Sort file:- Ashford, January, 2025.

Page Updated Ashford:- Friday, 17 January, 2025.


Earliest ????

Prince of Orange

Demolished 2018

111 New Street


Prince of Orange

Above photo, date and names unknown, also showing the "Prince Albert."

Prince of Orange 1952

Above photo circa 1952, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Prince of Orange 1970

Above photo, 1970.

Gravel Walk 1972

Above photo showing Gravel Walk in 1972, before the area was given made into a car-park. The rear of the "Prince Albert" and "Prince of Orange" can be seen on the right, with the long lost "Engineer" being the white building on the left.

Prince of Orange

Above photo date unknown by Chris Excell Creative Commons Licence.

Prince of Orange sign 1991

Above sign September 1991 with thanks from Brian Curtis


The census of 1871 described the premises as a beer house.

I have been informed that this pub amalgamated with the one next door, and both buildings were then called the "Prince Albert."

The building is now (2014) closed and boarded up and was demolished in 2018.

Allan Ward tell me that the pub used to have the local name of the "Three Ones" due to it's address of 111 New Street.


Kentish Gazette, 4 January, 1876. (Ashford)


On Thursday evening an inquest was held at the "Prince of Orange", New Street, before the Coroner Delasaux, touching the death of an elderly woman named Ann Rumsey, wife of John Rumsey, bricklayer, in the South Eastern Railway Company's employ, who was found dead under the following circumstances:-

Police constable Henry Deposed: At half-past five o'clock late evening, in consequence of information I received, I went to the house occupied by the deceased and her husband in Engineer Place. I found the deceased lying huddles up, head downwards, at the bottom of the stairs, fully dressed, and quite dead. There was a candlestick and some pieces of candle about half way up the stairs, leading me to infer that she had fallen down in going up to bed. All the doors were fastened on the inside.

Edwin Stevens, occupying the house next door to the deceased, deposed:- About twelve o'clock on Tuesday night I was awakened from my sleep by a noise as of some person having fallen down in the next house. I observed to my wife that I feared "the old lady" had fallen out of bed. I felt fidgety about the matter, and I got out of bed and struck a light, but I heard nothing more, and I went to bed again. I knew the deceased's husband was away at work on the line that night.

Mr. Charles Arthur Nason, surgeon, who was called to see the deceased, said:- I found her lying in the room at the foot of the stairs. She appeared to have been dead some hours. From her appearance and the position in which she was lying I believed she died from suffocation.

The jury returned a verdict of accidental death from Suffocation.


Kentish Express, Friday 22 August 1980.

Publican Fined for VAT Offences.

A pub landlord was fined £890 for failing to make VAT returns.

Mr. Brian Spike, of the "Prince of Orange" in New Street, Ashford, was not present in court.

A Customs and Excise officer said that Mr. Spike had already been fined £357 in 1978 and £385 earlier this year. It was asked that the maximum penalty be imposed for this latest offence.

The officer said the current assessment of revenue due from Mr. Spike was expected to be more than £500.

The magistrates imposed the maximum fine, with £35 costs.


Kentish Express, Thursday 8 April 1982.


Vandal smashed and etched window at the "Prince of Wales" pub, New Street, Ashford causing £400 worth of damage.




SAUNDERS Thomas 1861-81+ (aged 49 in 1861Census) Post Office Directory 1862Post Office Directory 1874

TAYLOR Arthur 1891+ Census

BROAD Albert 1901-03+ (age 38 in 1901Census) Post Office Directory 1903

POUNE Victor Emmanuel 1911+ (age 46 in 1911Census)

WRIGHT William 1918+ Post Office Directory 1918

WAITE William 1938+ Post Office Directory 1938

SPIKE Brian 1980+


Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-