Sort file:- Canterbury, November, 2023.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 19 November, 2023.


Earliest 1768-

Red Lyon Inn

Latest 1806

(Name to)

High Street



I am not certain whether this is actually referring to the "Red Lion" in Love Lane as the spelling is slightly different and this address is certainly a distance from Love Lane. Further research will tell with any luck, but till then I am saying it is a different premises.

I am now pretty confident that this is the same location as I have information for the "Lion Hotel" in the High Street.

I am informed by Len Parrick that the premises was demolished around 1806 when Guildhall Street was created, it would have stood in the resultant gap in the street frontage. It's mentioned in 'The Story of the English Towns, Canterbury' by Dorothy Gardner: 'It was a fine old inn, standing where Guildhall Street now enters the High Street, the great parlour wainscotted with panelling brought from St. Augustine's Hall, which had been painted originally with scenes of scripture history as though hung up in frames...'

Edward Wilmot in Lost Inns of Canterbury also places the "Lion Hotel" here and suggests it was known as the Old Medical Hall previously (although not necessarily a pub).

From Tina's website Historic Canterbury, Guildhall Street entry: According to Walter Cozens (1906) "When the old Red Lion Inn disappeared from the High Street in 1806, in order to open the new thoroughfare we call Guildhall street, it is very probable that the Medical Hall was built."

Could the Medical Hall (later Lion Hotel) perhaps have been built in order to transfer the Red Lyon's license?


From the Kentish Gazette, Saturday, 11 June to Wednesday 15 June, 1768. Price 2d


At the “Red Lyon Inn,” in High Street, Canterbury, on Tuesday the 21st of June Instant, at Six o'clock in the Evening.

A Very genteel modern-built PHAETON, Crane-neck'd, with a Top to take off and Wings to affix, and a complete Set of HARNESS for a Pair of Horses; the Whole almost new, very little the worse for Wear; late the property of a Gentleman deceased.


From the Kentish Gazette, Wednesday, 29 June to Saturday 2 July, 1768. Price 2d


On Saturday the 30th July next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Sign of the “RED LYON,” in Canterbury.

A Substantial and well-built FREEHOLD MESSAUGE or TENEMENT, Hop-Oasts, Garden, and Premises: Together with sixteen Acres of Land, consisting of Arible, meadow, Pasture, and Hop-Ground, now left upon Lease, which will expire in the year 1769; all which said Messauge, Land and Premises are pleasantly situated near the River Stour, about a Mile from Canterbury; in the Parish of Thanington, in the County of Kent, and now in the Tenure or Occupation of Mess. John Sankey, and ---- Hills, their Assigns or Under-Tenants.

For further Particulars enquire of Mr. MUNK, Attorney, at Canterbury.


From the Kentish Gazette, Wednesday, 1 June to Saturday, 4 June, 1768. Price 2d


The Flying Machine from Margate to London on One Day, sets off from the “Fountain” at Margate inns at the “Red Lyon” Canterbury, and returns early in the Evening. Those who are pleased to favour this Machine may depend on the Business being performed with Care and Dispatch.

By Beale and Co.


From the Kentish Gazette, Saturday, 2 July to Wednesday, 6 July, 1768. Price 2d


On Saturday the 16th of July Inst, at the “Red Lyon,” in the City of Canterbury. One undivided Moiety of Two Freehold Estates, the property of the late Mr. George Pearch of this City. The first of which is a good Farm, pleasantly and conveniently situated in Stone Street, in the parish of Petham, about four Miles South of the City of Canterbury; consisting of a large well-built brick Dwelling house, well supplied with Water, a new-floor's Barn, Stables, Close, Orchards, Hop-garden, Arable and Wood-lands; the whole making about 60 Acres; lett under Lease to the late Mr. Valentine Austin, and now occupied by his Widow, at the Yearly Rent of 25 £. of which 13 Years were expired at Michaelmas last.

The other consists of good Farm-house with a Barn, a small Oast, Orchards, Hop-garden, Pasture and Arable Land; containing in all upwards of 18 Acres; now occupied by Mr. Luke Langford, Tennant at Will, at all old standing Rent of 15 £ 10s, per Annum and is conveniently situated in the Parish of Herne Hill, about 8 miles from Canterbury, 4 from Feversham, and within 2 of the London Road.

