Sort file:- Whitstable, May, 2022.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 15 May, 2022.


Earliest 1863-

Rising Sun

Latest 1992+

1 Harwich Street / 16 Essex Street in 1871Census


Rising Sun 1977

Above photo, 1977, kindly sent by Bob Le-Roi.

Rising Sun 1988

Above photo, August 1988, kindly sent by Philip Dymott.

Rising Sun location 2015

Above Google image, July 2015, showing what is now 1 Hardwich Street.

Rising Sun location

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Bob Le-Roi.

Rising Sun location

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Bob Le-Roi.

16 Essex Street 2014

Above Google image, June 2014, showing 16 Essex Street, which is obviously not the pub.

Rising Sun sign 1991Rising Sun sign 1992

Above sign left, July 1992, sign right, June 1992.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


I am informed by Chris Richford that the reason for the closure about 20 years ago was that the building was found to have been built on a spring and all the footings had washed away. The piles supporting the new houses are very deep. Although the pub has gone the Rising Sun, still had a football club, darts team & a quiz team for several years after. I think the darts is still going. (2020).

Further information found in the census of 1871 gave this the address as 16 Essex Street. Essex Street and Hardwick Street cross each other at 90 degrees, so the house was surely on a corner. So you will see two photos of those addresses above. Local knowledge required to sort out which location is correct, but at present I'd go for the Essex Street one.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 12 September, 1863.


New spirit licenses were granted Mr. Alfred Holness, of the “Rising Sun Inn.” The application of the latter named was opposed by Mr. Fielding, on behalf of the landlord of the “Ship.”


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 8 September 1866.

St Augustine's Petty Sessions. Saturday. Annual Licensing Day.

The county Magistrates renewed the publicans' spirit licence today.

Applications were also heard for new licences, and, as well be seen by the following list, the majority of these were granted.

Licences granted, Isaac Stupple, "Rising Sun," Whitstable.


Thanet Advertiser - Saturday 24 September 1898.

Whitstable Shipwright Ends His Life.

The deputy coroner for East Kent, (W. H. Fielding) held an inquest at the "Rising Sun," Whitstable, on Saturday, on the body of William Thomas Jarman, age 37 years a shipwright. Deceased's dead body was found by his mother-in-law on Friday morning lying on the floor of the front room of his house upstairs.

Dr. Hayward said he found deceased lying on the floor beside his bed. A hand basin with blood in it was beside him, and witness found a wound in the back of the deceased's neck. It was only a small one and might have been stopped if seen to as soon as inflicted. A razor also lay beside deceased, and this was evidently the instrument which caused death. The wounds had every appearance of having been self-inflicted. Haemorrhage was the cause of death. Witness had not himself attended deceased, but his assistant night of attended him.

The jury returned a verdict of "suicide was temporarily insane."


From the Whitstable Times, 18 May, 1901.


The monthly meeting of this new and flourishing Association was held on Tuesday at the "Rising Sun," Harwich Street, when there was a good attendance of members.

A letter was read from the Right Hon. A. Akers Douglas, M.P., in reply to a resolution passed by the Association with reference to the Bill with regard to the serving of children with liquor. Mr. Akers-Douglass promised to give his careful attention to the Bill when it again came before Parliament.

An important discussion took place on the recent notion of the mineral water manufacturers in advancing the price of their goods. It was stated that the advance had for the present been withdrawn, but united action on the part of the members of the Association was decided upon in the event of it being insisted upon in the future.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 24 June 1944.

Whitstable Publican Fined.

For being in possession of canned foodstuffs.

A well-known Whitstable publican, Charles Leake, of the "Rising Sun," Whitstable, was before the magistrates at the Canterbury sitting of St. Augustine's Petty Sessions, on Wednesday, on a charge of the unlawful possession of canned foodstuffs to the value of 14s 4d, and obtaining rationing foods without coupons.

Mr. H. W. S. Holmewood appeared for the defence and tended a plea of not guilty to the first charge and guilty to the second.

D.C. Aldridge stated that on June 11th he was in Harwich Street, Whitstable making enquiries about a soldier whose presence there had given rise to suspicion, when he had occasion to interview Leake. Witness searched the rooms of the "Rising Sun" and found three tins of milk.

D.C. Aldridge asked defendant if he had any more when Leake made a ready admission, and went to a nearby house and brought back the rest of the foodstuffs produced.

Defendant made a statement to the effects that three weeks ago a soldier who seemed an honest type came to defendant and said that his unit was moving away. The soldier said that he was broke and wanted some cigarettes, and would defendant give him a few shillings for a bag of foodstuffs. Leake gave the soldiers 6s or 6s 6d without even looking into the bag, and so did not know whether it was Army property or not.

Owing to his health defendant could not eat the canned goods so all but the three tins of milky he gave to neighbours who were in dire need. He made no profit over the affair.

D.C. Aldridge says that defendant's character was beyond reproach, and that defendant was retired from the Army. Lieutenant James Pritchard identified the goods as being similar to those issued to the army.

Mr. Frederick J Patterson Divisional Food Inspector, stated that on June 15th he went to Whitstable and saw the articles of what Inspector Tebay told witness he went to the "Rising Sun" and there saw the licensee. Defendant showed the three rations books belonging to the three residents, and these could not have been used for the purchase of the articles in question.

Leake was fined £5 on the first charge and £5 with 10/- cost on the second.



HOLNESS Alfred 1863+ Kentish Chronicle

STUPPLE Isaac 1866-74+ (age 33 in 1871Census)

SPRATT George 1881-82+ (age 52 in 1881Census)

SPRATT Maria 1889+

BROWN George 1891+ (age 67 in 1891Census)

HOGBIN George Thomas 1891+ (age 69 in 1891Census)

SMITH George Ewell 1901-13+ (age 45 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

HOPKINS James 1918-30+ Kelly's 1924

WRIGHT W H 1938+

LEAKE Charles 1944+


Kentish ChronicleKentish Chronicle


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kelly's 1924From the Kelly's Directory 1924


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
