112-114 Harbour Parade (Sands)
Above map, 1849, kindly sent by Bob Lee. |
Above photo, 1910. |
Above photo 1929, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Showing the Refectory as
very much an outlet for Tomson & Wotton's Ramsgate-brewed "Allbright"
beers. |
Above photo, circa 1935, kindly sent by Martin Weselby showing his
grand-parents Ellie and Thomas Greenway on a day out. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, circa 1969, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
The "Refectory Tavern" was one of three pubs in a row. The "Harp"
was one of them at 108-110 and in 1936 the two pubs were amalgamated into
The pub was situated next door to the Sands railway station.
The Refectory is believed to have acquired its name from a catering
establishment, run by a Mr Davidson, which occupied the site previously.
After WW2 the nearby RAF Manston was largely taken over by the US Air Force,
which operated a number of fighter squadrons from this base. The Refectory
was a popular venue for US airmen to socialise, party and generally let
their hair down a little. As a result, the pub was regularly visited by
"Snowdrops" (US Military Police) who must have felt the need to assist some
of the airmen safely back to their barracks!
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 18 February 1851.
Thomas Kingsford was brought up on information of William James Terry,
on Monday,
February 3rd.
From the evidence of the complainant, it appeared that the assault arose
out of a quarrel
which took place between the parties at the "Refectory Tavern" on the
Sands, Ramsgate;
a fight ensued, during which, as alleged by Terry, he was stabbed by
Kingsford with what
he supposed to be a pair of scissors.
Dr. Young deposed:- I am a surgeon and live in High Street, Ramsgate. On
Monday the 3rd
instant, I was called on to attend the prosecutor. I found he have
received a punctured
wound near the abdomen. Such a wound might have been inflicted by the
point of
scissors. The wound was three quarters of an inch deep. It had
penetrated into the right
muscle of the stomach. I did what I thought was right for him. It was
nearer two than one
that I was sent for to Dr. Ayres's where defendant was.
After hearing other evidence at considerable length, for and against
defendant, the
magistrates withdrew, and on returning into court committed Kingsford
for trial at the
next Maidstone assizes, but bail was allowed, himself in £40, and two
sureties in £20.
Kingsford's defence was to this purport:- I have been so ill-used for
weeks and months
that I could not put up with it. The scissors were never in my hands
after I left the
Mr. T. Delasaux appeared for Terry, and Mr. John Mercer defended
Southeastern Gazette, 23 August 1853.
Petty Sessions, Monday. (Before W. H. St. George, Esq., chairman, A.
Crofton, and H. Benson, Esqrs.)
William Brand, of the "Refectory, was charged with the same offence.
(Opening his house for the sale of beer, on Sunday morning, the 7th
inst.) James Livick, chief officer of police, deposed that on the
morning of Sunday the 7th inst., he accompanied the churchwardens to
visit the public-houses in the town at about a quarter before eleven
in the forenoon. He went into the defendant’s house; there were
several persons in the bar, male and female, residents of this town,
drinking; one or two persons were served.
Cross-examined:— Visited other houses that morning and found them
open; they might be ten in number; half of them were open for
business, but no one was in them.
A solicitor from London appeared for the defendant, who stated that
the defendant had taken this house, laid out much money upon it, and
made it respectable, and being so near the Sands it was in great
request. The defendant had not wilfully broken the law, he had acted
upon the tenor of his license thinking he might keep open till
divine service, which he believed was generally done by the houses
in the town. If the law was to be enforced, it should be generally
so; defendant wished to conduct his house properly, and it would be
so in future. He trusted that the Bench would allow him to pay £1
into the poor-box in lieu of a conviction.
The Chairman said that having previously convicted another person
for a similar offence, they could not but do so in this, and they
wished it to be known that in future every house would be visited
and offenders punished.
Fined 15s., and costs 13s.
Kentish Independent - Saturday 6 September 1856.
Ramsgate, Kent.
To Tavern keepers, publicans, gentleman's servant, and
Messrs. Bromley and Son will sell by auction, on Thursday,
September 11th, 1856, at 12 o'clock, at the auction mart, opposite the Bank of
England and (by order of Mr. Brand, the proprietor, retiring from the
business,) the valuable lease and goodwill with possession of those
premises well known as the "Refectory Tavern and Wine and Spirits
Establishment," desirably situated opposite the Sands, at Ramsgate, held
for 17 and a half years, at a low rental. The trade is very
considerable, averaging upwards of £500 per month in the season, and
usually good profits, which could be considerably increased by an
enterprising man of business.