Any Person willing to know Particulars, may enquire of Mr. John Le Grand, near West-gate, Canterbury, or of Mr. George Pearch, No. 12. Cheapside, London.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 21 September to Saturday, 24 September, 1768. Price 2d.


Immediately, or at Michaelmas next, in a gentleman's Family.

A Cook Maid. None need apply but those who understand their Business, and can have a good Character from their last Places. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Adams, at the “Red Lyon,” Canterbury, or Mr. Low at the “Post House,” Faversham.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Saturday, 15 October, to Wednesday, 19 October, 1768. Price 2d.


To the Nobility, Gentlemen, Clergy and Others concerned.

Whereas the Fording the River, Stour at Sturrey, is attended with many Inconveniences, and frequently impracticable, whereby the Communication with the Isle of Thanet is greatly obstructed. There is now under Consideration a Plan for erecting a Bridge over the same.

It is requested, that a Meeting may be held on Wednesday the 2nd of November, at Eleven o'Clock, at the “Red Lyon Inn” Canterbury, to consult on proper Measures for putting the same into Execution.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 3 May, to Saturday 6 May, 1769. Price 2½d.


This present Saturday, at the “Red Lyon,” in High Street, Canterbury, at half past three in the afternoon.

A neat Timmy Whisky, with Harness complete' a Waggon, and Harness complete; and a Cart, and Harness.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 3 May, to Saturday 6 May, 1769. Price 2½d.


G. Adams, at the “Red Lyon,” High Street, Canterbury, having ended the Partnership, (as advertised) takes this Opportunity of informing his Friends, that he has furnished himself with a great Number of fresh and fine Horses and complete modern Post-Chaises, with careful sober drivers, to run at One Shilling per mile. Also a complete Landau, and Mourning Hearse and Coach, to any part of England, at a very moderate rate.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Saturday 20 May to Wednesday 24 May, 1769. Price 2½d.

LOST, the 23rd INSTANT

A Large Black and Tan Coloured Dog, with Cropt Ears, and Long Tail, supposed to be lost near Grove Ferry.

Any person that shall bring the same to the printers of this paper, or to the “Red Lyon,” in Canterbury or to Joshua Farrer, Esq.; at Clieve, in the Isle of Thanet, shall receive half a Guinea Reward.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Tuesday 30 June 1795.

City of Canterbury. Capital Inn to be Lett.

To be let by auction to the highest bidder, at the Guildhall, in the City of Canterbury, on Tuesday the 14th day of July next, between the hours of 10 and 11 in the forenoon, upon a lease for the term of seven years, to commence from the 10th day of October following, for the best and most improved yearly rent the best bidder may be willing to give for the same, (subject to such reservations and conditions as will then be thereby produced.)

All that capital and commodious in, called the "Red Lion," most advantageously situate in the High Street of the City of Canterbury, with large and convenient stables, outhouses, edifices, buildings, yards, cellars, and appurtenances there unto belonging, together with two cellars lying under the Guildhall in the said city, and adjoining the said inn, and now in the occupation of Mr. John Young.

For further particulars in quiet of Mr. Hammond, the town Clerk.


Kentish Gazette, Friday 6 November 1795.

Red Lion Inn, Canterbury.

Messrs. John May and Hercules Giles inform the public, that they have taken the "Red Lion Inn," High Street, Canterbury, and have laid in a large quantity of wines and spirits of the best quality, and also secured neat and handsome post chaises with strong and able horses, calculated for travelling with expedition.

Messrs. May and Giles are determined to accommodate all those and favour them with their company in the greatest manner. The eligibility of the Inn, from its central situation, has for years induced travellers to give it the preference, and as they will have good beds, good stabling, and reasonable charges, they have no doubt of meeting that support from the public which every one wishes who thrives to please.

Wanted immediately, a good cook, who can come recommended.


From an advertisement. 3 November 1801.

