Page Updated:- Monday, 05 July, 2021.


Earliest 1858-

Pear Tree Inn

Closed 1908

Pegwell Road

Pegwell Bay

Peartree Tavern 1860

Above photo, 1860.

Belle View Tavern

Above postcard kindly sent by Paul Wells, who says the "Pear Tree Inn" is situated underneath "Banger's" sign. Opposite that is the "Belle View Inn."


South Eastern Gazette 13 July 1858.


A Good second-hand 4-motion Beer Engine.

Apply to Mr. D. Carter, "Pear Tree Tavern," Pegwell Bay," near Ramsgate.

From the Thanet Advertiser, 30 July, 1864.



Valuable and Useful Household Furniture, Well Kerb, Bucket and Line, and Effects.


(By order of the Proprietor, the Property changing Owners.)

ON the above Premises, namely PEGWELL COTTAGE, on THURSDAY, August 4th, 1864 at 11 o'clock in the Forenoon precisely, and at the "PEAR TREE TAVERN," at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon of the same day, the whole of the substantial HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS;

Comprising mahogany fourpost and other bedsteds, pallisses, mattresses, feather beds, bolsters and pillows, blankets, counterpanes, mahogany and painted chests of drawers, washstands, and services, dressing tables, toilet glasses, commodes, Kidderminster carpets, Brussels carpets, loo tables, mahogany dining tables, mahogany chairs and couches in hair seating, cane and rush-seat chairs, mantel glasses in gilt frames, kitchen tables and chairs, kitchen utensils in iron, copper and tin, and other useful effects.

The whole to be viewed on the Morning of the Day of Sale, and full particulars had at the Auction and Estate Offices, Grove House, Addington Place, Ramsgate.


East Kent Times and Mail, Wednesday 18 December 1907.

Pear Tree Inn. A beer house at Pegwell.

At the Ramsgate Police Court on Friday, Mr. Thorne Drury applied on behalf of Mr. H. C. Bishop, for temporary authority to sell at the "Pear Tree Inn." Mr. Drury explained that the late tenants, Mr. Bangor, have become bankrupt and had deposited the magistrates' certificate with a money lender as security for an advance. An application was made a few weeks ago for a copy of the certificate and the Bench refused the application. The house was then shut up. It was then intended to apply on the next transfer day for what was technically a fresh grant for Mr. Bishop. At the 11th hour it was discovered by the brewers that Mr. Bishop had been convicted of gaming at a house in which he had previously held the licence at Chislehurst. It was thought fit to withdraw the application, but upon enquiry into the circumstances of the conviction, the brewers found the affair was a very trivial one. It was practically a mere technical offence, because the charge against Mr. Bishop, which by the way was some 4 years ago, was for permitting games of dominoes and "ringing the bull" on 7 different occasions. Although the prosecution proved the offence on each of the 7 days, under the Statues the Bench could have inflicted a fine of £50 for each day the offence was proved, the bench only inflicted a fine of 20s. in respect of all 7 offences, clearly showing that in the opinion of the Bench that they were not convicting him of a serious offence, but merely a technical infringement of the Statute. At the next general licensing meeting the licence was renewed without any comment at all, and not in pursuance of an understanding between the brewers and the Bench that the tenant should be got rid of at the earliest possible moment. Mr. Bishop would tell them that is leaving the house had nothing to do with the conviction. Apart from that conviction Mr. Bishop's references were perfectly unassailable. He had been acting as a manager of a fully licensed house for 18 months on behalf
of the official receiver and therefore it could not be said he was not a fit and proper person to conduct the business of a small beer house. Mr. Bishop had been in Ramsgate 3 weeks or a month and had brought his furniture down with him. It would be hard on a man if that one conviction was going to keep him earning his living, and if the application was refused it would no doubt go against him if he applied for a licence anywhere else. As the Bench would appreciate, the brewers were really making the application, and it was hardly likely they would put forward a man in whom they had not every confidence. Mr. Bishop would be a permanent tenant, and he (Mr. Drury) believed the agreement or the lease have been deposited with the brewers for some days.

