

There were three applications for new licenses — the "Marine Hotel," lately erected by Lady Truro, on the East Cliffe; the "Kent Arms," Camden-road, and the "Golden Ball," at the rear of Hardres; the first only was granted.


South Eastern Gazette, 11 September, 1860.


The annual general licensing meeting was held at the Guildhall on Monday. The following applications were made for new licences:—

Ann Austen, for the "Golden Ball," Ramsgate, supported by Mr. Mourilyan, jun., and opposed by Mr. Daniel. Refused.


Kentish Gazette, 29 March, 1870.

Threatening to Shoot a Partner.

At the Police Court last week, before General Williams, R. E. (chairman); Major-General Sir W. M. Coghlan, K. C. B., and Major Wilkie, John Hodgman, painter, was called upon to show cause why he should not be bound over to keep the peace towards William Newport.

Mr. W. C. L. Bowling appeared for the complainant.

William Newport, the complainant, having been sworn, deposed:- I am a painter, and live at No. 17. Wellington-crescent; I have known the defendant since we were boys - we were apprenticed together. We have been in partnership for three years past; the partnership was dissolved the day before yesterday. On Thursday morning I went to the defendant respecting the accounts, and from 6 to 12 o'clock we went through the books; we again met in the afternoon at the shop. For about ten minutes we went into partnership matters there, and afterwards we went to Prospect-row to finish a job. When that was done we went to view a piece of land (90ft.), part of the partnership property, and afterwards we proceeded to the "Golden Ball" public-house to make arrangements for dividing it and to "square-up" some outstanding accounts. While we were there a slight dispute arose respecting an item in one of the accounts, and I said: "Don't have any piece-o'-work about it; let's part good friends. Put it into the hands of an accountant for settlement." As soon as I had said this the defendant rose up in a great rage, and catching up the poker from the fireplace tried to strike me over the head with it, threatening to knock my brains out. He afterwards went towards the shop, and I went there also, but by a different road. When I got to the shop I entered the door and saw the defendant inside with a gun in his hand. He called out at the bottom of the stairs, "Johnny, bring me down a cap directly." Defendant was then calling to his son; the boy brought down a gun-cup, which he gave to his father, who placed it on the nipple. He then pointed the gun at me, and at the same moment his wife came down stairs and tried to take it away from him. When defendant capped the gun he swore he would shoot my brains out; he also said he would be the death of me before I went to bed that night. His wife persuaded me to get out of his way, and I went home. In consequence of these threats I go in fear of bodily injury from him, and pray that the Bench will bind him over to keep the peace.

Charles Dodd, painter, said:- I live at Brunswick-street, and was in Mr. Hodgman’s shop yesterday afternoon about five o'clock. Defendant was also there, and on seeing complainant go by the shop some distance off, he swore he would shoot him. He had a gun in his hand at the time.

To the defendant:- I did not see a cap on the gun, in fact I did not notice whether it had a cap on it or not.

Mr. Hodgeman, on being called upon for his defence, denied the complainant's statement that the gun was capped; he also said it was unloaded, and Newport knew it was only done to frighten him. The Bench had no idea what he had had to put up with for the past three years, through the complainant's drunken habits; he had tantalised him to such a degree that he realty could not put up with it any longer.

Mr. Howling, in reply, said his client had been a teetotaller for the past four months. General Williams said that even supposing the defendant's statements were true that would not justify him in committing the offence of which he had been guilty. The beach had decided to require him to be bound over in his own recognizance's of £40, and to find two sureties of £20 each, to keep the peace for six mouths. They also reminded him of the very narrow escape he had had on account of the complainant’s leniency, stating that, had he been proceeded against under another statute, they would have been obliged to commit him to the sessions for trial. This should be a caution to him not to trifle with firearms in future.

Messrs. Tom Hodgman and Robert May were accepted as the defendant's sureties, and the case, which excited considerable interest, was brought to a conclusion.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 23 September 1916.

Due to the War.

Temporary authority to sell at the "Golden Ball," Union Street, Ramsgate, was granted on Monday to Mr. William Wilson Copus. The tenant, Mr. John Fairhall (who is leaving to manage the farm of his son, called to the Colours), was excused attendance on transfer day.

The application was made by Mr. J. W. Scarlet.


East Kent Times and Mail, Friday 4 January 1957.

Policeman struck in public house raid at Ramsgate. But the licensee knew these premises were under observation. Before the court were Ernest Sadler, and Mrs. Eva Hobbs, of the "Golden Ball" public house, Union Street, Ramsgate. Harry Morris Jenner, a miner, of Kingston Road, Ramsgate, and Lewis Sydney Crow, a U.S.A.F. fireman of Kingston Road, Ramsgate.

Sadler pleaded not guilty to selling liquor after hours on 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th November, and not guilty of selling liquor by his agent after hours on 25th November.

Mrs. Hobbs pleaded not guilty to aiding and abetting Sadler in the offences on 22nd, 24th, and 25th November.

Jennera and Crow pleaded guilty to drinking intoxicating liquor during other than permitted hours on 25th November. Crow entered the plea of not guilty on a charge of assaulting P.S. H. G. Jenner at the "Golden Ball" on the same night.

The magistrates found the case against all defendants proved and fined Sadler £25 and ordered him to pay £10 10s. costs. Hobbs was fined £6, Jenner £2 and crow £2 on the after-hours drinking summons and £5 on the assault charge.

