Sort file:- Faversham, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 06 May, 2024.


Earliest 1871-

Recreation Tavern

Latest 1961

16 East Street


Recreation Tavern 1880

Above on the right showing the "Recreation Tavern" in 1880.

Recreation Tavern

Above photo, date unknown.

Above photo, date unknown.

Former Recreational Tavern

Above image from Google maps, September 2009.


The pub can be traced back to 1871 but unfortunately closed around 1961 and is now operating as a restaurant called the "India Royal" (2009.)

Jackie Graveney, says her parents met their during the war and her mother worked there as cleaner some years after when it was operating as a wine bar. She goes on to say that there were stories of it being haunted and on one occasion a customer poured two glasses of red wine into two glasses but when the person pouring it turned round one glass was empty.


Your information, photos, old or new and licensee names and dates is much appreciated.


East Kent Gazette, Friday 8 July 1955.


Earned £1 a night playing at week-ends.

A former professorial musician, who was stated to have earned £1 a night playing a piano in a Faversham public house at week-ends, was fined £10 at Faversam Magistrates Court on Wednesday for stealing a handbag containing £44 from the licensee.

He was Charles Earnest Back (41), of Ospringe Street, Ospringe, who pleaded guilty to stealing a handbag containing £44 in notes, a fountain pen, key-ring, letters and photographs worth a total of £46, belonging to Mabel Beane, of the "Recreation Tavern," on 26th June.

Detective-constable W. Gibbons said that ay 8 p.m. on 27th June he saw Back at Ospringe, and said he understood that for the past three weeks he had been allowed to play the piano at the public house and had been playing there on the previous day.

"I told him that about 1 p.m. Mrs. Beane placed a handbag on a shelf in the public bar and that at 11p.m. she discovered it had been stolen. I believed that at about 10.40p.m. he was left alone in the public bar." To this Back replied, "I wasn't left alone. I know nothing about the handbag."

"Told he had been seen carrying something under his cardigan. Back at first denied it and later said, "Well, if I had anything under my cardigan it must have been some sheet music."

Left alone.

The officer then accompanied Back to see Mrs. Beane, but he denied knowing anything about the handbag. In a statement Back said he was left alone for 10 or 15 seconds when the barmaid went to fetch him a jar of whelks If he had anything under his cardigan it must have been sheet music.

Continuing, Detective-constable Gibbons said he continued his enquiries and on 28th June he again saw Back at the "Recreational Tavern." He told him he understood that at about midnight he had returned to the tavern and admitted to Mrs. Beane that he had stolen her handbag and handed her back £44 in notes. Back replied "Yes."
In a statement made at the police station Back said he was left alone for a short time, and he leaned over the counter and look the handbag which he hid under his cardigan. Later he took out the money and threw the bag and the other articles into the creek. After being questioned he went back to Mrs. Beane and handed her the roll of notes.

Inspector R. E. Jayes said that Back had five previous convictions, including fines at Southampton of £5 in December, 1946, and April, 1947, for stealing a handbag and receiving a stolen cycle. In August, 1947, at Southampton he was sentenced to three months imprisonment for driving whilst disqualified, two months for driving without insurance, one month for using a licence with intent to deceive and one month for having a false identity card, the sentences to run concurrently. His last conviction was at Faversham in July, 1953, when he was fined £5 for being concerned with others in attempting to steal petrol.

The inspector added that Back had been a professional musician and had worked at a variety of jobs, his last being as a lorry driver for a local firm.

Addressing the bench on behalf of Back. Mr. C. B. Croft said that his piano playing in public houses seemed to be indirectly the cause of the trouble. Patrons generously plied him with drinks all the evening, and under the influence of drink he was somewhat subject to temptation. "He tells me that these other troubles have always taken place on similar occasions when he has been playing the piano in public houses and has had too much to drink."

Imposing the fine, the chairman (Alderman Phil Johnson) said that Back had been generously plied with drink by people who probably appreciated his piano playing. But he had rather bitten the hand that was feeding him. He had been paid £1 a night, and yet when temptation came his way he stole from the person who was helping him.

"It was despicable to say the least," added the chairman. "This is obviously your very last chance. The magistrates have decided to fine you $10, and I can only say that it is exceedingly merciful of them."





VILES William 1871-74+ (age 53 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1874

HUBBARD George 1881-82+ (also coach painter age 41 in 1881Census)Post Office Directory 1882

WARD John 1888-91+ Swinock's Faversham DirectoryPost Office Directory 1891

MILLS James A 1901+ (age 40 in 1901Census)

JEFFREY Horace 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903

PIERCE Mrs 1903-08+ Guide to Faversham 1908Kelly's 1903

JEFFREY Horace 1911-22+ (age 48 in 1911Census) Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1922

KEEP J 1926-30+ Voile and Robersons Faversham and District Directory 1926Post Office Directory 1930

BEANE Mrs Mabel 1938+ Post Office Directory 1938



Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Swinock's Faversham DirectorySwinock's Faversham Directory 1888

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Guide to Faversham 1908Guide to Faversham 1908

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Voile and Robersons Faversham and District Directory 1926Voile and Robersons Faversham & District Directory 1926

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-