May be viewed, particulars had on the
premises, the principal Inns at Ramsgate, Margate, and Canterbury; Messrs.
Wire and Child, Solicitors, St. Swithens Lane; place of sale, and of the
Auctioneers, 17, Commercial Road, St. Georges East.
September 1st, 1856.
Kentish Gazette 18 November 1856.
On the 6th inst., an action was tried before Mr. Justice Crampton, to
recover £181 alleged to be due to Mr. Turner, for services rendered by
him and his wife, against Mr. Brand, proprietor of the "Brown Bear,"
Whitechapel, and other public houses. Turner and his wife had the care
of the "Refractory" at Ramsgate on a salary of £2 per week. He (the
plaintiff) had in September, 1855, gone to Jersey for the benefit of
his health, at the suggestion of Brand himself, and during his absence
his wife was turned out of the house into the street and not even
allowed to take her clothes with her; defendant subsequently refused to
pay what was due to Turner. The defence was that the plaintiff had been
extravagant in his post as manager, and had not accounted for some of
the wines in his charge, and that Mrs. Turner had misconducted herself.
The jury, after a long investigation of the circumstances, found a
verdict for the plaintiff, damages £101 2s 2d.
From the Kentish Gazette, 14 July 1857.
To Tavern and Inn Keepers, Publicans, Gentlemen's Servants, and
MONDAY, JULY 20th, 1857, at 12 o’clock, at the AUCTION MART, by
order of Mr. Brand, the proprietor, retiring from the business.
The valuable Lease and Goodwill, with possession of those commanding
Premises well known as the "REFECTORY TAVERN," and Wine and Spirit
Establishment, desirably situate opposite the Sands, Ramsgate, held
for 17 years at a low rental. The trade is very considerable,
averaging upwards of £500 per month in the season, at unusually good
profits, which could be considerably increased by any enterprising
man of business.
May be viewed and particulars had on the premises, at the principal
Inns at Ramsgate, Margate, and Canterbury; of Messrs. Wire and
Child, solicitors, St. Swithin's Rectory, Turnwheel Lane, Cannon
Street East, E.C.; place of Sale; and of the Auctioneers, 17,
Commercial Road, St. George’s, East.
From the Kentish Chronicle 8 October 1859. Price 1½d.
Monday (Before Thomas Whitehead, Esq., chairman, E. G. Hannam, Esq, and H. Benson, Esq).
The adjourned case of Mr. William
Brand, proprietor of the "Refectory Tavern," Ramsgate, who stood charged
with keeping his house open on Sunday, the 18th ult., between the hours
of three and five o'clock p. m., came on for hearing. Mr. brand pleaded
not guilty, and was defended by Mr. Towne. William Lewis deposes:- I was
on duty on Sunday afternoon, the 18th inst., in Victoria Place about 4
o'clock p. m. I saw two persons come from the direction of the sands and
go into the “Refectory.” I followed them into the house, and found two
other persons drinking either beer or ale; the two persons I followed
into the house were supplied with a glass of beer or ale each, and left
the house; there were two other persons in the room, they remained
there; the four persons that I saw drinking left the house, the two that
remained appeared to be taking refreshment. Cross-examined by Mr.
Towne:- I did not know any of the persons that were in the house. I had
never seen them before. I saw the waiter, and spoke to a female behind
the bar. I did not ask these people who they were or where they came
from. As I was leaving the house the waiter told me they had been dining
there. I did not speak to any of the party or they to me. Mr. Brand
offered to go with me to the party, and they would show me their
travelling tickets. I did not go to see the tickets, but went away and
lodged this complaint. What Mr. Brand said to me was said outside the
house. I have seen a notice posted up outside that house that there is
an ordinary every day (Sundays included). I did not observe any notice
on that day that there was an ordinary. Mr. Towne then addressed the
Bench at great length, and said the evidence given would not support the
information. It is a very hard case, and it is a great pity that liberty
should be given to a policeman to go into a house and to lay information
against that house, which was most respectably conducted, and had no
complaint against it; it was a great disgrace to the police to find they
acted as common informers. George Harvey:— I am waiter at the "Refectory
Tavern." On Sunday, the 18th September, I remember Lewis, the
policeman, came into the house, it was about four o'clock p. m. , he
spoke to the barmaid behind the counter, there were about seven persons
in the house. I did not see anything served but cigars from the bar,
there was no liquor served, the tap was closed; there is an ordinary
every Sunday, and all the week at 4 o'clock. I cleared the cloth at 10
minutes before 2 o'clock; at that time two gentlemen came to the door
and asked to be served. My master has given me directions not to serve
any one but boarders and travellers; when Lewis came in I told him they
were all boarders and travellers, and would show him their tickets.
