Sort file:- Broadstairs, January, 2025.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 28 January, 2025.


Earliest 1600

Tartar Frigate

Open 2020+

37 Harbour Street


01843 862013

Tartar Frigate 1890

Above photo, 1890, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Tartar Frigate 1900

Above photo, circa 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Tartar Frigate 1954

Above photo, 1954, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Tartar Frigate bar

Above bar, date unknown.

Tartar Frigate

Above photo, date unknown.

Tartar Frigate

Above photo, date unknown.

Tartar Frigate 1957

Above postcard, circa 1957, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Tartar Frigate 1964

Above postcard, 1964, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Bleak House is the large building in the background and where Charles Dickens stayed during some of his holidays in the 1840s. Known then as Fort House, it was re-named after Charles Dickens' death in his honour.

Tartar Frigate 1966

Above postcard circa 1966, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. The blurb on the back of the card reads: "The Tartar Frigate Inn was built in 1600 and referred to in Dickens' memoirs as "the cosiest little sailors' inn" is situated near the jetty. Just behind the inn is "Bleak House" where Dickens wrote part of "Barnaby Rudge." Also close by is the Rope House, decorated with figureheads, each relating to a bygone shipwreck. The harbour was built by Henry VIII in 1509." Telephone: Thanet 62013.

Tartar Frigate 1962

Above photo, 1962, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Tartar Frigate 1967

Above photo, 1967. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Tartar Frigate

Above photo, date unknown.

Tartar Frigate 1970

Above photo circa 1970, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Tartar Frigate 1970s

Above postcard circa 1970s, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Tartar Fridage bar 1970s

Above postcard, circa 1970s.

Tartar Frigate 1970s

Above postcard circa 1970s, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Tartar Frigate 1970s

Above photo circa late 1970s.

Tartar Frigate 2012

Photo taken 12 March 2012 from by dltrems.

Tartar Frigate

Above postcard, date unknown.

Tartar Frigate sign 1986Tartar Frigate sign 1992

Above sign left October 1986. Sign right June 1992.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Tartar Frigate mat

Above mat, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Tartar Frigate 2015

Above photo 2015.

Tartar Frigate fireplace 2019

Above photo showing the fireplace inside the pub. 2019.

Tartar Frigate bar 2019

Above photo showing the bar 2019.


The "Tartar Frigate" sign remembers one of the old-type frigates, a sailing warship roughly equivalent to the modern cruiser. This flint-faced seafront tavern was built in 1600, and was once frequented by Broadstairs-based ex-Prime Minister Ted Heath, who is seen supping a half-pint on a photo hanging in the bar.

One time Cobbs tied house. Cobbs were founded in 1673, but Whitbread took them over early 1968 and closed the brewery later that year.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 8th December 1801.

Sale by Auction, by R. Collard, at the "Tartar Frigate," Broadstairs, on Wednesday, December 9th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.

The standing rigging of the ship Joanna; with one mast, 68 ft long by 22 in diameter; one ditto, 67 ft long by 14 inches diameter; one bowsplit, 38 ft long and 17 inches diameter; all good and fit for use; together with a large quantity of ship beams, timbers, and plank, in small lots.

To be seen any day previous to the sale, by applying to the auctioneer.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 05 October 1813.


A Very fast sailing lugsail boat, known by the name of the Duke of Kent, 43 feet in length, 12 feet 10 inches in breadth - about 30 tons burthen, is copper fastened, with her materials, viz. - masts and rigging, two fore sails, one main sail, two mizen sails, 2 jibbs, 2 anchors, 2 cables, 1 compass, lead and line, and a variety of other articles --- (and fishing Gear if wanted.)


A 19 feet 4 - oared boat.

The above lugger is well found, in good condition, and in every respect fit for the sea.

For further particulars apply to John Miller, at the "Tartar Frigate," Broadstairs," Thanet.


From The Era (London, England), Sunday, July 29, 1855; Issue 879.


An inquest was held at the "Tartar Frigate Inn," Broadstairs, on the body of Miss Wetherby (daughter of the well-known sportsman in Burlington-street.) The unfortunate young lady who lost her life by a fall from the cliff.

The jury, after a short deliberation, returned a verdict of "Accidental death."

The part of the cliff where the melancholy occurrence took place is about one-third of the distant between Broadstairs and Ramsgate, and is upwards of sixty feet in height. It is stated that Miss Wetherby was rather short-sighted, and, the cliff being at that spot extremely irregular, it is supposed that in stooping to gather a flower she missed her footing and fell over. This sudden and distressing event has cast a gloom over Broadstairs, Miss Wetherby's family being well known and much respected in that pretty little watering-place.

