Sort file:- Dover, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 20 February, 2025.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1713-

White Hart

Latest 1891

(Name to)

Dolphin Lane and Russell Street



This ended up on the corner of the two streets but when first built, Russell Street was non existent. That appeared later in 1838 and we know that Baker served drinks here in 1790. Dolphin Lane of course one of our oldest thoroughfares.


A paraffin lamp, accidentally knocked over by the mother of the host, on 13 August 1891, brought this establishment to an end. The name changed to the "Castle", presumably, but not necessarily, when the pub reopened with a new interior. This was the sign in 1895. A Whitbread house.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 25 May, 1844. Price 5d.


On Thursday evening last, the C.R. (Brother H. Hale) and Officers of Court, Kent, No. 1638, (held at the "White Hart Inn," Russell Street, Dover,) assisted by two P.C.Rs, from London, and accompanied by about 50 Brethren and a band of music, proceeded by railway, at half-past 6 o'clock to open a new Court at Folkestone. On their arrival at the station at that place the procession was formed, and they then paraded the town in regular order, and afterwards retired to the "George Inn," George Street, to open Court No. 1732, when eight respectable persons were initiated into the mystic rites and ceremonies of this ancient and honourable order. The officers were then installed in their various positions, Brother E. Tearle being appointed C.R. P.C.R. James Hale, of Court No. 1580, London, gave a brief history of the rise and progress of Forestry, and called on all to unite in promoting the interests of the order. After the business had been disposed of in due form, the company enjoyed a most convivial evening. Various toasts were given, (the healths of the new Brothers, &c) and were duly disposed of. Several excellent songs were sung; and, altogether, the evening passed off in a quiet and respectable manner, each member feeling himself gratified with the whole proceedings.

The Brethren returned to Dover by the half-past Twelve o'clock Mail train.

The peculiar advantages of the Ancient Order of Foresters, arising from the liberal aid afforded to its members in the hour of afflictive dispensation, (as well as from the support derived by the widows of deceased brothers,) may, it would seem, when compared with those of similar institutions, be allowed to bear away the palm of superiority. That the Order is flourishing ample proof could be furnished - the simple statement, however, that upwards of 90 Courts have been formed since the opening of the one in Dover (a period of about 12 months) sufficiently attests the fact; and directing, as it does, its efforts towards the amelioration of the "various forms of human woe" by a mutual helping sympathy, and the promotion of social and hospitable intercourse, its increasing prosperity may be anticipated with some degree of confidence.


Kentish Gazette 23 July 1844.

Ancient Order of Foresters. - On Tuesday last, the 15th inst., the opening dinner of Court, Kent, No. 1638, was held at Br. James Amos, "White Hart Inn," Russell Street, when the Brethren sat down to an excellent dinner, provided by the worthy host. -- Dover Telegraph.


Kentish Gazette 27 January 1863

Dover Police Court, Monday: Before the Mayor and E.F. Astley Esqs.

There was a case of some exceptional interest, Mr. Minter, solicitor, of Folkestone, making application on behalf of Mr. Thomas Hodgson for leave to sell at the "White Hart" public house, Dolphin Lane, till next transfer day. It had been till recently carried on by one Frederick Thatcher, who was now a bankrupt, and at the original application of Mr. Hodgson the police seemed to imagine that he would conduct the house in an improper manner. The Magistrates therefore withheld their permission to sell. Mr. Minter's object in now appearing before the Magistrates was to convince them that the police were under a complete misapprehension. To show that this was the case he produced a certificate signed by the Superintendent of police at Folkestone, who certified that he had known the applicant for four years as landlord of the Mechanics Arms, at Folkestone, and that during the whole of that time he had conducted his house in the most orderly manner, and without being the subject of any complaint before the Magistrates. In addition to that he had to lay before the Bench a certificate from the assistant provost marshal of Shorncliffe Camp, in which he stated that he had known Mr. Hodgson as landlord of the "Mechanics Arms," and that during the last four years he had frequently visited it, and had always on these occasions found it conducted in a very orderly manner. This, the Bench would no doubt regard as a good recommendation, seeing the proximity of the house formerly kept by Mr. Hodgson to the Shorncliffe Camp. He also had a certificate signed by a dozen of the neighbours living around the "Mechanics Arms," also bearing testimony to the good order which had pervaded the establishment during the proprietorship of Mr. Hodgson.

The Mayor said the impression created in the minds of the Magistrates on Friday was certainly such as induced them to withhold their permission to sell. The "White Hart" had hitherto been very badly conducted, and the Bench were fearful that little or no improvement would take place from the change of proprietors. The testimonials now presented, however, were very satisfactory, and the Magistrates had no hesitation in granting the permission applied for.


Dover Telegraph 31 January 1863

Dover Petty Sessions, Monday: Before the Mayor and E.F. Astley, L. Stride Esqs.

