Sort file:- Ashford, December, 2024.

Page Updated Ashford:- Sunday, 15 December, 2024.


Earliest 1768-

Red Lion

Latest 1866+

12 North Street



Pigot's directory of 1832 describes the licensee James Lewis as a brewer.


Kentish Gazette 3 January 1800.


WM PILCHER returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general, for the very liberal support he has experienced from them during his residence at the "Red Lion;" begs leave to inform them he is removed to the "GEORGE INN," in Ashford where he hopes his strict attention to their accommodation will merit their future support.

Dec 30, 1799.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 31 December 1802.

Kentish Gazette 21 December 1802.

Tuesday last died, after a lingering illness, Mr. John Foreman, of the "Red Lion" public-house, Ashford.


Kentish Gazette, 27 September 1803.

Ashford, September 24, 1803.

Whereas, a Bay Mare, supposed to be stolen, was offered for sale at Ashford Fair, on Friday the 9th of September, was stopped, and is now at the sign of the "Red Lion," at Ashford. The said Mare is about fourteen hands and a half high, aged wrung on the withers, near legs partly white, the off ones grizzled, several white spots under the saddle, a large bunch under the throat, a white speck in the off eye, large white slip down her face, and many white hairs all over her body. This is to give notice, that unless the said Mare is owned within fourteen days from the above date hereof, she will be sold by auction, the following day, at the Market-place, at Ashford, at three o'clock in the afternoon, to pay the expense of her keep and advertising.


From the Kentish Gazette, 4 September 1810.


WHEREAS a SILVER WATCH, cap’d and jewelled, with a gilt chain, seal and key, was left in the Privy of the "Red Lion Inn," Ashford, on TUESDAY, Aug. 28th, in the afternoon; whoever has got the same, and will bring it to the Landlord of the said house, shall receive the reward of ONE GUINEA.

N.B. The above Watch is very remarkable, having a coach and horses engraved on the face, and the name of Charles Collyer on the dial-plate, in lieu of figures; maker’s name, Abrahams, Hythe.

Should the said Watch be offered for sale to any Watchmaker or other persons, he or they are requested to detain it, and give information as above.

Ashford. EDW. RAYNER.


Kentish Gazette, 22 February 1820.


Feb. 19, at Ashford, Susannah, daughter of Mr. R. Lewis, "Red Lion Inn," Ashford.


Kentish Gazette, 30 March 1852.


Smith—Lewis:— March 22nd, at Ashford, Mr. Wm. Douglas Smith, of New Cross, to Louisa, second daughter of the late Mr. J. Lewis, of the "Lion Hotel.


From the Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 16 September, 1856.

John Snelling, watchmaker, remanded on a charge of detaining a gold watch, the property of Miss Lewis, of the "Red Lion Inn," which had been entrusted to him for repair. A similar charge was preferred against him by William Foster, of Beaver.

Prisoner, who pleaded for time to produce the watches, was in default of bail, committed for trial on both charges.


From the Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1857.


MAGISTRATES' CLERK’S OFFICE. -Tuesday. (Before W. Burra, Esq.)

Jane Stanley was charged with stealing a half-sovereign, the property of Charles Bath.

The prosecutor deposed:— Last evening, about nine o’clock I was in the "Red Lion" public-house. I was in liquor, and had been asleep, and upon waking several persons in the room said I had been a nuisance. I said if I had been a nuisance I would stand a gallon of ale, and took out half a sovereign to pay for it, which I placed upon the table. The prisoner Stanley took it up, and said she would fetch it, and went out of the room as I thought to do so, but she never came back, nor has she given me the half-sovereign since.

George Hayward corroborated this evidence.

Elizabeth Joblinge deposed that she searched the prisoner when in custody, but did not find a half sovereign upon her.

The prisoner, in answer to the charge, said she went into the "Red Lion" and called for a glass of gin, which she paid for with a sixpence, and a threepenny piece change was brought her and laid on the table, and that was all the money she took up.

Mr. Burra committed the prisoner for trial to the East Kent quarter sessions.


South Eastern Gazette, 25 September, 1860.

Police Intelligence.

On Monday Mary Ann Wood, an "unfortunate" was charged with stealing a bag, containing 24s., from the pocket of J. Wratton, of High Holden. Prisoner and prosecutor went together to the "Red Lion" public house, where the prisoner robbed him. It was stated by Mr. Murch, of Ashford, that the prosecutor have been begging with a worn-out petition, which was produced, and the money stolen was chiefly what he had collected.

Prisoner was committed to the East Kent quarter sessions.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 21 September 1861.

Ashford. Robbing a Garden.

Thomas Beeching, shoemaker, was charged at the petty sessions before W. P. Burra, Esq., with stealing pears from the garden of G. F. Wilkes, Esq., North Street. The defendant, with others, was seen by Joseph Hourne, gardener to prosecutor, knocking the pears off the tree with a line prop from the yard of the "Lion Inn." Hourne and prosecutors son went out and caught him in the act of picking up two pairs. Prosecutor has had a great quantity of pears stolen lately, and the magistrates inflicted a penalty of 40s. or in default 1 month's hard labour.