(Another newspaper says she was wearing a black veil, carrying her parasol, & a book.)


Kentish Gazette 10 February 1857.


The Committee duly appointed beg respectfully and gratefully to acknowledge the several kind donations as under, to the funds for the relief of the widows and children of the seamen drowned on the above melancholy occasion:-

NOTE :- At the date of this newspaper £1,773 18s 3d had been collected, including, £51 collected by Edward G. May, "Tartar Frigate Inn," Broadstairs.


From the Kentish Gazette, 25 October 1859.


W. H. Pain, Esq., coroner for Dover and its liberties, held an inquest on Thursday at the “Tartar Frigate Inn,” Broadstairs, upon the body of a man named William Henry Dobbs a coachman, who was supposed to have been killed by a fall from the cliff near the North Foreland lighthouse the body having been found much mutilated and lying at the foot of the cliff at the place named. There was no evidence of the falling, but the man had been seen in a state of intoxication near the top of the cliff, and in the absence of more direst evidence the jury returned a verdict “That the deceased was found dead, supposed to have been killed by a fall from the cliff.”


Kentish Gazette 23 October 1860.

BROADSTAIRS. Fatal Accident.

W. H. Payn, coroner for Dover and its liberties, held an inquest on Thursday at the "Tartar Frigate Inn," Broadstairs, upon the body of a man named William Henry Dobbs, a coachman, who was supposed to have been killed by a fall from the cliff near the North Foreland lighthouse, the body having been found much mutilated and lying at the foot of the cliff at the place named. There was no evidence of the falling, but the man had been seen in a state of intoxication near the top of the cliff and in the absence of more direst evidence the jury returned a verdict "That the deceased was found dead, supposed to have been killed by a fall from the cliff."


From Dover Express, Saturday, November 11, 1865.


On Saturday last an inquest was held at the "Tartar Frigate" Public-house, Broadstairs, on the body of Alfred Emery, who was picked up floating half a mile from the shore off Broadstairs by some boatmen belonging to that place. It was ascertained that he was one of the crew of the wrecked "Three Brothers," of Folkestone, and the body having been identified a verdict of "Found Drowned" was returned.


From the Thanet Advertiser, Friday 19 August 1932.


Despite strenuous opposition by Inspector Beer, the Cinque Ports magistrates, at Margate, on Monday, acceded to the application made by Mr. Allcorn, licensee of the "Tartar Frigate," Broadstairs, for an extension of the permitted hours on Thursday from 2.30 until 5 p.m. and from 10.30 p.m. until 11 p.m. on the occasion of the annual water sports.


Thanet Advertiser, Friday 24 September 1937.

Concert artist Who Found Romance.

New Hosts at Broadstairs.

A romance that would seem to have been enacted in real life from the script of a play, lies in the story of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Hole, who, after exciting adventures abroad, have settled down in Broadstairs as mine host and hostess of the "Tartar Frigate."

No book of fiction could offer its readers a more embracing love story than they have to tell. A meeting on a liner in the Mediterranean... again in the famous Citadel of Cairo... adventures in the desert... have been the happy lot of the two interesting newcomers to Broadstairs.

Well, to begin the story, we must go back many years to the time when the famous star Marie Santol was appearing on the London stage. She acted at the Coliseum, Alhambra, and Palladium, reaching a salary of £200 a week, and at times she was reputed to have earned as much as £800 a week.

When she died Marie left six children, four of whom carried on the family stage tradition. And one of them, the youngest, was Jose Santos now Mrs. Hole.

One of Jose's first appearances was in Sunderland, where at the age of 14, she sang with her brother's at one of the local cinemas. She worked with her mother and, following the latter's death, made a name for herself in revue, musical comedy, and pantomime in London and various parts of the country.

Found Romances.

Sprightly, dark-haired Jose gave me a smiling reception when I visited the "Tartar Frigate" on Thursday, and what a romantic tale she had to tell me.

"Following my career on the stage," she told me, "I took up concert party work and in 1933 went to Egypt with Lawrence Glen's troupe "The Venturers." There were six of us in that company and on the last night before reaching Egypt we gave a concert on board - and that was how I found romance.

