81 Addington Street (18-22 Paragon)
Above photo, 1954 by Brian Webber. |
Photo taken in 1958 showing a landslide in an area that was described as the Paragon. |
Above photo, date unknown by Darkstar. |
From an email received 17 November 2021. Hello. I thought you might
like to see this half pint pewter measure which I picked up at a boot
fair in Battersea on Sunday. The marks are: two crown VR marks, one with
the addition of 78 (probably 1878 as these measures were sometimes
officially verified several times), and a Ramsgate excise mark. The
initials are JGJ.
The inscription on the bottom is: J Jackson Paragon Inn Addington St
Ramsgate. I believe this is James E H Jackson who was the landlord (and
also a shipwright) according to the census in the 1880s. There is an
almost identical measure in the V&A which is dated 1835 - when it
received the first VR stamp which became a legal requirement that year -
so I'm thinking that JGJ was probably James's father or grandfather.
Please feel free to use the photos and info. Not bad for a fiver!
Best wishes Ba Penney.
Above pewter mug.
Base of pewter mug. |
The current building was built of the site of the Isabella Baths that can
be traced back to 1816, and became a boarding house called the "Paragon
Hotel." I believe it was built around 1868 and gained a drinks license in
1871. It eventually changed name in 1961 to the "Van
Thanet Advertiser 09 September 1871.
The brewster sessions commenced on Monday, which was set apart for
renewing licenses already granted.
On the second day, set apart for the hearing of applications for fresh
licensee the justices present were E. L. Harrison, Esq. (Mayor), R.
Harrison, Esq., son., R. L. Harrison, Esq., jun., and J. Dorman, Esq.
Mr. Peniston, on behalf of Miss M. L. Gore, proprietress of 21, Paragon,
Ramsgate, a boarding house, applied for a wine license. He stated that
the house had been used as a boarding-house for the last nine years, and
had been under the management of the present applicant for five years.
There was accommodation for forty persons, and the average number all
the year round was about twenty. It appeared to him that he could not
ask for a license unless he could show the magistrates that a refusal
would cause inconvenience to the locality, or to the public, or to any
body corporate. It was very evident that in a house where such a number
of persons resided it must be excessively inconvenient to have to keep
sending out the servants to get wine, and that from twenty to forty
persons would form a portion of the public who would be very much
inconvenienced by the lack of a license. He believed the Bench would see
that in asking for a license for the sale of wine the applicant was
merely asking for what was necessary for the proper carrying on of her
The applicant was then called, and, in addition to the facts stated by
Mr. Peniston, said the house was rented at £200 per annum, and rated, in
her name, at £160. With very few exceptions, her boarders all required
wine at meals.
Superintendent Buss, of the Ramsgate police forces made the objection
that under the Beer-house Act of 1869 the notices of the application
ought to have been posted within twenty-eight days, and they were stated
to have been posted in July.
Mr. Peniston contended that the act had been substantially complied
with, and that as the house had formerly possessed a licence it was
unnecessary to post the notices at all—it was stated that an application
was made last year for a license, which was refused, in consequence of a
complaint by the excise authorities.
The Bench granted the application, subject to the same condition as in
the previous instance.
From the Thanet Advertiser and Echo, 11 March 1949.
Mr. P. Allfree successfully applied for a full publican’s licence for
the "Paragon Inn," Addington street, to take the place of a beer and
wine "on" licence.
Evidence of demand was given by the licensee, Mr. Thomas William Cox,
who put in a petition signed by 50 of his customers.
Thanet Times, Tuesday 23 March, 1965.
Quarter of a century in the same pub.
A quarter of a century in one of Ramsgate oldest streets. That is the
record set up by Mrs. M. C. Cox, licensee of the "Paragon Inn," at
Addington Street.
"I have completed 25 years here last November," she said. "Before
I came here with my husband I worked in several other houses in the
"I learnt the trade in the Refectory on the sea-front in the old
days before it was altered and then I worked at the "Royal Hotel"
and several other places.
Mrs. Cox, who came to Ramsgate from her native Lewisham, was at
one time and active worker for the ladies' auxiliary of the Licensed
Victuallers' Association, and for a couple of years she held office
as secretary.
By her long association with Addington Street she can also claim
to be among of town's oldest established licensees. "I think I must
be one of the longest serving in Ramsgate public houses," she said.
She has seen many changes over the years in the trade. "We have a
good, friendly crowd here and we run a mixed darts team," she said.
In addition to her regular customers, Mrs. Cox, like most people
engaged in trade at the seaside, as a welcome in the summer months
for visiting families who call at her house while on holiday in
JACKSON James E H 1881+ (also shipwright)
SMITH Agnes Mary Mrs 1890-91+
ROSE Henry George 1901-03 (age 43 in 1901 )
(18-22 Paragon)
HORNE William John 1901-07+

BESLEY Emma Jane Mrs 1911-30+ (age 47 in 1911 )
FLEMING Arthur Chapman 1934-39+
COX Thomas William 1949+
COX Marjorie C 1951-65+
From the Kelly's Directory 1903