Sort file:- Ramsgate, October, 2023.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 29 October, 2023.


Earliest 1847-

Royal Standard

Latest 1964+

(Name to)

2-4 Albion Hill


Royal Standard Inn 1904

Above photo, circa 1904, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Royal Standard pre 1929

Above photo, pre 1929 showing John L. Amos's grand-father, George Amos riding the white horse at a carnival. Kindly sent by John L. Amos.

Above taken from Chris Roos Flickr. Circa 1951.

Port and Anchor circa 1930

Above photo date circa 1930.

Royal Standard sign 1991Royal Standard sign 1992

Sign left October 1991 and sign right, August 1992, with thanks from Brian Curtis


I am informed that the pub is now operating as the "Port and Anchor," but do not yet know when the name changed.


Thanet Advertiser 3 December 1859.


Ramsgate Nov 22, at the "Royal Standard Inn," Mary Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. W. Simmons, formerly of Maidstone, aged 41.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 19 October, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.


William Simmons, of the “Royal Standard Inn, appeared to answer a summons for having opened his house for the sale of beer before half-past twelve o’clock on Sunday, the 22nd ult.

The defendant pleaded not guilty, and said that the person he was serving was an excursionist.

PC Buckley proved the case, and the defendant was fined 1s., and costs 12s.

Money paid.


Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 14 January 1882.

Drunk on Licensed Premises.

William Solly was charged with being drunk on licensed premises, on the second instant.

Defendant pleaded guilty.

P.C. Cashford said that at 3:30 p.m. on the 2nd instant, he was called to the "Standard Inn," by Henry Savage, and saw defendant at the bar very drunk. He ejected him, and he was then taken home.

Fined 1s. and 10s. costs, or 7 days' in prison.


Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 12 December 1896.

A Widow's Bad Behaviour. The Bench and Publicans.

Mary Charity, widow, pleaded not guilty to a charge of being drunk and disorderly on Rose Hill on December 8th.

P.C. Springett said on the previous night, just before 12 o'clock, he was on duty on Rose Hill when he saw defendant, who was drunk and using bad language, shouting at the top of her voice. Several of her friends tried to persuade her to go home, but she said she would not go away for anybody and would go to the police station. He was compelled to take her in custody. On the way to the station she used disgusting language and threatened to bite him and also threw herself into the road. She was so drunk that she could hardly stand.

By the Chairman:- He did not know from which direction the defendant had come when he saw her.

The Chairman:- We like to know where these people get drunk. If you could find them out it would be of great service to us.

Clara Bird, a young woman who gave the address of 17, Liverpool Lawn, where she said defendant resides, gave evidence that she was with her and tried to get her home. She first saw her at 10:15 at the "Standard Inn." She would not come outside and the landlord had to put her out.

Questioned by the Chief Constable, the witness said she went into the "Standard Inn" at 10:15 and defendant went in with her. She thought defendant was all right and she had two drinks in there. Witness did not suggest they made her drunk, but thought she must have had some before she went in. The landlord had put her out at 11 o'clock, but said nothing to her before then. Witnessed thought it was the air affected her, when she got outside. Defendant could not go out of the house herself. The landlord assisted her and therefore she must have been drunk.

By the Chairman:- The two drinks defendant had were one half-quartern of rum and one glass of mild and bitter.

The Chief Constable said he saw the defendant when brought to the station and she was drunk.

Defendant asked the Bench to deal mercifully with her as this was her first offence. She did not have any money until just before 8 o'clock, so that she could not get very much to drink. She had not had anything to eat and the drink took effect upon her.

The Chairman:- The mistake you made was spending your money in drink and not eating.

Defendant said she only spent 3d.

In reply to court the Chief the Chief Constable said defendant was a stranger to Ramsgate.

Defendants said she had been here since September 12th.

A fine of 9s. including costs was imposed, in default 7-days. Time for payment was refused.


Thanet Times, Tuesday 11 August, 1964.

Harold Bennett of "Royal Standard."