"Travelling to Egypt in the same liner was Arthur Hole, then chief inspector of the Egyptian State Railways. He attended that concert and was so impressed by my singing that he met me afterwards. When we landed in Egypt I did not expect to see Arthur again so you can imagine my surprise when I again saw him when we were giving a performance at the famous Citadel in Cairo. Within a week we were engaged.

"I then went with "The Venturers" to Palestine, Transjordanian and Syria, Jose continue, and returned to England for 10 months during which time I appeared with George Thomas at the Pier Pavilion, Margate. Finishing my season there in September, 1934. I immediately sailed for Egypt, and arrived there on 10th October, married Arthur in the British Consulate within half an hour of coming ashore at Port Said.

"I didn't give him any chance to change his mind, said Jose, with a sparkle in her eye.

Arab Guard.

Things were rather hot in Cairo at the time," she said. "Riots were going on and my husband and I travel 50 km out of the city to a temporary headquarters of the railway in a desert. There we stayed for 3 years with an Arab guarding our house every night.

"Out in the desert wastes it was always our ambition to take a little pub by the sea in England when my husband retired, an Broadstairs suits us very nicely.

Speaking of her mother, Jose told me that Marie first appeared on the stage at the age of three in the little role of "The Wilson Child," and from then until her death had an unbroken record as an artiste. At one time she appeared at 3 London houses each night for a week.
Recently Jose, who speaks with a delightful Lancashire accent, won 3rd prize in a bronzed Venus competition at Cliftonville.

Her brother is Tom Moss, known as "The Caruso of the Halls," and a sister, Mary Fuller, is a successful comedienne and B.B C. artists.


From the Thanet Advertiser, Tuesday, 24 October 1939.

Fire at Tartar Frigate. EARLY MORNING ALARM.

Broadstairs Fire Brigade were summoned to an outbreak at the "Tartar Frigate Inn" daring the early hours of Monday morning last week.

The fire was discovered when Mrs. A. H. Hole, wife of the licensee, woke to hear a crackling sound, and on investigation the ceiling of a store-room at the back of the bars was found to be well alight.

At about 3.30 the fire brigade arrived to find the fire under control, and with first-aid appliances they soon extinguished the blaze.

Mr. Hole told the Advertiser & Echo that the fire was caused by a short circuit in the electric wiring. No serious damage was done.


Thanet Advertiser, 7 November 1939.

Wife Who Did Not Appear. Application for Order Against Licensee.

Mr. Arthur Hole, licensee of the "Tartar Frigate" public-house, Harbour-street, Broadstairs, was summoned to appear at the Cinque Porte Police Court at Margate, on Monday, in answer to a summons taken out by his wife for an order against him on the grounds of persistent cruelty.

Mr. Hole was represented by Mr. B. Barnes.

The Clerk (Mr. C. C. Maughan) said he had received a telegram from Luton saying that Mrs. Hole was indisposed and that she was writing to the court.

Mr. Barnes said Mr. Hole could give evidence that he spoke to someone in a Margate hotel who told him that Mrs. Hole had gone away by train the previous morning.

The Clerk:- When did he last see his wife?

Mr. Barnes:- Last Thursday.

The chairman (Mr. J. H Millar) announced that the case would be adjourned for a week.


From the Thanet Advertiser, Friday 17 November 1939.

Licences wife Obtains a Separation Order.

At the Cinque Port Police Court, Margate, on Monday, Mrs. Josephine Hole was granted a separation and maintenance order against her husband, Mr. Arthur Hole, licensee of the "Tartar Frigate," Broadstairs, on the grounds of persistent cruelty.

Several times during the hearing, which lasted nearly an hour, Mrs. Hole broke down and wept.

Mr. and Mrs. Hole when married 5 years ago, the marriage taking place in Egypt. They took over the licence of the "Tartar Frigate" three years after their marriage.

Mrs. Hole, who gave evidence regarding acts of alleged cruelty, and she said had sent telegrams to several witnesses but they would not attend the court, removed her coat to show the magistrates bruises on both arms.

Mr. C. C. Maughan (Magistrates' Clerk):- How often did this happen?

Witness:- About once a month.

Are you afraid of him?


Mrs. Hole denied that she had a violent temper or that she had ever been drunk.

Mr. Hole, who denied the allegations, said he only smacked his wife in the face when she was drunk, or the worst for drink.

The magistrates retired for some time and on their return the chairman (Mr. W. Booth Reeve) said they would grant a separation order, together with a maintenance order of 30s. a week. Mr hole was ordered to pay 10s. 6d. costs.


