9 The Square
Above photo date unknown. |
Above picture shows the building that was there before the current "Queen's
Head" public house was built. Date unknown. |
Above showing the dedication of the fountain in 1909 outside the
"Queen's Head Hotel." |
Above photo showing the Queen's head in 1915. |
Rear of "Queen's Head," 1973. |
Above photo, 2009.
Above pictures taken from Google maps 2009.
Above photo, 2024. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Queen's Head sign right May 1986
Above with thanks from Brian Curtis
www.innsignsociety.com |
Above sign, 2024. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above card issued 1973. Sign number 22. |
Above picture showing a business card for the "Queen's Head Hotel."
Circa 1910. |
It has been suggested that this pub was the original "Acorn"
but changed name during the reign of Queen Victoria in order to attract the
gentry. That would be after 1837. However, further information suggests that
the pub was serving as far back as 1769 when it was mentioned in the Kentish
Gazette. The rugged flint-faced rear elevation of the building shows where
the livery stables once stood. However, I also have reference to a "Queen's
Head" just along the road at St Nicholas at Wade, which was serving as
far back as 1740, and may have referred to this, if indeed the two are not
one and the same.
From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle,
Wednesday 10 May to Saturday 13 May, 1769. Price 2½d.
On Monday the 22nd Day of May Instant, at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon, at
the House of the BLEW, known by the name of Sign of the “Queen's Head,”
in Birchington Street in the Isle of Thanet. A Handsome, Commodious, Brick-built hold Messuage or tenement, late the
dwelling house of Mrs. Eliz Matthews, Widow, deceased,) having a good
cellar, Kitchen and other Conveniences, together with the Stable, Two
Gardens, one Orchard, and a large accustomed Malthouse to the same,
belonging and adjoining, situate in Birchington Street, aforementioned. For further particulars, inquire of Mr. D Marsh, Attorney, in Margate or
of John Matthews, or Birchington, the said, who will shew the premises. |
Closed some time after 2009 and has now been converted into flats.
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 31 May 1864.
Selling Beer at an Illegal Hour.
William Hayward, landlord of the "Queen's Head," at Birchington, was
charged upon the information of P.S. Cladish, K.C.C., with having, on
Sunday the 1st instant, opened his house for the sale of beer at an
illegal hour. Defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge, and applied to
the Bench to adjourn the ease for a fortnight, as he had engaged Mr.
Boys to appear for him, who was unable to attend.
Mr. Blackburn said an adjournment would in all probability increase the
expenses, which must be borne by the defendant.
The defendant said he did not mind that; he would rather have the case
Superintendent Stokes, K.C.C., said that as far as he and his men were
concerned, there would be no additional expense, and he had no objection
to offer to the defendant’s application being granted.
The case was adjourned for a fortnight.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 15
October, 1864.
Before the trial of prisoners an appeal case was heard. The appeal
was against a decision of the Justices of Dover and its liberties, who
had declined to renew the license of the "Queen's Head," a public house
in Birchington, kept by one William Hayward.
Mr. Barrow, instructed by Mr. W. H. Boyce, of Margate, appeared in
support of the appellant; and Mr. Bridge, instructed by Mr. J.
Stillwell, Clerk to the Justices, for the respondents.
A preliminary objection was raised by Mr. Bridge as to the service of
notice, but as the main objection upon which he relied was one of
jurisdiction, he did not insist upon the one of more informality, and
Mr. Barrow was heard at some length upon the more important point. He
contended that the hearing of the Municipal Act and the Municipal Act
Amendment Act on the licensing statute, the 9th Geo. IV., was such as to
give the Recorder of Dover jurisdiction to hear this appeal; but after
hearing the reply of Mr. Bridge, who combated the legal arguments of the
learned counsel on the other side, the Recorder decided that he had no
jurisdiction, and that the only course open to the appellant was to
apply for a mandamus in the Court of Queen's Bench.
Mr. Bridge applied for costs, which were allowed to the amount of £9.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 5 February, 1886. 1d.
The Borough Coroner (Sydenham Payn, Esq.), held an inquiry at the
“Queen's Head Hotel,” Birchington, on of the Liberties of Dover, on
Tuesday afternoon, touching on the death of George Peel, a waggoner,
employed by Mr. Edwards, a farmer, of Birchington. It appeared that the
deceased was following a plough when he fell down, and on being lifted
up by his comrade appeared to be dead. The Jury returned a verdict of
death from heart disease.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 3 February 1900. Price 1d.
At Margate (Cinque Ports) Petty Sessions, on Monday, Allen Swinbourne,
Canterbury, hawker, was charged with having been drunk and disorderly in
Birchington-square on the 31st July last; he was also charged with
refusing to quit the “Queen's Head Inn,” when ordered to do so on the
same day. The defendant did not appear. Mr. Emery presented for the Licensed Victuallers' Association, and said
the defendant and two others took possession of the “Queen's Head” bar,
refused to leave, and damaged certain property there. The other two had
since been dealt with, and the prisoner had only recently undergone two
months' imprisonment for another offence, and he was then served with
this summons. Mr. George Bassett, landlord of the “Queen's Head,” Birchington, said
the defendant and two others went to his house; but as one of the
others, named Collins, was drunk, he refused to serve him. Swinbourne
then called for drink, and on being served, handed it to Collins. He
(complainant) objected and requested him to leave, but they refused and
threw down a stone jug and a glass. He also threatened him, and he could
not get rid of them for three hours, when P.C. Jenner was called in. P.C. Jenner said be went to the “Queen's Head,” as soon as he was sent
for, and had great difficulty in ejecting the men and a woman.
Swinbourne took off his coat and used very bad language. He also
threatened to “do for” him. He was drunk and disorderly. Replying to the Bench he said his beat was round Birchington, Acol,
Brook's End, and the back of the Hundred. The Chairman (Mr. Grant) said he and Mr. Hayden had often thought they
ought to have more than one constable there. The Clerk said he supposed it was a case of false economy. Several convictions were proved against the defendant, who was fined
20s. and costs in each case or one months' hard labour, the sentences to
run consecutively. Mr. Emery said the complainant had had to pay costs of £3 14s. 6d. in
two other cases, and asked that they might be remitted in this case.
The Bench agreed to this cause, and the Chairman then instructed
Inspector Sanford to make a representation to the Chief Constable for
the County that they considered that, at all events, in the summer,
there ought to be another constable stationed at Birchington. |
Closed in 2010 and converted into a private residence.
HAYWARD William 1861-91+ (age 69 in 1891 )
BASSETT George 1900-01+ (age 40 in 1901 )

KING Charles Edward 1903-10 
WARNER Walter B 1911+ (proprietor age 47 in 1911 )
FAIRWEATHER W A Mr to Nov/1922

RANGER Francis Edward Nov/1922+

From the Dover Express
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald
From the Kelly's Directory 1903