Strand Street
Ray Harlow says on the building was on Strand Street.
I also have reference to another "Star
Inn" situated in the Corn Market.
From the Kentish Gazette 16 January 1838.
Mrs. Bailey, wife of Mr. Thomas Bailey, "Star Inn," Sandwich of a
stillborn child.
Kentish Gazette, 9 July 1844.
Valuable FREEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSES, at Sandwich, Word, Deal, Sutton,
Northbourne, and Great Mongeham, in the County of Kent,
AT the "Three Horse Shoes," GREAT MONGEHAM, on THURSDAY, the 25th day of
JULY, 1844, (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which
due notice will be given), subject to such conditions as will be then
and there produced, in several Lots.
Also a FREEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSE, called the "Star," situate in Strand
Street, in the said parish of Saint Mary the Virgin, SANDWICH, with the
outhouses and appurtenances thereto belonging, now in the occupation of
Mr. William Jordan.
The above Property forms a most desirable investment, and (if not
forthwith Sold by Private Contract), will be offered for sale in
convenient Lots, as will be expressed in future advertisements.
For Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase by Private Contract,
apply at the Offices of Mr. Mourilan, Solicitor, Sandwich.
From the Deal, Walmer & Sandwich Mercury, 9 June, 1865.
Monday before the Mayor, Capt. Stewart, R.N. and R. L. Harrison,
Marie Trengrove was charged with obstructing the highway.
D. J. Warman, head constable of Sandwich, said: "The prisoner had
been lodging at the "Star," and on her leaving on Saturday last, she
came to me about seven o'clock in the evening, requesting me to go with
her to the "Star" to get her things away. I went with he. About eight
o'clock, I saw her sitting on a chair in the middle of the highway, in
Strand Street, near the "Alma," she obstructed the highway and caused a
great many people to congregate. I requested her to go five or six
times, and she would not. I have cautioned her before. She was drunk.
The prisoner in defence said: It was to protect my furniture, I did
what I did. I got home from Sheerness on Saturday afternoon, and my
landlord refused to let me stop in my lodgings.
She was sentenced to 7 days' imprisonment with hard labour.
STUPPLE John 1832-38
BAYLEY Thomas 1838-40+

BAYLEY Mary 1841 (age 30 in 1841 )
JORDAN William 1844+
SPAIN John 1858+
HARVEY James 1861+ (also sawyer age 29 in 1861 )
PITTOCK William 1862+
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840