Lewis said he did not want to enquire about any tickets and then walked
away. Mr. James Freeman:— I am a licensed carman, and live at No. 15
Wellclose Square, London, and was at the "Refectory" the Sunday before
last. I came there by the excursion train and stayed there till the
evening and returned to London by the same train. I came down with
Lewis, went to the "Refectory that afternoon about four o'clock, there
might have been five or six persons present, they came by the same train
that I did, they were travellers, and offered to show their tickets to
Lewis, but he refused to look at them and walked away from the house.
The Bench withdrew from the Court to their private consulting room for a
short time, and on returning directed Mr. Brand to pay a fine of 5s.,
and 14s. 6d. costs. Mr. Brand then directed his solicitor, Mr. Towne, to
appeal against the decision of the Bench. |
From the Kentish Chronicle 7 January, 1860.
From the East and West Cliffs some thousands of tons have fallen in
consequence of the breaking up of the late severe fronts. On Sunday
morning last about one o'clock a very heavy fall happened from the East
Cliff, near the "Refectory Tavern," blocking up the road running between
Messrs. Strong and Barns shipwright yard and the cliff, sweeping before
it the yard fence, and trunk used to steam planks in, as well as the
copper and furnace, at the same lime burying a quantity of ship timber
that was placed under the cliff. Fortunately there was no one passing at
the time of the fall. From appearances there is a great deal more to
fall, there being cracks on the top of the cliff 4 feet from the edge.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 8 September, 1860.
On Monday evening, at Brand's "Refectory Tavern," Sands, Ramsgate, Mr.
W. J. Julian, the popular mimic and comic vocalist, was presented with a
very handsome silver snuff-box, with a suitable inscription, bearing
testimony to his ability as a comic singer and his general character as
a gentleman. Mr. E. G. Burton, the popular dramatic writer, in a very
effective speech, expatiated upon the admirable manner in which Mr.
Julian had conducted the entertainments at this popular place of
amusement; and Mr. Julian in reply, said he was indebted to Mr. and Mrs.
Brand for their kindness in placing the concerts entirely under his
directions. The room was crowded, and the evening passed off with great
From the Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 21 January, 1865.
Brand v. Harriet.
This was an adjourned plaint brought by the plaintiff, of the "Refectory
Tavern," and the owner of a house in Kent Terrace, to recover from the
defendant, a solicitor, in London, £21 11 s. 6d. for rent of apartments,
£17 of which he admitted, but disputed the extras.
Mr. Gibson appeared for the plaintiff; and Mr. Towne for defendant.
On the case being called on, Mr. Gibson said the matter had been
arranged between himself and his friend Mr. Town, to take a verdict for
£20 and all costs.
Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 15 November 1873.
To Be Sold.
A very large gas stove, suitable for a church, chapel, or music hall.
To be seen at the "Refectory Tavern," Ramsgate.
I believe as its popularity was dwindling in the late 1980s or early 90s
the name was changed to the "Talk
of Thanet."
MEAGRE William 1847+
MEAGRE George 1851+
BRAND William 1853-June/66 dec'd

BAINES Edward 1871+ (age 66 in 1871 )
ROBERTSON James William 1881-90+ (age 35 in 1881 )
ROBERTSON James M 1891-1903+ (age 22 in 1891 )
ROBERTSON Henry P 1901+
ROBERTSON James William 1903-07+

ROBERTSON Albert Sidney 1911-18+ (age 28 in 1911 )
RUSHTON Sydney 1922+
HILL Frank 1929-30+
STEWARD Joseph Benjamin 1934-36+
BALCOMBE William Edward F 1938-51+
BUTLER Arthur R 1953+
DARBY A G 1955-57+
From the Kelly's Directory 1903