From the Thanet Advertiser, Friday 22 April 1949.

New Wall Restores Old Look.

Recent alterations at the "Tartar Frigate," 400-year-old public house on Broadstairs seafront, have restored the front of the building to its original design. The building dates back to the time of Henry VIII, and landlord Councillor F. H. E. Price was unaware that alterations to the entrances had given it its "old look," until a customer produced a photograph taken from the Jetty about half-a-century ago.

The original flint front wall has been taken down and completely re-built.


From the Thanet Advertiser, Friday 10 November 1950.

No licence for himself. Broadstairs Housing Chairman Resigns.

Chairman of the Housing and Town Planning Committee of Broadstairs Council, Councillor F. H. E. Price has resigned from a Council as a protest against the decision of his colleagues not to grant him permission to build a house for occupation by himself and his family.

A member of the Council for four and a half years Councillor Price has presided over the deliberations of a committee which has granted a large number of licences to other people to build houses.

On Monday Councillor Price stood for some time outside the Council chamber while the general purposes committee discussed this application at his own special request.

The answer came back "No."

"I am resigning as a protest against the action of the Council, said Counsellor Price, who added that the Council would only grant licences to old people or retired people. He was 33 years of age and his wife was 32.

"They have refused my application because they are scared of being accused of favouring counsellors," he said.

Councillor and Mrs. Price have three children aged 8 years, 6 years and 16 months and a 19-year-old Finnish nursemaid for whom they are responsible. Counsellor Price's tenancy of the "Tartar Frigate Inn" expires at Christmas and Councillor Price was seeking permission to build a house on the plot of land at Broadstairs.

Can't afford to buy.

"I can't afford to buy a house at the inflated prices such as exist to-day," he said. "We want a large house with at least four bedrooms." As a matter of principle he would not make application for permission to rent a Council house, which had to be subsidised by the ratepayers.

The council knew it was the right thing to do to issue me with a licence but they have not got the guts of their convictions. Other applications granted instead of mine included one for a couple without children who recently moved into the district and who have accommodation with relatives were as I shall be without a house for my family when I leave. I could have granted myself a licence but I did not think it was right for me to do so," said Councillor Price. "I spent four and a half years granting licences and therefore I know what I am talking about. If they had judged my case on its merits they would have granted me a licence."

"As a private individual," he added "perhaps I should be able to get something done before apparently Counsellors have no rights."

Councillor Price, who took over the licence of the "Tartar Frigate" in June, 1946, was invalided from the Navy as a result of injuries sustained when a mine which he was rendering harmless exploded. He was awarded the M.B.E.

Councillor F. B. Salt, Chairman of the Council, who presided at the meeting of the General Purposes Committee, said "It's usual to consult your chairman when you resign from the Council but I did not know anything about this resignation until yesterday (Thursday). I have absolutely no comment to make."

Said Councillor A. T. Tucker, Vice-Chairman of the council, "Councillor Price had his application dealt with as other applications are dealt with. He does not know the true facts. When they are known I believe he will find he is mistaken. Councillor Price had no business to talk about the discussions which took place in committee, which are confidential. In any case he's got hold of the wrong end of the stick. The Committee has made the recommendations and that recommendation will have to be considered by the Council.


From the Daily Herald, 25 February 1955.

Old whiskers has lost his pitch.

Freddy Martell

Children laughed and scrambled on the jetty for sweets tossed to them by old man with Snow White whiskers as he weighed their parents on his old fashioned weighing chair.

But this coming summer they'll be no weighing chair, no "Old Whiskers," as 85 year old Freddy Martell is called.

In their place on the wooden jetty at Broadstairs will be a council owned penny-in-the-slot machine.

For the council has this year refused Freddy's annual £1 fee for the site.

But Freddy's weighing chair is getting the weight of public opinion behind it.

Petitions are appearing in the pubs and shops around the little Harbour, headed. "We want Freddy back."

And names are going on fast.

"Old Whiskers fits into the picture with our old jetty," said Mr. Leslie Forrest, landlord of the "Tartar Frigate," yesterday.

And old Freddy? In his whitewashed cottage, said:- "Down there on the jetty in the sun with the children. That's what I live for."


Thanet Times, Tuesday 26 May, 1964.

Les Forest, of the "Tartar Frigate."

Les Forest 1964

What makes an old pub into a good pub?

