Sort file:- Canterbury, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 26 August, 2024.


Earliest 1837+

(Name from)


Latest 1966

71 Northgate


Victoria 1908

Above photo, circa 1908, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Victoria Hotel

Above photo kindly sent by Robert Smith. The name Burren is shown on the building who was licensee between 1871 and 1896, but Robert says that the sailors headbands show "HMS Hood" which was commissioned in 1920. However Rory Kehoe tells me "the sailors' cap tallies do have HMS Hood on them. This is probably the 1891 pre-Dreadnought HMS Hood and not the later HMS Hood famously sunk by the Bismarck. If the picture is older than 1891 then the sailors could have been serving on the original 1859 HMS Hood 1859-1888.

Victoria 1932

Above photo, circa 1932, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Victoria 1943

Above photo, 1943, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe and Tim Timpson.

Victoria 1961

Above photo, 1961, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Victoria 1961

Above photo, 1961, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Victoria 1964

Above photo, circa 1964, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Victoria 1965

Above photograph taken by Edward Wilmot in 1965.

Victoria drawing 1969

Above print from "City of Canterbury Streets and Buildings," drawing by John Berbiers. 26 April 1969.

Victoria 1983

Above photograph, circa 1983, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Former Victoria 2009

Above image from Google, March 2009, shown 71 Northgate, which I believe to be the former "Victoria."

Former Victoria

Above photo, date unknown by Darkstar.

Victoria 2017

Above photo, August 2017, kindly taken and sent by Rory Kehoe.


According to Michael David Mirams in his 1987 book "Kent Inns and Inn Signs" he says:- "At one time, there were as many as six Victoria Inns in Canterbury alone, now demolished or re-titled." At present I have only found two of them.


Taken from by Chris Haines.

Thomas Burren (1835-1916), is the nephew of James Burren senior, at the "Five Bells," Rochester and then the Blakeneys Head, St Bartholomew. Thomas Burren was initially at the "Providence Inn," 162 Northgate Street, Canterbury.

Thomas ran a thriving fly proprietor and job/post master business from the "Victoria," with collections from several other inns in Canterbury and throughout Kent, so he appears in numerous Kent Directories (too many to list here) and censuses based at the "Victoria" from 1878 to 1891, and he then moved to his fly proprietor mews property at 87 Broad Street (a few doors away from the "Victoria") and continued to be listed as a job master at this address in directories as late as 1913.

Thomas was a supporter of the local Conservative Party and he was among those named and shamed by an 1881 Royal Commission of Inquiry for bribing voters in the general election of 1880, which was therefore declared void for the Canterbury seat – this rebuke did not deter him from politics and he subsequently became a City Councillor for the Northgate Ward for at least three terms (Bedwell & Co's Canterbury & District Directory 1888 lists him as a Councillor, Kelly's 1903 names him as a Councillor due for retirement in November 1903, and Kelly's 1913 names him as a Councillor due for retirement in November 1914).



This was a large inn and hotel and listed in the 1692 licensing list and the following year offering billeting for 8 soldiers, although at that time went under the name of the "Plume of Feathers."

Queen Victoria came to the throne on 20 June 1837 and I would suggest the pub changed name shortly after this year. However, the Stapleton's Guide of 1838 referred to this pub as the "Princess Victoria."

In 1855 the inn was also acting as a wine and spirit outlet.

Whilst owned by Fremlins in 1945 to 47 there were numerous discussions relating to the alterations of the bar areas.

The pub closed its doors in 1966 and was converted into flats, the bar area being part of the kitchen.


Kentish Gazette 21 May 1861.


Friday:- (Before Charles Harwood, Esq.)

Re: Thomas Smith, Westgate, Canterbury, Innkeeper, debts £150 11s., credits nil.

This insolvent was supported by Mr. Delasaux, and opposed by Mr. Towne.

The insolvent was examined at some length in reference to the furniture in his house at Westgate, at the time he filed his petition. In reply to questions by the Judge, the insolvent said the furniture was his aunt's, but she allowed him to have the use of it. It was still in the house.

