Sort file:- Ramsgate, January, 2025.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 09 January, 2025.


Earliest 1922

(Name from)

San Clu Hotel

Latest 1965+

Victoria Parade


San Clu Hotel

Above photo, date unknown.

San Clu Hotel

Above photo taken with permission from Saunders family web.


Also known as the "Comfort Inn."


The Era, Wednesday, 13 June, 1923.

Ramsgate. "Hotel Sanclu."

Delightfully situated; finest position; facing sea; fully licensed; 70 rooms; billiards; every possible comfort; moderate inclusive terms.


Hampshire Telegraph, Friday 26 October, 1928.

A Seaside Hotel Destroyed. 5 hours' blaze.

Flames seen miles out at sea. Ramsgate Thursday.

The "Hotel Canclu," the second largest hotel in Ramsgate, situated on the sea front was destroyed by fire early today.

The alarm was given by coastguards, in station is nearby, about 12:30 a.m., but when the brigade arrived the fire had taken a firm hold of the building, and soon after some of the upper floors crashed, while large flames burst through the windows.

The Ramsgate Fire Brigade was assisted by those from Margate to Broadstairs, and for five hours all fought the flames, which could be seen miles out at sea.


Thanet Advertiser, Friday, 2 November, 1928.

Hotel Sanclu Fire.

Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Watkins wish to express their most sincere thanks to the Fire Brigades and the Police when rendered them such prompt and splendid aid at the fire to the "Sancru Hotel."

Chief Constable Butler and Captain West did so much to aid, regardless of personal risk and strain, that Mr. and Mrs. Watkins desire to thank them individually with grateful appreciation.


Thanet Advertiser, Friday 16 November, 1928.

Hotel Sanclu Echo. Wall collapse in gale.

A mass of several tons of debris of the back wall of the "Sanclu Hotel," Ramsgate, which was recently gutted by fire, was brought down by the gale that raged over Thanet yesterday morning.

The brickwork fell with a terrific crash shortly after 10 o'clock in the morning, startling occupants of adjoining houses, into whose gardens a portion of the wreckage fell.

Now only portions of the eastern front walls of the building are left standing.

Thanet Advertiser, Friday 7 December, 1928.

Fire Echoes. "Sanclu" blaze recalled.

The report of the Watch Committee, presented at last night's meeting of Ramsgate Town Council, contained a number of references to the recent serious fire at the "Sanclu Hotel."

Having heard the report of Chief Officer F. C. West, the Committee instructed the Town Clerk to convey to the chiefs and men of the Margate and Broadstairs Brigades appreciation of their ready response and assistance.

The committee also recorded appreciation of the work of the Chief Officer and men of the Ramsgate Brigade in saving the properties adjoining the hotel.

The best thanks of the committee were tendered to the members of the police force who assisted, and to Mr. William Sandham and all other ladies and gentlemen who, in various ways, assisted the fire brigade.

Consideration of the question of damage done to the Broadstairs motor pump on the occasion of the fire was deferred.

The report also contains this paragraph; "Resolved that this committee record it's appreciation of the generous act of Alderman Dame Janet Stancomb-Wills, as honorary chief officer of the Ramsgate Brigade, in making a presentation to the members of the Ramsgate Brigade for their services at the fire at the "Hotel Sanclu."


Thanet Advertiser, Friday, 12 April, 1929.

Sanclu Hotel Site. To be sold by auction.

The sale takes place by auction at Ramsgate on Thursday of the "Sanclu Hotel" site, the scene of the disastrous fire in October of last year.

The particulars issued by Messrs. Worsfold and Hayward of Dover state that the property forms a most attractive proposition to those anxious to secure a fully licensed freehold with possession, situate in the wonderful position on the seafront the "Sanclu" occupies.

A purchaser should be able to take advantage of this coming season's trade, as the remaining house is only partially damaged, and could be temporarily used until the full development of the property is possible.


Thanet Advertiser, Friday, 20 February, 1931.

The Advertiser & Echo understand that the site of the "Hotel Sanclu," East Cliff, Ramsgate which has been in the market since the hotel was practically destroyed by fire a few years ago, has now been sold.

The site is still fully licensed, but the renewal of the licence will come up for consideration at the adjourned Brewster Sessions at Ramsgate on 6th March.

At the moment it has not been decided how the site is to be developed by the purchaser.

The sale was affected by Mr. B. J. Pearson, auctioneer and estate agents, of Broadstairs, and branches.


Thanet Advertiser, Tuesday 24 October 1950.

Licensees’ Plight. Difficulty in Carrying on.

"It is deplorable to think that we have many members who are having to seek outside employment to enable them to carry on," said Mr. W. G. Love, speaking at the quarterly meeting of the Isle of Thanet Retailers Protection Society at the "San Clu Hotel," Ramsgate, on Wednesday.

Mr. Love, who is president of the society, said the summer trade had "not been up to standard by a long way." That was due to the limited spending power of the customers. Until the Chancellor of the Exchequer would allow a substantial reduction in price of beer, or a bigger margin of profit was allowed, they could not hope to progress much in business.

Commenting on the recent decision of the Cinque Ports magistrates to approve in principle the holding of a weekly court at Broadstairs. Councillor F. H. E. Price said it was anticipated that there would be no difficulties so far as the Dover authorities were concerned. The establishment of a Broadstairs court would mean that licensees in that town would no longer have to go to Margate to make application for extensions or occasional licences, but in other licensing matters they would still come under the Jurisdiction of Dover.

The members decided to make application for extensions of the permitted hours for all Thanet on 23rd, 26th and 30th December and 1st January. They will ask for an extra hour at Ramsgate and Margate and for one-and-a-half hours at Broadstairs to bring the extended closing hours into line for all Thanet.


Thanet Times, 25 May 1965.

Ramsgate Patrol boat 1965

The first offshore safety patrol boat to be presented to a sea-side resort by Gallagher Ltd., was launched at Ramsgate Harbour by the Mayor and Mayoress of Ramsgate (Ald. and Mrs. F. R. Smith) on Thursday.

With a top speed of 25 to 30 m.p.h. the main duty of the boat will be to guard bathers in the season from speedboats and water skiers, and also to help prevent children being swept out to sea on rubber floats.

First to try the new safety boat on Friday were the Mayoress; the Deputy Mayor (Cllr. Mrs. P. Williams) and Miss Ramsgate (Miss Janet Davies), and our picture shows them taking a cruise round the harbour with ex-seaman George Atkins at the controls.

Stepping ashore after the trip around the harbour Cllr. Mrs. Williams told the waiting party: "They can save me any time they like."

At a reception held at the "San Clu Hotel," Ramsgate, before the launching. Ald. Smith thanking the London branch General Manager of Gallagher Ltd. (Mr. H. Monk), for the gift said: “We are very concerned about the bathers on our shores. The coastline is a little rugged and we do need a patrol boat.”

The boat, (a 14ft glass fibre Hunt "14"), has a 50 h.p. engine and will be crewed by two Ramsgate men.



WATKINS V A Mr & Mrs 1928+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
