Sort file:- Walmer, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Monday, 27 September, 2021.


Earliest 1787-

True Briton

Latest 1976

(Name to)

16 Strand

Lower Walmer


True Briton, Strand, Walmer

True Briton, shown on left of picture, circa 1900.

True Briton 1919

Above postcard, circa 1919, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

True Briton Hotel, Walmer

Above picture kindly supplied by Sue Solley. Circa 1927.

True Briton 1952

Above photo, 1952.


Probably the earliest pub in Walmer bring traced as an unnamed house in 1787 when Morris Wellard kept it. Research by Glover and Rogers in their book "The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer" says the house may have been built on one even as early as the 1700s when it was described as the last building on the Walmer Road.

The house was first known as the "True Briton," in 1799, and then the "True Britannia," in 1808, the "Little Britain," in 1817 and other similar names such as the "Two Brittons," "True, Broton," "True Britain" and the "Briton." Although spelling mistakes are often found in the papers and street directories.


1976 saw this pub change name to the "Lifeboat."


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 21 September, 1839.

On Thursday last, a Meeting took place at the "True Briton," for the purpose of establishing a Burial Society in this neighbourhood. A committee and principle officers were then chosen to preside during the year. The above society is similar to those already instituted in different parts of the country; and we are happy to state, that the same is patronized by many of the leading gentry of the village, who have also become annual subscribers of 10s. each. The numerous applications leave no doubt that the number, viz. four hundred and twenty, will be soon completed.


Dover Express, 15 August 1863.

On Thursday week and enquiry took place at the "True Briton" in Walmer, touching the death of Mary Chidwick, wife of John Chidwick, boatman, who it appears died very suddenly, being about 8 months advanced in pregnancy, from the rupture of a blood vessel at the base of the brain.

Verdict accordingly.



WELLARD Morris 1787+

PETT Robert 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29 (Walmer Road)

WELLARD William 1832-47+ (age 40 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839(Pigot's Directory 1840 Walmer Road)Bagshaw's Directory 1847

CLARINGBOULD Phillip 1861-62+ (age 42 in 1861Census) Post Office Directory 1862

PEARSON Samuel junior 1871-74+ (age 26 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1874

REDMAN George Richard 1881-99+ (age 46 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1882Post Office Directory 1891Kelly's 1899

BROOKING E W A 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

TAYLOR Walter F 1913-22+ Post Office Directory 1913Deal library 1914Post Office Directory 1918Post Office Directory 1922

BARTLETT John Charles 1930-34+ Post Office Directory 1930Kelly's 1934

MYALL Charles D 1938+ Post Office Directory 1938

DAVENPORT George A 1974+ Library archives 1974 Charrington & Co


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Deal library 1914Deal Library List 1914

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