His Honour:- Then she must lose it. Why has not a Messenger of the Court taken possession of it? Let it be seized and sold.

The insolvent then passed.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 2 January, 1864.


Mr. T. Smith, to whom had been granted a license for the “Victoria Tavern,” St. Dunstan’s, applied to the magistrates for a new license. Applicant stated that in a moment of anger he had destroyed the license, and was unable to effect a transfer to Mr. Wall, the incoming tenant, without obtaining another.

The Magistrates granted the application.

The Clerk informed Mr. Smith that he would have to pay the customary fees for another license.


Kentish Gazette, 8 March, 1870.


Thursday.— (Before the Mayor, and R. Y. Fill, Esq.)

This was a special session for the transfer of ale-house licences. The following transfers were authorised:—“Angelo Castle” James Dodd to George Dodd;

George and Hoy” George Smith to Henry Spencer Cloke;

Victoria” Daniel Mills to James Chariot Lamberton;

and “True Briton” William Taylor to Edward Waghorne;

and an authority to Emma Mills, of the “Prince of Orange,” to sell until next transfer day.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 12 March 1870.


Thursday. (Before the Mayor and R. W. Fill, Esq.)

Publicans' Licenses.

The Magistrates authorised the transfer of the licenses of the following houses:-

Victoria, Daniel Mills to James Charles Lamberton;

I am assuming that this refers to this pub. Paul Skelton.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 13 September 1879.


At the City Police Court on Tuesday, a man named Richard Revel was charged with stealing a glass, value 6d., the property of Mr. Thomas Burren, landlord of the "Victoria Hotel," Northgate. The prisoner went to the house at eight o’clock on Monday evening and called for a pint of beer. Mr. Burren served him with the liquor, and after drinking it the prisoner went away. Prosecutor then missed the glass, and went after the man, whom he accused of stealing the glass, which he denied, but ultimately he took it from under his shirt and gave it to prosecutor. The magistrates remanded the prisoner.


From the Whitstable Times, 4 August 1900.


Thomas Townsend was summoned for refusing to admit the police to his licensed premises, the "Victoria," Wincheap Green, on the 25th. Dependent, who was represented by Mr. H. Broughton, pleaded guilty.

Superintendent Farmery said that P.C. West and Holmes were in Wincheap Green on the night in question at 12.10, and hearing a row inside the "Victoria" they asked to be admitted. This was refused.

Mr. Broughton said that ever since his client had lived in Canterbury, which was since last November, he had been unwell. He had been a licensed victualler twenty five years and had never been summoned. The row in the house was a family quarrel, and there was no one there excepting defendant’s own family. His daughter did wrong in not admitting the police, and of course the defendant was liable for the acts of his servants.

Fined 5s. and 12s. costs. The defendant gave £1 1s. to the poor box. The licence was not endorsed. 



CURTIS James 1838-39+ Stapletons GuideEdward Wilmot Canterbury

SMITH Thomas 1851+ Census

SMITH Matilda 1861+ Census

SMITH T 1862-Jan/64 Post Office Directory 1862

WALL Mr Jan/1864+

WARD E Mrs 1867+

MILLS Daniel to Mar/1870 Whitstable Times

LAMBERTON James Charles Mar/1870+ Whitstable Times

Last pub licensee had BURREN Thomas 1871-96+ CensusHistoric Canterbury web sitePost Office Directory 1874CensusPost Office Directory 1882Post Office Directory 1891 (Undertaker and horse slaughterman age 35 in 1871Census)

RADSILL William after 1896 Historic Canterbury web site

TOWNSEND Thomas 1900+

HOWARD Bramhall C 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

CROSS Henry George 1913-38+ Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1922Post Office Directory 1930Post Office Directory 1938

BRADFORD Mr G T 1945-47+ Historic Canterbury web site

FROST George 1950s+


Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Edward Wilmot CanterburyInns of Canterbury by Edward Wilmot, 1988

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