South Eastern Gazette, 11 September, 1860.

Renewal of Publicans’ Licenses.

At the annual licensing meeting, the only change was the transfer of the "Red Lion," in North-street, Ashford, from Mr. Dines to Mr. Buckland, of Ashford; all of the old licenses being renewed.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 9 July, 1864.


Oh Monday evening & little girl about eight years of age, the daughter of Mr. W. Smith, of the “Red Lion Inn,” Ashford, fell over a stile in Pell-hill Fields, and broke one of her arms. The child bravely walked home, when it was found that the limb was fractured in three places, and it was at first feared that amputation would have to be resorted to; but under the care of Dr. Wilks and Mr. Shepherd the little sufferer is now doing well.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 5 January, 1867. Price 1d.

Frederick Grant, 20, labourer, stealing one tame fowl, value 3s., the property of Henry Lott, at Ashford, on the 7th November, 1866.

Mr. Biron in opening the case for the prosecution in this indictment, observed that he had a great difficulty in laying the facts before the Jury, in consequence of the principal witness, Mrs. Catherine Wellard, the landlady of the “Red Lion,” at Ashford, not having appeared to give evidence. The Grand Jury had found a true bill without her evidence, but still it was necessary that her statement of the facts as given by her, at the time the prisoner was committed for trial, should be before the Court.

Police-Constables Dunk and Tomlins were examined and a certificate from a Mr. Thurston, surgeon, of Ashford, showed that Mrs. Wellard was seriously ill and totally unable to attend to give evidence, that she had been confined within the past three days and was at present unable to leave her sick room. On this evidence being satisfactorily and legally given the witness' statement before the magistrates was admitted as evidence and which showed that the prisoner admitted to her that it was he who had taken the fowl in question. The further evidence in corroboration was but slight, and the prisoner offering very little in his own defence he was found guilty, and was then charged with having been previously convicted for an offence in 1862 at St. Augustine's Sessions, when he underwent 3 months' imprisonment with hard labour.

Mr. Clark, in passing sentence, said though a much heavier sentence might be passed on him, still as it was now four years since he was convicted before, and nothing from that time would be awarded, but cautioned him as to his future conduct, as the Court had the power to sentence him to servitude. He was then sentenced to six months' imprisonment with hard labour at Saint Augustine's House of Correction.


From the Maidstone and Kentish Journal, 6 Sept, 1869.

This being a day for the renewing spirit licences, superintendent Dewar made complaint against Mr. Weller, landlord of the "Red Lion," North Street, who, it was said, conducted the house in a disorderly manner. Also against Mr. George Weaver, of the "Rose and Crown," New Street. Superintendent Dewar said that this was the worst conducted house in the district. Weaver had lately been convicted. The licence was not renewed.


East Kent Gazette, Saturday 1 July 1871.

Robbing a Public House at Ashwood.

George Murrell, 57, gardener, was indicted for stealing a silver spoon, 2 knives, a towel, and a clothes brush, value 14s., the property of Frank Dive, at Ashford, on the 2nd May. Mr. Dearing prosecuted.

The prosecutor is a landlord of the "Red Lion" public house at Ashford. Prisoner lodged at the house on the 1st May, leaving about 5 o'clock the next morning. When he was gone, the prosecutor missed the articles named in the indictment. Evidence was given that the prisoner sold the spoon produced at the shop in Ashford on the morning of 2nd May, and the clothes brush and two knives at the "Dog and Bear" public house at Lenham on the following day.
Police Constable Hollands apprehended the prisoner at Lenham, on the 3rd May. The towel has not been recovered.

Prisoner's defence was that he had been burnt in his head some years ago, and whenever he had a drop of beer he was not answerable for his actions.

The jury found him guilty.

There was a second charge against the prisoner, of stealing a shovel, a handbill, and a truck basket, value 4s., the property of James Benson at Ashford, on 3rd May; but this was not investigated.

Prisoner was sentenced to six months hard labour.


As time allows and I find or are sent further information or pictures regarding this pub I will be adding further information to this page.

Your help is appreciated.



PILCHER William to Jan/1800 Next pub licensee had

FOREMAN John to Dec/1802 dec'd

LEWIS R Mr 1820+

LEWIS James 1828-40+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

LEWIS Amy Mrs 1856-Feb/1860 dec'd Kentish Gazette

DINES James Feb-Sept/1860+ Kentish GazetteEast Kent Gazette

BUCKLAND Alfred Saville Sept/1860-62+ (age 40 in 1861Census) East Kent Gazette

SMITH William 1864-Nov/1865 Kentish Gazette

WINCH George Robert Nov/1865+ Kentish Gazette

WELLARD Mrs Catherine 1866+ Whitstable Times

DIVE Frank 1871+ (age 54 in 1871Census)

WATSON James 1874+

HARRIS Charles 1881+ (age 65 in 1881Census)

HARRIS Pamelia 1891+ (age 65 in 1891Census)



Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald

Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

East Kent GazetteEast Kent Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
