Sort file:- Hythe, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 15 June, 2024.


Earliest 1874

Three Mariner's Inn

Open 2020+

37 (20) Windmill Street


Three Mariners 1983

Above photo taken 31 August 1983, kindly sent by Chris Excell.

Three Mariners

Above photo, date unknown.

Three Mariners card 1951Three Mariners card 1951

Above aluminium card issued June 1951. Sign series 3 number 37.


The first mention of this pub name can be found in 1695, but that will not be this building, it was probably that of the "Red Lion" before it came by that name.

At one point the sign depicted three famous Mariners. Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake and Captain James Cook.

Built in the mid 19th century and operating by 1874 it was at one time Hythe's smallest pub until Mackison enlarged it by buying the adjoining property in 1936. Later owned by Whitbread then brought by Shepherd Neame in 1975 but again sold, being refurbished and becoming a free house in 2007.


Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald 26 October 1912.


Stephen Bean, "Three Mariners Inn," Windmill-Street, licensed victualler. - Proposed by A. E. Fakley, seconded by W. W. Tugwell; also by G. Dunkin and E. Knott; J. Munn and J. Tucker.


From the By Lauren MacDougall, 21 December 2019.

The 33 pubs in Kent you have to drink at in 2020 according to CAMRA.

In total Kent has heaps of pubs listed in the guide and, while 33 of these are new entries, others have appeared in previous editions of the guide.

A total of 33 pubs from around Kent make up the new entries that feature in the 2020 edition of the Good Beer Guide.

The guide is produced annually by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), the independent guide to the best boozers in the UK that is researched by unpaid and independent volunteers nationwide.

Tom Stainer, CAMRA’s chief executive, said: “For nearly five decades, the Good Beer Guide has been a comprehensive guide to the UK’s breweries, their ales, and the best outlets to find them in across the country.

“What makes the Guide unique is that all the entries are compiled and vetted by a huge volunteer team, based around the country. We work hard to ensure that all areas of the country are covered and, unlike with some competitor titles, inclusion in this book is dependent only on merit, not on payment.

“The Good Beer Guide has always had an important role in acting as a barometer of the beer and pub industry. We believe information gleaned from the Guide is absolutely vital in the drive to save our pubs from closure and campaign for policies that better support pubs, local brewers and their customers.”

This pub is included in the 2020 list.

Three Mariners, Hythe.

What the guide says: "Hidden away in a side street not far from the Royal Military Canal, this traditional corner pub is well worth visiting and an ideal destination when visiting Hythe.

"You will find friendly staff and local customers happy to have a chat while you enjoy a pint of local or regional beer."



HIGGINS Walter 1874+

FRANKS James 1881-82+ (age 48 in 1881Census)

BEAN Stephen 1891-1913+ (former police constable age 36 in 1891Census) Kelly's 1903

BEAN Mary Ann Mrs 1922+

BEAN Herbert 1930-39+ (age 59 in 1938)


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-