Mr. H. C. Bishop then gave evidence. He stated that have been in the licensed victuallers business about 16 years, and it was the only trade he knew. He had held the licence of the "Bull Inn," St. Paul's Cray, of which the Kent Public House Trust were owners. The conviction to which Mr. Drury had referred was in November, 1903, and in the following February his licence was renewed without any comment by the Bench. Later he put in his resignation, but it was not due to any pressure on the part of the owners. Since then he has managed on behalf of the official receiver the "Bickley Hotel," Chislehurst, and was there 18 months.

The Old Bull and Bush.

In answer to the Chief Constable, Mr. Bishop said he'd also managed his father's house, the "Bull and Bush" at Hampstead and also the "Wagon and Horses" at Surbiton. He did not disclose at first the conviction to the brewers and police because he thought it was such a trivial offence, and he had since had his licence renewed.

Are you prepared to take a house with a poor trade if the magistrates decide to schedule it for compensation at Quarter Sessions?


Are you putting in any money if your own?

No. Only the fixtures and furniture.

Mr. Drury said the house was perfectly empty.

The Chief Constable said he thought it only just for the applicant to say that, apart from the matter mentioned, all the other references which the applicants had produced, extending over a period of 10 years were highly satisfactory.

Mr. Drury mentioned that the brewers had redeemed the certificate of licence.

Mr. Weigall (to applicant):- Do you know the neighbourhood of Pegwell Bay?

Applicant:- I have been living there for 6-weeks.

Then you must know that there are more public houses there than the needs of the inhabitants require?

I think it will be a living for me.

The Chairman:- There is a possibility, perhaps more than a possibility, of this house being scheduled.

Mr. Water Lister, managers for Messs's. Gardener of Ash, said they are prepared to accept Mr. Bishop as a tenant, and the the intimation that have fallen from Mr. Jones as to the possibility of the house being scheduled would not affect their decision in any way.

Captain Vaile asked if there was any inconvenience from the house being closed.

Mr. Drury said the house did a summer trade.

Mr. Lister said the place had been shut up since the middle of October, but it had done a very good tread - 2 barrels a week.

Mr. Banger, the former lessee, said he did not object to the transfer.

The Mayor of Ramsgate (who was in the chair) said the Bench desired time to point out that there was every possibility to the premises being scheduled. If in the face of that, the tenant was prepared to go on, they would grant him temporary authority but it must be on the understanding that he must not come there presently and say that it was led to suppose that something else would happen.

Mr. Drury pointed out that the statement that the house was going to be scheduled was embarrassing to the brewers.

The Mayor said the statement was only made out of kindness to the tenants.

Mr. Drury said no doubt the Bench appreciated the brewers point of view. Presuming the application had not been granted it would have put them in a very awkward position.

Mr. Bishop was granted temporary authority.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 24 October, 1908.


The supplemental meeting of the East Kent Licensing Committee met at the Sessions House, Longport, Canterbury, on Monday for the purpose of considering claims for compensation under the Licensing Act of 1904. Lord Harris presided, the other members of the Committee present being Lieut.-Colonel S. Newton-Dickenson, Messrs. F. H. Wilbee, H. Fitzwalter Plumptre, J. H. Monins. F. E. Burke, F. Cheesmsn, and A. Flint. The majority of the agreements as to terms of compensation between owners and tenants were signed, only four cases being referred to the Inland Revenue. The following agreements were signed:—

"Pear Tree," Pegwell, Gardner and Co. £497, H. C. Bishop £10.



From an email received 19 August 2013.


I live in what was the old "Pear Tree inn" in Pegwell Road, Ramsgate. From what I understand it was a licensed, seasonal beer house operating from c.1859 to its closure in 1908 when there was a general clampdown on beerhouses which were blamed for a lot of the general anti-social behaviour in the town.

I believe it was owned by the Gardner's brewery of Ash, as well as housing the potted shrimp factory of Samuel Banger.

It still has the original pub doors with 'Public Bar' engraved on the decorative frosted glass panes, and after I recently removed the ceiling in the cellar, the original beer hatch is still there complete with rotting rope attached.

It apparently attracted large crowds in the summer who could also enjoy concerts in the small room over the bar.

Kind regards

Vince Runacre




CARTER Daniel 1858-61+ (age 33 in 1861Census)

FIFE Emily Miss 1867+

BANGER Samuel 1890s-1903+

BISHOP H C to 1908



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
