Page Updated:- Thursday, 19 May, 2022.


Earliest 1913-

Welcome Stranger

Latest 1970+

Aldington Road


near Lympne

Welcome Stranger 1990

Above photo taken by Michael Croxford, 29 July 1990.

John Diamond Isles

Above photo showing licensees John Diamond Isles and wife Florence, with grandson baby Richard, 2 July 1962. Kindly sent by Julie Shergold.

Albert & Claire 1970s

Above photo showing licensee Albert Moore, his wife Claire. They also had a daughter, Rona who used to work behind the bar. Unfortunately, James Welch.

Welcome Stranger sign

Above photo date unknown, kindly sent by Julie Shergold.

Welcome Stranger 1990

Above photo kindly sent by Chris Excell, 29 July 1990.

Welcome Stranger signWelcome Stranger sign 1987

Sign left, date unknown, sign right 1987.

Welcome Stranger sign

Above aluminium card issued June 1951. Sign series 3 number 41.

Welcome Stranger houses

Above photo March 2009 showing the vicinity of the now demolished "Welcome Stranger."


Only just found reference to this public house, and don't yet have any information regarding it apart from what you see here.

I however believe that the pub has been demolished and built on in what is now known as the Welcome Stranger Cottages.

Chris Excell goes on to say:- "I do not know the dates but Drew and Peggy Staunton were there in the 1970s, Peggy died and Drew ran the pub on his own, the pub gradually got in to a state of disrepair and many of the roof tiles were missing which meant that damp (rain) would come streaming down the internal walls, I seem to remember the wallpaper having to be put back on with Blue Tac on several occasions. We used to refer to it as the Pub with no Roof."

Local knowledge appreciated, with any photographs you care to offer.


From the Folkestone Herald, Saturday, 5 April, 1913.


An adjourned sitting of the Elham Licensing Sessions was held at Seabrook Court on Thursday, the Magistrates being Mr. F. E. Burke (in the chair), Mr. A. M. Curteis, Mr. A. S. Jones, Mr. R. J. Linton, Alderman, J. E. Quested, and Mr. W. G. Tester. The court was crowded with license holders and others.

The license of the “Welcome Stranger,” Lympne, was transferred from Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Stone, and that of the Alhambra, Sandgate, to Mr. Norman Matthews.

Mr. James Tunbridge, of the “Fountain Hotel,” Seabrook, applied, on behalf of another, for an occasional licence for the Folkestone Races on the 11th inst. – Granted.


From a Folkestone Council report 16 August 2005.

This Report will be made public on 8 August 2005

Report Number DC/05/08

Development Control Committee, 16 August 2005, J Stack. Director of Regulatory Services


SUMMARY: This report considers the unauthorised siting of a mobile home on land at the former “Welcome Stranger Public House”, Aldington Road, Court at Street without planning permission. The mobile home has a detrimental effect on the appearance of the area and enforcement action is recommended.

REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION: The Development Control Committee is asked to agree the recommendations set out below because:-

a) The mobile home is adversely affecting the amenity of the area.

b) The mobile home will gain immunity from enforcement action if the situation is allowed to continue.


1. To receive and note Report DC/05/08.

2. That an Enforcement Notice be issued requiring the cessation of the use of the land for the siting of a mobile home.

3. That the period for compliance be one month from the date of the notice.

4. That the Director of Regulatory Services be authorised to take such steps as are necessary including requesting legal proceedings be commenced to secure compliance with the notice.


1.1 The site is located north of the B2067 Aldington Road and 50m west of the junction with Harringe Lane, Court at Street. It measures 0.42 hectares in area. It is located in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

1.2 The Welcome Stranger was formerly a public house, which has fallen into a state of dilapidation over a number of years. The previous owner, who was in poor health, placed a mobile home on the site and resided in that until his death in the early part of 2004. Planning permission was granted in 1959 (CH/8/59/274 refers) for the siting of one caravan but in a different location within the curtilage.

1.3 The site has now been sold and a planning application (reference Y05/0349/SH) for the erection of two detached dwellings and garages following demolition of the existing building and removal of the mobile home together with the formation of a new access was refused on 4th May 2005 and is the subject of an appeal. There would however be no objection to the redevelopment of the site with an appropriate scheme for residential development.


2.1 Policy RS5 of the Kent Structure Plan seeks to prevent residential development in the countryside other than in the case of particular exceptions. Policies ENV1, ENV3 and ENV4 seek to protect the countryside for its own sake. Policies SD1, C01, COS and C04 of the Shepway District Local Plan Review, Revised Deposit Draft seek to protect, conserve and enhance the components of natural beauty and landscape character of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

2.2 The continued siting of the mobile home would be contrary to the above policies in that it would result in an inappropriately sited unit of residential accommodation outside the built confines of any settlement and would be detrimental to the visual amenities of the area, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty where the overriding consideration is conservation and enhancement of natural beauty


3.1 Any future application for the development of this site is by no means guaranteed and without such development or formal action the mobile home would remain in situ and eventually be immune from enforcement action. In view of the detrimental effect of the continued siting of this mobile home it is now considered appropriate to issue an Enforcement Notice requiring the cessation of this use.


4.1 Legal Officer's Comments (JG)

The report complies with the legal process.

4.2 Finance Officer's Comments (GW)

Currently no financial implications to consider.

4.3 Diversities and Equalities Implications

In reaching a decision on the appropriate action, the European Convention on Human Rights must be considered. The Convention rights that are relevant are Article 8 and Article 1 of the First Protocol. The proposed course of action is in accordance with domestic law. As the rights in these two articles are qualified, the Council needs to balance the rights of the individual against the interests of society and must be satisfied that any interference with an individuals rights is no more than necessary. It is not considered that there is any infringement of the relevant convention rights if the proposed course of action is followed.


Councillors with any questions arising out of this report should contact the following officers prior to the meeting

S Brown




REYNOLDS Mr April to 1913

STONE Mr April/1913+

ISLES John "Jack" Diamond & Florence 1940s-50s

Last pub licensee had STAUNTON Drew & Peggy 1970s

MOORE Albert & Claire 1970s


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