Put this question to Les Forest, licensee of the "Tartar Frigate," Broadstairs Harbour, and he will just get a one word answer. "Perfection."

"Presentation counts for a lot in any business these days," says Les. "One must always find out what the public wants and then go and get it for them."

Applying this philosophy to a pub, Les believes that every customer who goes into it should be made to feel that it has been waiting for him or her.

"A clean ashtray, a clean tablecloth and definitely no dirty glasses lying around, all contribute to the standard of perfection which every customer has a right to expect."

Perfection in a house like the "Tartar Frigate," which specialises in copper and brassware naturally means a lot of hard work.

Stage shows.

Les attributes his sense of perfection to the training he received while working as a theatre manager for Grenada Theatres in London during the war. He was in tern manager of cinemas-cum-theatres all round London during the war and presented hundreds of stage shows.

Eventually he was advised to leave London and the theatres for his health and he came to Margate just in time to reopen the "Good Intent." In 1949, he took over the "Esquire Club" and moved to the "Tartar Frigate" in 1951, taking over from an equally colourful character, Frank Price.


From the Birmingham Daily Post, Monday 21 August 1967.


Mr. Edward Heath was "moved on" by a police constable from a public house, the "Tartar Frigate Inn," at Broadstairs, Kent, yesterday.

Landlord Mr. Neil Corbitt said Mr. Heath, with Mr. Winston Churchill - Sir Winston's grandson - and about six others had gone to the pub for a drink after a sailing trip.


From the Daily Mirror, Monday 21 August 1967.

Just a quiet beer in the sun for Ted Heath, before the P.C. told him to move.

The Rt. Hon. Edward Richard George Heath, M.P., leader of the opposition was in jeans and an open neck shirt at the time, having a quiet beer.

Ted Heath

It was lunchtime. The day was hot. The beer was pleasantly cool, and his friends were all around him outside the "Tartar Frigate" pub beside the sea at Broadstairs, Kent, yesterday.

There were friends like Winston S. Churchill, 26 year old grandson of Sir Winston, and his charming wife, Minnie.


Friends like Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, Tory M.P. for Finchley. Like Philip Kaiser, charge d'affairs at the American Embassy.

Good company. Interesting chat. Enough, perhaps, to produce that old Tory feeling:- "You've never had it so good."

No one really heard the police constable put-put along on his motorcycle, stop, climb off and walk up to the group. But they all heard his message. It was simple and impeccably clear....

"Do you mind standing on the pavement?

Ted heath and party

There was no mistake. The constable, it seems, did see that it was Mr. Heath. But the road outside the pub is extremely narrow.

So the party moved and went on drinking. But quite soon it was time to go.

It didn't seem quite the same somehow.


East Kent Times and Mail, Friday 28 August 1970.

With pride of place.

Cheerful Londoner Mr. Bert Kerridge, landlord of the "Tartar Frigate" opposite Broadstairs Harbour, can number Prime Minister Mr. Edward Heath among his customers, and has several reminders on the pub wall.

Latest as a picture which appeared in a London newspaper of Mr. Heath having a drink at his local in Bexley, his constituency, on election day.

"That has pride of place in a chimney breast in the saloon bar," said Mr. Kerridge.

"We also have one of him on a boat and a third, a souvenir of Morning Cloud's victory in the Sydney Hobart race last year, has attached to it a letter from Mr. Heath wishing well to all our customers," says the landlord.


East Kent Times and Mail, Wednesday 9 April 1975.

Family holiday tragedy. Father killed in crash.

Former Prime Minister Mr. Heath will be sending a wreath to Friday's funeral service for the Broadstairs publican killed in France on the first day of a family holiday last week.

Mr. Burt Kerridge, licensee of the "Tartar Frigate," which is Mr. Heath's local, died in the road crash involving the family car and a heavy vehicle.

He and his family were on route to Majorca for a holiday in Palma Nova.

Mr. Kerridge's wife Mary is in Rouen Hospital intensive care unit with multiple chest injuries and cuts. Yesterday she was off the danger list but is in a critical condition with a fractured thorax and pierced lung.


Their children, Paul, 15, and Ann, 11, escaped virtually unhurt and have been brought home by their uncle - the former licensee of the "New Inn," Margate, Mr. Cecil Johnstone.

A publican for more than 20-years, Mr. Kerridge moved to Thanet from London to take over the "Tartar Frigate" at the harbour 8 years ago.