Harold Bennett 1964

A Ramsgate licensee, who has deep family roots in the town, is Mr. Harold Bennett, of the "Royal Standard" public house, Albion Hill. Both Mr. Bennett's parents used to live in Ramsgate, as well as his grandparents.

Hanging proudly on a saloon bar wall is a permanent memento of his grandfather's work are two realistic watercolour paintings of the harbour.

Mr. Bennett, although now looking on Ramsgate as his home town, is not a Ramsgate man by birth. He was born at Dartford. Following an accident at a large petrol refinery at the the Isle of Grain, where he worked as a unit operator, Mr. Bennett took over the "Royal Standard" 6 years ago. Remembering on his first day when he came to see the house, Mr. Bennett said:- "It was a wonderful day. The sun was shining and the view of the harbour from the house seem to be worth £1 a week on its own.

His view from that day have altered little.

A married man with two sons, his family, as well as himself, have wholeheartedly entered into the spirit of the town and its life.

This month Mr. Bennett, with three other men will be representing Ramsgate in the Inter Cities Tournament of the European Federation of Sea Anglers in Denmark.

Angling is Mr. Bennett's one and only hobby. "I just don't get time to do anything else," he explained.

His wife Eileen, and two sons, John and Alan, have also entered into the public life of Ramsgate.

Mrs. Bennett, 4 years ago, was one of the founding members of the Better Ramsgate Group. She is still a member of the group, which has become one of the prominent organisations in the town.

Alan and John both play instruments with beat groups in Ramsgate. Alan plays with the Oysters and John with the Alpine group.


East Kent Times and Mail, Friday 18 January 1974.

Life in a Belgian Prison - Ramsgate Publicans Ordeal.

Four of the darts team in a Ramsgate pub will think twice before they join the next day trip abroad. The last time they went they didn't come back for 2 months.

And back home this week, Billy Budd, landlord of the "Royal Standard," spoke about the extended trip locked up in a Belgium jail.

It all began last November when a stag party of 27 from the pub set out for a day in Ostend and never got further than the Belgian docks.

After a drinking bout on board the Dover ferry trouble flared between the party and the Belgian crew.

The captain radioed for the riot police and it ended up with a pitched battle when the boat docked. Two were injured, four of the trippers packed off to jail and the remainder of the party sent home to Britain in disgrace on the next boat.

Billy Budd, who claims he was an innocent victim, was locked up and also serving a prison term with pub regulars Len Stockley, Chris Twyman and Richard Gutridge.

"It was a dreadful experience in what I can only describe as a continental Colditz-type jail", said Mr. Budd yesterday.

"It was exactly like the pictures you see in the television series. The building in Bruges is due for demolition and was extremely cold and damp.

"We were often frozen and kept in solitary confinement except for half an hour's exercise each day. Christmas was just like any other day which we filled by trying to keep warm with blankets wrapped around us.

"We were cooped up in tiny cells and the food was absolutely disgusting. Our only consolation was that we were allowed visitors and twice my wife made the trip to see me.

"She was marvellous in the way she kept the pub running, helped by our barmaid and customers."

But their biggest criticism was the Belgium judicial system. The four men say they still don't know what the charges against them were.

"We were taken to Court, but they refused to translate the charges," said Mr. Budd. The British Consul gave us a list of lawyers, but we were only allowed to see one once."




LASLETT Henry 1847-58+

SIMMONS William 1859-67+ (age 57 in 1861Census)

WILTON Edward 1871+ (age 43 in 1871Census)

POND John Edward 1875-79+

HALL Walter J 1881+ (age 25 in 1881Census)

SAVAGE Henry George 1882-91+

LACEY Charles 1891+

COPPIN Henry James 1901-03+ Kelly's 1903

MORRINGTON William John 1907+

BERRY William Frederick 1913-22+

SPRULES Victor Emanuel 1929-30+


SPENCER Archibald Leonard 1938-53+

SPENCER Sidney 1955-57+

BENNETT Harold 1958-64+

BUDD Billy 1974+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
