Sort file:- Ramsgate, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 18 September, 2021.


Earliest 1845-

Railway Tavern

Latest 1961

(Name to)

76 Chatham Street, Edgar Place, Shah Place (Mill Hill 1851Census)


Railway Tavern 1926

Above photo, 1926.


Michael Mirams informs me that the pub was renamed the "Rocket" in the 1950s and eventually closed in 1970. The premises later operated as a laundrette, but now (2015) is a private residence.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 20 September 1845.


Ellis Cameron, the man who is performing the 1000 miles in 1000 hours, starting, as the clock strikes, from the "Railway Tavern," continues to be confident in himself that he shall be able to complete it. He commenced this undertaking on Monday, 18th August, at 11 in the morning, and up to Saturday morning the 13th inst., at 11, he had completed 624 miles.

Ramsgate at this time is very much enlivened by the numerous visitors adjourning there should the weather continue fine, it is likely to be more than full.


Kentish Gazette, 18 April 1854.

Meager v. Baker.

Claim for £10 10s. for rent, or use and occupation of the "Railway Tavern," near the station, Ramsgate. Mr. Towne said, that the tavern had been let by a Mr. Bayley to a Mr. Haysey, but who had died last year—that the defendant rejoiced in the name of Heysey during the former tenant's life, but had since adopted that of Miss Anne Baker; but the complaint was, that although she continued to reside in the premises she was a troublesome tenant, and refused to pay rent to any one. Mr. Tawne added, that since Mr. Haysey's death the property had been sold by Mr. Bayley to the plaintiff, and that the present claim had arisen from the latter's ownership. Mr. Bayley was called and proved the case as stated, when Mr, Buchannan, for the defendant, objected that the plaintiff had not shown his purchase deed.

Mr. Towns produced the contract under which the plaintiff had purchased, and asked for an adjournment to produce the title deed, if defendant insisted.

His Honour expressed a doubt if title deeds were necessary, whether the County Court had jurisdiction.

Mr. Towne submitted that as this action was not for rent, but for use and occupation, the question of title would not arise, but that on production of the deed the plaintiff would be entitled to judgment and he prayed for an adjournment for the purpose.



From the Kentish Chronicle, 19 January, 1861.


(Before A. Crofton, Esq., and H. Benson, Esq.)

George Moyne, labourer, aged 23 years was charged with stealing, at the parish of St. Lawrence, Thanet, on the 10th inst., a silver watch, value £3, the property of George Moyne the elder, and father of the prisoner.

George Moyne the elder deposed:— On Thursday, the 10th inst., I missed my silver watch. I last saw it hanging in the usual place between 7 and 8 a.m. I missed it a little after eight that morning. The watch produced is my property and the same I so missed; it has my name engraved on the back. I saw the prisoner come in and go out of the room where the watch had been hanging about eight o'clock that morning. He slept at my house the previous night, but not since. I live at Hereson Road, St. Lawrence.

Mayer Lyons:— I am a pawnbroker, and live at Margate. On the 9th inst. prisoner came to my shop. The watch produced was first offered to me in pledge by a man who, in answer to my inquiry, said it belonged to his brother-in-law. I said I should like to see him. He said he would bring him in, which he did. I asked him (the prisoner) if the watch belonged to him? He said it did. I said it was rather an old watch. Prisoner said "Yes it belonged to my father who is dead, and it was left to me." He said he wanted £1 on it. I offered him 12s. for it on pledge, which he took. He gave the name of George Moyne, and his address as a housekeeper, No. 10, King Street, Ramsgate. The watch produced is the same that prisoner pledged with me. I brought the watch over with me from Margate, having been informed that it had been stolen.

Police constable Waterman, K.C.C., proved apprehending prisoner at the "Railway Tavern" on Sunday evening, at nine o’clock.

Mr. Crofton asked Superintendent Livick what the prisoner’s antecedents were?

Mr. Livick said that he had been tried at the quarter sessions at Sandwich in 1852 for stealing a jacket belonging to Michael Hart, and sentenced to four months' hard labour. Since then he had been convicted summarily three times—in 1850 he had two months' hard labour for stealing some pieces of wood, and in the same year three months' hard labour for stealing a piece of bacon, and in 1860 another three months' for stealing a loaf.

Mr. Crofton said that the present case was too serious to be dealt with summarily, and therefore the prisoner would be committed to take his trial at the next assizes.


Kentish Gazette, 12 October 1852.

Ann Baker, public house keeper. St. Lawrence, on information against her for keeping her house open during divine services on Sunday, the 19th September, at 4 p.m. The Superintendent stated that about 5 minutes past 4p.m. on the above-named day, he visited the "Railway" public house kept by Ann Baker, and found a table in front of the bar and eight men sitting round the same drinking beer, and others in the parlour, which he, the superintendent, believed to be travellers, but one of the party in front of the bar, was a fly driver, and his fly was standing on the stand in front of the railway terminus.

Fined 41s., and 16s. cost. Paid.




HASEY William C 1847+

HAZEY/HAYSEY Ann Mrs 1851+ (age 44 in 1851Census)

BAKER Ann to Oct/1854 Canterbury Journal

MILLER John 1854-62+ Canterbury Journal

BUGDEN Thomas 1867-91+ (age 54 in 1871Census)

BUGDEN Lucy & Susannah 1901+

BUGDEN Lucy Miss 1903-07+ Kelly's 1903

ATKINS Richard William Atkins jun 1913

BUGDEN Susannah Miss 1913-22+

WATKINS Richard 1929+

BEVAN Gordon P 1934+

COLEMAN Walter V 1936+

HESKETH Charles F 1938-55+

QUINNEY Robert W 1957+


Canterbury JournalCanterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
