24 Court Street
Not a lot is known about the pub under this name other than to suggest it
was previously called the "Malt Shovel"
prior to 1791 and changed name to the "New
Inn" in the 1820s.
From Commons to Lord's. 26th September 1791.
On Monday next, the 26th instant, will be played, at Faversham, a Match of Cricket,
between the gentlemen of Faversham, Linsted and Teynham, against the
Gentlemen of the Star Club on Chatham Hill, for One Guinea a man.
The wickets to be pitched at ten o’clock and the game played out.
N.B. a good Ordinary in the Field by George Hills, at the "White
Hart." - Kent Gazette Sept. 23.
Kentish Gazette 9 August, 1793.
On Monday August 12, 1793, will be played at Faversham, the Returned
Match of Cricket. The gentlemen of Norton and Lingfield with two Men
given against the Gentlemen of Faversham, for a Guinea a Man. The
wickets to be pitched at nine o’clock, and the match played out.
A good Ordinary at the White Hart by George Hills. The
Cricketers and G. Hills of Faversham thank those Gentlemen who
subscribed toward the hire of the field for them.
From the Kentish Gazette, 5 October 1810.
EARLY on WEDNESDAY morning last, from the "White Hart" Public-house,
Faversham, by a man dressed in a brown coat and white waistcoat,
dark hair, wrinkled in the face, about 5 feet 5 inches high, A
SILVER WATCH, maker’s name, James Shilling, Milton, No. 309. If offered to be sold or pawned, please to stop it and the person
who offers it, and a handsome reward will be given by applying to
Thomas Gibbons, "White Hart," Faversham. It is supposed the man is gone to Chatham or London. He also look a pair of Welch Yarn Stockings much stained with yellow
ochre, and a pair of Shoes. |
Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1820.
Last week, a young man from the country, who had been drinking
excessively, coming out of the door of the "White
Hart," Faversham, dropped down, and instantly expired.
I have just added the pubs of Faversham after a visit to the hop festival
in 2012.
I will be adding further information as time allows, but with my site
getting ever larger, time spent on each pub is being watered down
unfortunately. Your information, photos, old or new and licensee names and
dates is much appreciated.
HILLS George 1791-73+
GIBBONS Thomas 1810+
LEWIS Richard 1828+

From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29