Sort file:- Margate, October, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 24 October, 2021.


Earliest 1861-

Saracen's Head

Latest 1994+

(Name to)

129 (55 1861Census) High Street


Saracen's Head

Above photo, date unknown.

Saracen's Head sign 1986

Above sign, October 1986.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


The census of 1861 gives a 15 year old Ann Elizabeth Gardner (Born 1846 in Monkton) as a "house servant" at the "Saracens Head."


Kentish Gazette, 2 October 1849.


TO BE LET, on the 11th of October next, "SARACENS’ HEAD" PUBLIC HOUSE, High Street, MARGATE. Enquire of Mr. J. Jenkins. Bridge Street.

September 28th, 1849.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 25 May, 1861.


(Before the Mayor and G. Y. Hunter, Esq.)

John Blakeney, a mariner, was brought up charged with being drunk and riotous in High-street, on the previous evening, to which he pleaded guilty; and on a second charge of assaulting the police, to which he pleaded not guilty.

P.C. Michael Harlow deposed he was on duty in High-street about half-past eight, when be was called in by the landlord of the “Saracen’s Head,” to turn defendant out. He put him out, and then the defendant began to abuse him and use very bad language. He then took him into custody, when he tried to throw him; but he (the witness) threw him instead, and was compelled to call assistance to get him to the Station. He threatened to strike him but he did not.

For being drunk and riotous the bench fined the prisoner 6d, costs 6d.

The other charge was dismissed.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 15 July 1862.

Margate Borough Police Court.

Wednesday:- (Before the Mayor, T. Blackburn Esq., W. T. Gilder, Esq., R. Jenkins Esq., and the Rev. G. W. Sicklemore.)

A Batch of Publicans.

Daniel Johncock, of the "Saracens Head," was charged with opening his house at 48 minutes past 12 on Sunday, the 29th ult.

The defendant pleaded "Guilty." Find 10s and 8s. 6d. costs.


From the Black Eagle Journal 1953.

Mr & Mrs A C Robinson, manager and manageress of the "Saracens Head," Margate, have retired owing to the ill health of Mr Robinson. He started hotel life on the continent in 1910, and in 1914 joined the RFA (T) and served in France. From 1924 to 1941, they managed various houses in East Kent until they took over the Saracens Head on March 3rd, 1941.

During the early part of the War, Mr Robinson was Group Head Warden (Central Margate) and also a Special Constable; both his daughters were Wardens. He took over the post of Hon Secretary of the Margate Lifeboat in 1940. In May 1951, he had the honour of presenting the crew to Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent.


Thanet Times, Tuesday 21 November 1967.

Charlie Chester at Pub Gala.

It was a lovely scene at the "Saracen's Head" public house, Margate, on Saturday, when mine host Molly and Bernard Porter staged a successful charity gala.

Comedian Charlie Chester arrived to find the bars packed with over 100 people.

Charlie Chester 1967

"It was beyond our wildest hopes," said Mr. Porter. "There were times when we ran out of glasses, and we nearly ran out of beer."

They cheque for £10, the proceeds of a competition, was handed to Charlie Chester, who accepted it on behalf of the Sunshine Homes for Blind Babies. And there are still more donations to be counted.

Charlie's son, Peter Chester, who plays drums regularly at the house, provided entertainment with pianist Al Hudson and singer Trevor Epps.


Thanet Times, Tuesday 28 January 1975.

Bar gunman: police chief commends officers.

Two Margate policeman have been commended by the Chief Constable of Kent. Mr. Barry Pain, for disarming a man with a gun in a Margate public house an Christmas Eve.

The officers were 31-year-old Sgt. Adrian Greaves and P.C. Brian Dallard.

The incident took place in the "Saracen's Head" public house, High Street, Margate.

A man in his early 30s sitting in a corner with a girl pulled out a gun.

High Street was sealed off while the police officers went into the bar.

At the weekend Chief Supt P. Adley confirmed that the two officers had been commended by the Chief Constable "for their actions in disarming a man who was intimidating customers with a firearm."



ROLFE Richard 1847-49+ Williams Directory 1849

JOHNCOCK Daniel 1851-67+ (age 35 in 1861Census)

SAYER William 1871-74+ (age 31 in 1871Census)

HOLLANDS Thomas 1881-82+ (widower age 50 in 1881Census)

WERNHAM George 1890+

GOODALE Charles E H 1891+ (age 56 in 1891Census)

CARTER James 1901-30+ Kelly's 1903

TWYMAN Stephen Jarvis 1938+

ROBINSON Mr 3/Mar/1941-53

BLACKWELL William Edward 1953-57+

WATERS Frank 1962-64 Next pub licensee had

STEADMAN Harry to 16/Dec/1966 Next pub licensee had


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


Williams Directory 1849From Isle of Thanet Williams Directory 1849


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