P.C. Haig said he was one of the policeman on observation duty. Observation was kept by standing on some steps behind a wall on the far side of the wall to the public house, and through clear panes of glass in a window. Between the public house and the wall there was a narrow alleyway.

Saw into bar.

From his position he could see into the bar, and saw people being served with drinks after hours. He saw money being handed across the counter and heard the sound of a till being rung up.

He could hear the conversation in the bar from time to time.

P.C. Haig said he kept observation from 10:20 p.m. until 1:35 a.m. on 21st November. He again kept observation on 24th November. On 25th November, with Inspector Martin, P.S. Jenner and P.C. Rickles, he entered the premises and went straight through into the bar Crow said. "No, I do not want any trouble," and gave his name as Bob Herbert.

When asked if his name was Crow, defendant replied "You know ------- well it is." Crow refused to give his name and address, tried to push past witness, and also tried to throw a glass at him. Witnessed try to restrain him.

Crow turned to defendant Jenner and said, "Come on Harry, let's get out," and dragged defendant Jenner over the door. Defendant Jenner ran out into the street, while witness was trying to restrain Crow, who was striking P.S. Jenner.

P.C. Haigh said Crow struck P.C. Jenner twice in the chest and shoulder. He was restrained and taken to the
police station.
Cross-examined by Mr. S. E. L. Macaskie, defending Sadler and Hobbes, P.C. Haig said Jenner also watch from the steps and came up on the steps.

Said Mr. Macaskie, "Almost like a trapeze act wasn't it?"

P.C. Jones also gave evidence on observations he had kept and of seeing people drinking after hours.

To Mr. Macaskie's question that he could not have seen through the window, which must have been misted up, P.C. Jones replied. "Then the whole of my evidence must have been perjury."

Mr. Macaskie.:- "You said it, officer.

Mr. N. K. Cooper, prosecuting:- Are you making that suggestion, Mr. Macaskie?

Mr. Macaskie:- No, I am not making any suggestion whatsoever.

When shown a photograph taken through the bar windows, which shows that they were misted up, P.S. Jenner commented. "It is a very bad photograph."

Mr. Macaskey:- I took it myself.

P.S. Jenner said he had known Crow for a long time, and knew that if he had drink he lost himself. "I thought, by speaking to him, he would have taken notice of me," said the sergeant.

After the police had entered the premises inspector Martin said he saw Sadler who was at Manston. Told he would be reported Sadler said, "O.K. that will have to be proved in court.


In court, Sadler denied that drinks were sold after hours, and said his staff and he usually had supper in the bar after closing time. There was a fire and also a wireless set in the bar, which they listened to. Any drinks that were had was paid for by him. No one else brought any drinks.

The windows that the police looked through were dirty and did get misted up. Cross-examined by Mr. Cooper Sadler said he knew the police were keeping observations on 24th. He saw them looking through the window. He went out to fetch them and, but did not see them.

Mr. Cooper:- Either the police are telling lies or else you are telling lies to the court. Is there any reason why the police should commit perjury?

Sadler:- I don't know why they should do it.

Mrs. Hobbs also denied the offences.

No drinking.

Mrs. Anne Foley, of Hardres Street, and Mr. George Day, of Petham Common, near Canterbury, said they saw no drinking out-of-hours.

Crow strongly denied attempting to throw a glass at a policeman, or hitting P.C. Jenner. He thought he might have lurched against P.C. Jenner in a struggle, but he never wilfully hit him. He also denied giving a false name.

He maintained that a policeman seized his tie and he was choking for breath.

Mr. Robert McKelvie, of Hardres Street, said he never saw Crow lift a glass at a policeman or hit P.S. Jenner.

Mrs. Barbara Crow, defendant's wife, said her husband arrived home in a very distressed condition. His pullover was torn and there was a red mark around his neck. He had been having treatment for a nervous disorder.

Addressing the magistrates, Mr. Macaskie said there was a clear conflict of evidence. Sadler had been a licensee for nearly 20 years and the evidence heard was conducted to his innocence. What the police saw through ordinary household glass may have been distorted. There was, he submitted, a reasonable doubt in the case.


In connection with the above case an error, for which our reporter at the court was in no way responsible, appeared in our Wednesday issue.

The reporting in that issue stated in connection with P.C. Haig's evidence, that Crow turned to P.C. Jenner and said "Come on Harry let's get out," and dragged P.C. Jenna over to the door. P.S. Jenner ran out into the street, while witness was trying to restrain Crow, who was striking P.S. Jenner.

In fact the evidence was that Crow turned to the defendant Jenner and dragged him over to to the door, and that it was defendant Jenner, who ran out into the street.




AUSTIN Daniel & William 1841+ (also brewers)

AUSTIN William 1847-51+

AUSTIN Ann 1840-62+ (also ale & port brewer, Regent Brewery, age 48 in 1851Census)

AUSTIN John 1867-91+ (also brewer, age 41 in 1881Census)

AUSTIN Sarah 1901+ (widow age 56 in 1901Census)

WOOD Alfred Frederick 1903+ Kelly's 1903

AUSTIN Frank Nov/1904-07+

Last pub licensee had FAIRHALL John 1913-15+ Next pub licensee had

COPUS William Wilson Sept/1916-22+

SIMMONDS Harry 1929-36+

RATCLIFF Harry C 1938+

JOHNSTON J H Gordon 1939+

HIDER William D 1951+

THOMPSON William Alfred 1953-55+

DARBY A G 1957+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
