182 Beach Street
Top of North Street
Another only seen so far in Pigot's directory of 1828 and 1840.
In actual fact in the 1828 directory the name of the pub was listed as "Scarbra
Cat" and in the 1840 directory "Scarboro Cat". So I am assuming it should be
correctly spelt "Scarborough Cat". Both directories showed the same licensee
anyway. However, I could be wrong.
A few more updates later finds the following:- According to the Deal History Society, this pub by 1873 became the "Globe
The 1871 census shows the premises to be unoccupied.
From the Kentish Gazette, 28 April, 1786.
For sale, on Friday, 5th day of May next.
A small quantity of iron, with a tools, &c, necessary for a blacksmith's
shop; in a shop at the north end of Deal, late in the occupation of Mr.
William Watts.
Please to enquire, for particular, at Mr. S. White's, at the sign of the
"Scarborough Cat," Deal.
Kentish Gazette - Tuesday 10 January 1792.
Maynard, Deal carrier, respectfully acquaints his friends and the public
that he sets out from the "Scarborough Cat," at Deal, every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 9 o'clock in the morning, to the "Fleece Inn,"
Canterbury, and returns again to Deal every Tuesday and Thursday at 7
o'clock in the morning, and on Saturday at 1 o'clock during the Winter
He stops at the "Rose Inn," Sandwich, to take in goods and passengers.
Maynard begs to return his sincere thanks for the favours already
received, and hopes by this assiduity and attention to merit a
continuance of them.
A neat post-chaise to be sold.
Enquire at the "Scarborough Cat" at Deal, or at the "Fleece Inn,"
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Friday 12 July 1816.
Whereas it has been represented to the Commissioners of his Majesty's
Customs, that on the 29th day of April last, Samuel Hawkes, an Officer
of Customs, and William Hawkes, an Officer of the Excise, at Deal, in
the county of Kent, having arrested Joshua Mocket, at the "Scarborough
Cat" public house, in the town of Deal, under and by virtue of a Writ of
Capias issued out of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer at Westminster,
were violently obstructed by a number of persons called Hovellers, who
forcibly rescued and took away from the said officers the said Joshua
The Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs, in order to bring a Justice
the said offenders, are hereby pleased to offer a reward of £100, to any
person or persons who shall discover and apprehend, or cause to be
discovered and apprehended, any one or more of the defenders, to be paid
by the Collector of his Majesty's Customs at the Port of Deal, upon
By order of the Commissioners,
D. Delavaud, Sec.
Sale of the manor of Chamberlain's Fee (KAO U.924 P
9/4) 1828
INNS in the sale catalogue
All that capital messuage or Public House called or known by the name
or sign of the "Scarborough Cat" in Beach Street with the buildings,
stables, outhouses, yard, ground and appurtenances thereunto belonging
and used therewith and now in the occupation of William Powell. These
premises are subject to a lease granted to Edward Iggulden Esq. for 21
years from Michaelmas last, at the yearly rent of £3. 11s. 4d. (Note,
sold to Mr. Iggulden.)
From the Kentish Gazette 7 August 1838.
July 22, at Deal, Mr. John White, aged 52, late landlord of the
"Scarborough Cat," in that town.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 5 December, 1846. Price 5d.
At Deal, at an advanced age, Mr. William Powell, for many years landlord
of the "Scarborough Cat."
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
20 November, 1869. 1d.
John May, waterman, was brought up charged with being drunk and
disorderly in the public street early the same morning, and also with
assaulting the police.
Sergt. Brothers deposed: This morning, about two o'clock, I was in
Lower Street, near the Bank, when Thurston, a coastguard-man, came to me
and said Mr. Read wanted me to go at once to the "Scarboro' Cat"
public-house, as there was fighting going on there. I at once proceeded
in company with P.C.'s Cox and Spicer, and when we arrived near
the house, which is in Beach Street, I saw Mr. Read and spoke to him. He
said to me, "Here we are; we've got blood for supper to-night." and he
also told me there had been some fighting going on in the road near the
"Scarboro' Cat." I went in and saw the landlord, Mr. Bingham, and told
him there were complaints about his house. He replied, "What can I do?
They are in there and I can't get them out. Will you clear the house for
me?" I went into the other room and there I saw the prisoner and others
sitting. I told them I had come to clear the house, and May directly
said he would fight us. I told them we did not fight but had come to
make peace. They then all came out of the house into the street. There
were I should think about six men in the room, but they were not
particularly noisy. They were sitting there, and appeared to be drunk.
They all behaved very well except May. When we got outside he commenced
swearing and cursing fearfully, and said with an oath that Spicer had
been robbing everybody in the town. [A voice. "Not far short either."
The spectators were informed that if proper order were not kept the
court would be cleared and the case heard privately. One of the
principal disturbers was ordered to leave the room] - meaning, I