Messrs. Clackett and Giles take the earliest opportunity of informing the public, that they have opened a CANDLE WAREHOUSE in the Crown-yard, nearly opposite the "Red Lion Inn," High Street, where they intend carrying on the above business, both wholesale and retail, and at the same time flatter themselves that their goods will be of the best quality. Those friends who will favour them with their commands will be most gratefully received.

N.B. Country orders executed on the shortest notice.

Orders received at Horn Gile's, High Street.


Kentish Gazette, 30 August 1803.

RED LION INN, High Street, Canterbury.

The Licence being given up to the Corporation for the benefit of alteration and improvements, the whole of the Household Furniture, Fixtures, Horses, Carriages, And all other Effects, on the Premises, WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By CHARLES POUT, On Saturday next, the 3rd of September, 1803, in the Cattle-Market, at twelve o'clock.

Nine pair of strong, active, useful Horses, fit for gigs, saddle, or other usual work, being in high condition. And at four o’clock in the afternoon, will be Sold on the premises, in the Lion Yard.

Six-Post Chaises, two of them nearly new, in the highest stile of fashion, one Post Coach, and one Fish Cart, with the harnesses, saddles, other articles belonging to the use of stabling.

And on Monday the 5th of September, 1803, and three following days, will be Sold,

All the Household Furniture, fixtures, plate, linen, china, &c. consisting of thirty feather beds, bedsteads, with mahogany carved posts, with chintz, white dimity, printed cotton, and other furniture's, with the bedding and mattresses complete, mahogany furniture of every description, pier and dressing glasses, carpets of different dimensions, a large quantity of linen, glass, china, and earthen ware, a 7-feet kitchen range, smoke jack, coppers, a mangle, and every other article that is useful for the accommodation of an inn.The sale to begin each morning precisely at 11 o'clock, and the goods of each day's sale to be cleared. To be viewed each morning before the time of sale.

Catalogues to be had on Saturday next of the auctioneer, at his Upholstery and Furniture Warehouse, High-street, Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 16 December 1803.

LOST, in Canterbury,

A Red Spaniel Bitch, with large black eyes, and four white feet; answered to the name of Nell. Whoever will bring her to the "Red Lion Inn," Canterbury, shall receive two Guinness reward. Any person detaining the said Bitch after this public notice, will be prosecuted with the utmost rigor of the law.


Kentish Gazette, 31 October, 1806.


NOTICE is hereby given, that a PLAN and SPECIFICATIONS may be seen at the "Prince Charles," St. Dunstan’s, Canterbury, on and after Thursday the 6th day of November next (for seven days)

For erecting a "NEW INN", on part of the Site formerly the "Red Lion Inn," lately taken down, to make a new street from the High-street into Palace-street, in the city of Canterbury.

Any person or persons being desirous to contract for the same, arc desired to send their proposals, sealed up, to Mr. Hills, at the "Prince Charles," St. Dunstan’s, on or before Thursday the 13th day of November next.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette. Saturday 29 April 1843.

C. Trevor, in announcing to his friends and public that he has left the "Lion Hotel," begs to return his thanks for the support he received whilst there, and to recommend to their friendly notice his successor, Mr. R. G. Fox.

The bottled ale and Porter trade will be carried on, as usual, by C. T., at his grocery establishment, 21, High Street.


Robert. G. Fox, having removed from the "Falstaff Inn," St Dunstan, in succeeding Mr. C. Trevor, at the "Lion Hotel," High Street, Canterbury, earnestly solicits the support of the Gentry, his friends, and the public generally, to the above spacious and excellently fitted establishment, which has lately undergone, at a great expense, all repairs necessary to render it's convenient and comfortable, and trusts, by moderate charges, strict attention to the business, and superior articles, to merit a liberal share of their patronage.

The stables and yard, which are also well arranged, have undergone thorough repair, offering good accommodation to livery or bait horses.

R. G. F. at the same time begs to call the attention of his friends to his superior stock of wines and spirits, which he will continue to serve in any quantity, and on the same level terms as heretofore for cash.

N. B. A good ordinary every Saturday at 1:30 o'clock.



The building was demolished in 1806 and was situated where Guildhall Street is now.



ADAMS G to 1768

YOUNG John to 1795

MAY John & GILES Hercules 1795+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
