Sort file:- Canterbury, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 29 September, 2021.


Earliest 1862-

(Name from)

Railway Inn

Latest Sept 1898

(Name to)

Wincheap Green


Canterbury map 1874

Above map 1874 identified by Rory Kehoe.


Listed in 1865 under this name but became the "Station Hotel" by 1888; at present I do not have the information as to when this happened.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 1 March, 1862. Price 1 1/2d.


George Dunn, landlord of the “Railway Tavern,” Wincheap, appeared to answer a charge of un-lawfully detaining a £10 note, the property of James Tuff, banker, Wincheap-street.

Mr. Towne conducted the case for Mr. Tuff, and Mr. Delasaux appeared for Mr. Dunn.

Mr. Towne having briefly stated the circumstances, Mr. Tuff deposed:- I know Mr. Dunn who keeps the “Railway Tavern,” Wincheap. I was at his house on Thursday, the 13th inst. I went there about one o'clock, and stayed there till nearly eight in the evening. Mr. Dunn was there, and I was in his company. Mr. Holdstock was also there. We were all together in the parlour playing bagatelle during the whole of the afternoon. We played for both drink and money. When we finished I had a shilling to pay. I had before paid as I went on, and the last reckoning I had to pay was a shilling for drink. I offered a £10 note in payment. Mr. Dunn took the note in his hand and said he could not change it. I had the purse in my hand and gave him a £5 note, which he said he could change. He did not give me the £10 note hack again. I was “fresh” at the time, but I remember counting the change out of the £5 note. On leaving the tavern I went home and went to bed. I live about ten rods off Mr. Dunn’s house. The next morning I got up about three o’clock, to look at my money, and missed the £10 note. My other money was right except what I spent. I went to Mr. Dunn’s, but he was not then up. I went again as soon as he was up. I asked him if he had got my £I0 note. He said he had not, but that he saw me offer to lend it to Mr. Holdstock. He acknowledged that he had had it in his hands to get changed, but he could not change it. I then went to Holdstock and asked him about it. I also went several times to Mr. Dunn, who kept telling me he thought I had lent it to Mr, Holdstock. I advertised the note because I thought they would give it up. I have no doubt I left the note in Mr. Dunn's hands — I know I left it there.

In answer to Mr. Delasaux, Mr. Tuff said he had not charged Holdstock with picking his pocket. He had not been to Shorncliffe and other places to make inquiries.

Mr. Delasaux addressed the Court on behalf of Mr. Dunn, against whom, he said, there was not a particle of evidence.

The Bench consulted for a short time, when they determined to examine Mr. Holdstock, who deposed: I know both Dunn and Tuff. I was in their company at Dunn’s on Thursday week. I was with them about five hours and a half altogether. Tuff and I played at bagatelle till I refused to play any longer; and then Tuff challenged the landlord, and they played for sherry and water and brandy and water. When Tuff pulled his purse out to pay what he had lost, I heard Dunn say I cannot change that. I saw a note, but I cannot speak to the value of it. I afterwards saw a £5 note, which Mr. Toff showed me before he gave it to Mr. Dunn.

The magistrates then consulted and decided to dismiss the case. In delivering the decision of the bench, the Mayor said that Mr. Dunn had done very wrong in allowing gambling in his house, and his conduct in that respect would probably be taken notice of on another occasion.


From the Historic Canterbury web site

Feb 25, 1885 Edward TWYMAN: stealing from Ann Roots, landlady of the Railway Inn, Wincheap Green, Canterbury CCA-CC-J/V/1885/32.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 28 February 1885.


Edward Twyman, a militiaman, belonging to Dover, was charged with stealing 7s. from the till of the "Railway Tavern," Canterbury," the money of Mrs. Roots, the landlady. It appeared that prisoner went with another man into the house on the previous evening. Twyman took advantage of the opportunity when no one was looking to reach over the counter and subtract some silver from a till which was open.

Prisoner was sentenced to one month's hard labour.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 10 September, 1898.


A fire of somewhat alarming nature occurred early on Wednesday last at the "Railway Inn," Wincheap Green, occupied by a Mrs. Gambrill, through the bursting of a paraffin lamp hanging in the bar. It appears that at 12.54 P.C. Hawkes, who was on duty in Wincheap Street, heard someone calling for help, and on his arrival at Wincheap Green he saw that the bar of the "railway Inn" was on fire. Finding both doors open, and having been told that there was no one in the house, he closed them, and ran off to Fireman Dismore's residence, 27, Wincheap Street, and gave the alarm on the electric bells. On his return he saw a man named James Kenneth Young, an attendant at Chartham Asylum, who resides at the Inn, and he explained that the cause of the fire was the bursting of a paraffin lamp which hung in the bar. In the meantime someone also gave the alarm at the Police Station, and the Police were soon on the scene, Superintendent J. W. Farmery being in command. he at once saw that the bar and side room were enveloped in flames, and directed his men to connect their hose to a hydrant opposite the Victoria Hospital. Unfortunately, it was then found that the stand pipe was too short owing to the road having been raised in connection with the Presbyterian Church improvement, and the hose had to be affixed to a stand pipe opposite the "Avenue Hotel." The County Brigade then arrived and got connected with a hydrant outside Mr. Nightingale's yard in Wincheap, and the Kent Fire brigade, who came upon the scene a minute or two later, affixed their hose to a hydrant opposite Mr. Fraser's house in Castle Street. the last named brigade at once commenced to play on the flames from the back yard of the "Victoria" public house, and the Police and Kent Fire Brigades doing the same in front of the building. The interior of the premises was completely gutted, and the fire was not extinguished till about five minutes past two in the morning. The man Young, who it should be mentioned, was in a very exited condition, was subsequently seen at the Police Station and he told P.C. Swain that on the previous evening he went to see "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at the Theatre, returning to the Inn about 10.55. he then took his jacket off and went behind the bar and closed the house at 11 o'clock. He and Mrs. Gambrill and a friend were having supper in a back room between twelve and one o'clock when he smelt smoke in the bar and rushing in he saw the lamp had caught alight. He tried to smother the flames with a bag, but finding he could not do so he rushed upstairs and got four children out of the house, someone else rescuing two others. He then went into the street and shouting for help, after which he saved his bicycle, a sewing machine, and a mail cart. The owners of the Inn are Mr. F. Townsend, Hollycott Cottage, Harewood Road, Surrey, and Mr. Walter Martineau Ayres, Harpendon, Herfordshire. The furniture and contents of the house were insured in the Kent Office and the building was also insured, but in what office it is now at present unknown.




DUNN George 1862+ Post Office Directory 1862

JARVIS W Sept/1866-68+ Canterbury JournalGreens Canterbury Directory 1868

MALONEY 1868+ (Greens Canterbury Directory 1868 Maloney's Railway Hotel)

COLTHUP Edwin 1871+ (age 32 in 1871Census)

BALDWIN Charles 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

ROOTS James 1881-82+ CensusPost Office Directory 1882

ROOTS Mrs Ann 1885-91+ Post Office Directory 1891

GAMBRILL Mrs to Sept/1898


Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Canterbury JournalCanterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