suppose, the constable present. May continued swearing and walked with
the others northwards towards Mr. "Hatton's
Brewery." I heard his companions try and persuade him to go home,
but he said he would not go for £5. I then went to him myself, and said
to him, "May, this will not do; and if you continue I must certainly
lock you up." He then broke from his companions and said, "I can be
locked up, and then to-morrow morning I can defend myself." I took him
into custody, and when inside the Police-station he became very violent.
I told him he must conform to the rules of the Station-house and that he
must be searched. We then tried for more than half-an-hour persuading
him to be quiet and ultimately I had to force a knife out of his right
hand. He got the knife in his hand whilst we were searching him. It was
not open - he could not have got it open if he wanted to, as we had hold
of both his hands. We had to drag him into the cell, and whilst doing so
he struck me on the shoulder with his fist. He appeared to know what he
was about.
The Mayor expressed surprise that as there were three constable
present they should have allowed the prisoner to strike one of their
Brothers explained that the blow was given whilst scuffling with
prisoner in a narrow passage.
In defence, May said he spoke a word about Spicer and said that at
one time he was quite as bad as any man in the town as regarding
stealing, and Spicer then came back and said, "Look here. If you repeat
that I will have you locked up." He (the prisoner) then said that if he
wanted him particularly he would be locked up, and went with the Police
to the Station-house. Not one of them laid hands on him and he walked
quietly with them to the Station-house. After he got inside he wished to
go home and the police would not let him, and he did then certainly
object to be searched.
Sergt. Brothers said the prisoner's statement was perfectly correct,
only that the conversation about Spicer took place just outside the
public-house, and occurred some time before he was taken into custody.
P.C. Spicer said: The prisoner said I had been robbing every child in
the town, as was well known. and then came and pulled him out of the
house. I asked him what he meant, and he said, "I did not mean you,
Harry, and have not got anything to say against you." Several of the
others also said he did not mean me. They all went away, but another
altercation afterwards took place near to the Brewery.
After consulting with his fellow Magistrates, the Mayor said: You
see, May, you have laid yourself open to a very serious offence, for
under a new Act the punishment for assaulting the police is very severe,
and were we to go into that the sentence would be imprisonment for six
months. But as we do not think you a reprobate, and believe that when
you are really sober you are a good man, we will not give you that
punishment; but the least we can do with you is to give you seven days
in Sandwich gaol, with hard labour.
Prisoner pleaded hard for the decision to be altered to a fine, as he
had never been in gaol before and did not like to go there and leave his
wife and family outside.
After some hesitancy, the Magistrates re-considered their decision,
and altered it to 40s.
Prisoner thanked the Magistrates and remarked that he would rather
pay £40 than go to prison for seven days.
The Magistrates told him they were glad to find that he had such an
objection to the inside of a prison, and hoped that his present escape
would be a warning both to him and the others. The law must be put in
force and the police must be protected.
Mr. Hughes inquired of the police how it was that the public-house
mentioned in the above case came to be open at two o'clock in the
P.C. Cox said he passed the house at half-past one and found it open,
which he reported to the sergeant.
Mr. Hughes thought that the police should report all such cases to
the Magistrates as they occurred so that they might have all the
evidence before them; because he thought it was the full determination
of the Magistrates at the next licensing day to exercise very great
vigilance and not to give licenses to any of those houses that should be
reported during the year. He thought it was only fair that the publicans
should know this beforehand.
Sergt. Brothers enquired whether the police had power to order a
public-house to close at a certain hour or any night except Saturday, as
he had always understood they had not. If they had they would be very
happy to do so.
The Clerk said they had not.
The Mayor remarked, however, that in cases like the present they
could certainly report the house as disorderly.
It was stated that the landlord of the "Scarboro' Cat" had only been
in the house a few days, and as he might not be thoroughly be aware of
the rules it was decided that he should be ordered to appear before the
Magistrates on Thursday next and receive a caution.
WHITE Shadrack 1786-1804+
WHITE John ???? (dec'd 22 July 1838)
POWELL William 1823-40+
POWELL Mary Elizabeth 1847+

SNELLER Onesiphorous

BROWN Isaac Griffith 1861+ (age 47 in 1861 )
OLIPHENT Mr to Nov/1869

BINGHAM Thomas Elward Nov/1869-May70
LANGLEY Morris May/1870+ 
1873 to the "Globe"
From the Pigot's Directory 1823
From the Pigot's Directory 1824
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
Deal Licensing Register
From the Deal Walmer
& Sandwich Mercury
Kentish Gazette