The news shocked the licensing trade and the many friends the family have made in Thanet. Mr. Bernard Briggs, who runs the "Wellington Arms" in the marketplace, Margate, and another friend of the Kerridge's, Mrs. Hilda Prior, immediately left for France to help Mrs. Kerridge.

A funeral service at St. Peter's church on Friday morning will be followed by a cremation.


From the By Lauren MacDougall, 6 November 2019.

Kent’s cosiest pubs with gorgeous log fires that will shield you from the cold.

These stunning pubs come with crackling fires, beautiful interiors and tasty food.

Is there anything better than curling up next a toasty log fire, pint in hand?

With the winter months drawing in and November predicted to be one of the coldest ever, knowing your local cosy pub with a gorgeous log fire is more important than ever.

Whether you're looking for a tipple after a brisk walk or just after a warm afternoon out, there's plenty of choice.

These stunning pubs come with crackling fires, beautiful interiors and tasty food.

Some of them even have more than one wood burner, so you won't be fighting for the coveted space in front of the flickering flames.

If you're looking for some inspiration, check out our list below.

The Tartar Frigate.

Tartar Frigate inside 2019

The Tartar Frigate.

Where : 37-39 Harbour St, Broadstairs CT10 1EU.

This pub is perhaps best known for its seafood offerings, but it is also a snug spot to hideout while exploring the coast this winter.

Settle into one of the pub's many nooks and crannies and sample some of their famous lobster while enjoying some live folk music.

All this come with spectacular views of the stormy seas just a stone's throw away from the cosy pub.

The food, atmosphere and service are perfect for a Sunday, which leave you just wanting to crawl up next to the fire and sit there all day in a satisfied food coma.


From the By Kathy Bailes, 10 July, 2020.

Tribute paid to ‘Mr Marmite’ landlord of the Tartar Frigate pub in Broadstairs

Karel Kozisek and partner 2019

Karel with partner Karen last year.

Tribute has been paid to a ‘thoughtful’ and hard-working Broadstairs pub landlord who died following a fall in March.

Karel Kozisek had run ‘a tight ship’ at the Tartar Frigate for 12 years.

The 63-year-old, known affectionately to regulars as Mr Marmite, fell down steps at his home and was unable to gain help.

At an inquest in Maidstone on Monday (July 6) coroner Geoffrey Smith recorded the cause as accidental death.

Karel was born in Prague on May 14, 1956. He was an only child who loved to play the class clown.

He served in the army then completed his studies in hospitality.

Karel married his first wife at the age of 22 and they had two beautiful daughters, Eliska and Lenka who still live in Prague with Karel’s five grand children.

He had a variety of jobs travelling to America and Germany before coming to England. He was very proud to become a British citizen.

He became the bar manager at the Tarter Frigate in Broadstairs 12 years ago, working long hours and looked forward to playing snooker at the Comrades club for relaxation.

His passion was to ride his beloved Harley Davidson roaring around town in his lunch break.

In 2018 he and his wife Patricia parted. A few months later he began a relationship with friend Karen McCallum and they spent two happy years together.

Karen said: “Karel was fantastic. I knew him since he came to the Tartar Frigate and he was a friend to me and my late husband Trevor. He was fantastic and really supportive when I lost my husband, helping me through a really awful time.

“He referred to himself as Mr Marmite, people loved him but he was like a bulldog when protecting his good customers such as if anyone came in who had had too much to drink.

“Karel was really thoughtful, when he visited me he would never turn up empty-handed, he would always have flowers, and he was so caring. We went to Prague so I could meet his daughters and grandchildren and his daughters just loved him to bits.

“He was put in a position when he was younger where it was hard to find work in the Czech Republic which was why he travelled. He was passionate about his work, putting in long, punishing hours.”

Karel is missed by his loyal customers and friends, his family and Karen.



MILLER John 1813+

PENFOLD Thomas 1826-47+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

HOILE William 1851+

MAY Edward George 1857-58+

LASHAM William 1861-67+ (age 54 in 1861Census)

LASHAM Thomas 1871-1911+ (age 70 in 1911Census) Kelly's 1903

SOLLY George Edward 1913+

SKINNER Alex 1922+

ALLCORN Harry 1932-34+

HOLE Arthur H 1937-39+

PRICE F H E to Dec/1950

Last pub licensee had FOREST Les 1951-64+

CORBITT Neil 1967+

KERRIDGE Bert 1967-Apr/75 dec'd

KOZISEK Karel 2007-July/20 dec'd


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