Mr. Minter, solicitor, made an application on behalf of the White Hart, Dolphin Lane, till next transfer day. It had been till recently carried on by one Frederick Thatcher, (a bankrupt,) and at the original application of Mr. Hodson the police seemed to imagine that he would conduct the house in an improper manner. The Magistrates therefore withheld their permission to sell. Mr. Minter's object in now appearing before their Worships was to convince them that the police were under a complete misapprehension. To show this was the case he produced a certificate signed by the Superintendent of police at Folkestone, who certified that he had known the applicant for four years as landlord of the Mechanics Arms, at Folkestone, and that during the whole of that time he had conducted his house in the most orderly manner, and without being the subject of any complaint before the Magistrates. In addition to that he had to lay before the Bench a certificate from the assistant provost marshal of Shorncliffe Camp, in which he stated that he had known Mr. Hodson as landlord of the Mechanics Arms, and that during the last four years he had frequently visited it, and had always on these occasions found it conducted in a very orderly manner. This, the Bench would no doubt regard as a good recommendation, seeing the proximity of the house formerly kept by Mr. Hodson to the Shorncliffe Camp. He also had a certificate signed by a dozen of the neighbours living around the Mechanics Arms, also bearing testimony to the good order which had pervaded the establishment during the proprietorship of Mr. Hodson.

The Mayor said the impression created in the minds of the Magistrates on Friday was certainly such as induced them to withhold their permission to sell. The White Hart had hitherto been very badly conducted, and the Bench were fearful that little or no improvement would take place from the change of proprietors. The testimony now presented, however, was very satisfactory, and the Magistrates had no hesitation in granting the permission applied for.


Thanet Advertiser 31 January 1863

Dover: There were few cases of interest before the borough magistrates on Monday, the bulk of the business consisting in the disposal of rate summonses and the fining of drunkards and street disorderlies. There was one case, however, of some exceptional interest, Mr. Minter, solicitor, of Folkestone, making an application on behalf of a Mr. Thomas Hodgson for leave to sell at the White Hart public house, Dolphin Lane, till the next transfer day. It had been till recently carried on by one Frederick Thatcher, who was now a bankrupt, and at the original application of Mr. Hodgson the police seemed to imagine that he would conduct the house in an improper manner. The magistrates therefore withheld their permission to sell. Mr. Minter's object in now appearing before the Magistrates was to convince them that the police were under a complete misapprehension. To show that this was the case he produced a certificate signed by the Superintendent of police at Folkestone, who certified that he had known the applicant for four years as landlord of the Mechanics Arms, at Folkestone, and that during the whole of that time he had conducted his house in the most orderly manner, and without being the subject of any complaint before the Magistrates. In addition to that he had to lay before the Bench a certificate from the assistant provost marshal of Shorncliffe Camp, in which he stated that he had known Mr. Hodgson as landlord of the Mechanics Arms, and that during the last four years he had frequently visited it, and had always on these occasions found it conducted in a very orderly manner. This, the Bench would no doubt regard as a good recommendation, seeing the proximity of the house formerly kept by Mr. Hodgson to the Shorncliffe Camp. He also had a certificate signed by a dozen of the neighbours living around the Mechanics Arms, also bearing testimony to the good order which had pervaded the establishment during the proprietorship of Mr. Hodgson.

The Mayor said the impression created in the minds of the Magistrates on Friday was certainly such as induced them to withhold their permission to sell. The White Hart had hitherto been very badly conducted, and the Bench were fearful that little or no improvement would take place from the change of proprietors. The testimonials now presented, however, were very satisfactory, and the Magistrates had no hesitation in granting the permission applied for.


Dover Chronicle 31 January 1863

Dover Police Court, Monday: Before the Mayor and E.F. Astley, L. Stride and S.M. Latham Esqs.

Mr. Minter, solicitor, applied on behalf of Thomas Hodson, late of Folkestone, for permission to sell till next transfer day at the White Hart public house, Russell Street, recently occupied by Mr. Thatcher. His client had previously made application to the Bench, but his request was not granted because the police authorities were under the impression that it was to be kept as a disorderly house as heretofore. This, however, was a total misapprehension on the part of those who opposed the application, and in order to show that it was so he now produced a certificate, signed by the Superintendent of the Folkestone police force, setting forth that he had known the complainant as landlord of the Mechanics Arms in that town for a period of four years, and during that time he had conducted the house in an orderly manner, and there had been no complaint whatever to the magistrates. In addition to this he also had a certificate from the Assistant Provost Marshal of Shorncliffe Camp, stating that whenever he had occasion to visit the house in the performance of his duty he always found it well-conducted. Another certificate was produced from the residents in the locality of the Mechanics Arms, testifying to the orderly and respectable manner in which the house had been conducted during Hodson's occupation.

The Magistrates considered the certificates satisfactory, and the application of Mr. Minter was therefore granted.


Dover Express 31 January 1863

Dover Police Court, Monday: Before the Mayor and E.F. Astley, L. Stride Esqs.

Mr. Minter made an application on behalf of Mr. Thomas Hodgson for leave to sell at the "White Hart" public house, Dolphin Lane, till next transfer day. This house had been till recently carried on by one Frederick Thatcher, who was now a bankrupt, and at the original application of Mr. Hodgson the police seemed to imagine that he would conduct the house in an improper manner. The Magistrates therefore withheld their permission to sell. Mr. Minter's object in now appearing before the Magistrates was to convince them that the police were under a complete misapprehension. To show that this was the case he produced a certificate signed by the Superintendent of police at Folkestone, who certified that he had known the applicant for four years as landlord of the Mechanics Arms, at Folkestone, and that during the whole of that time he had conducted his house in the most orderly manner, and without being the subject of any complaint before the Magistrates. In addition to that he had to lay before the Bench a certificate from the assistant provost marshal of Shorncliffe Camp, in which he stated that he had known Mr. Hodgson as landlord of the "Mechanics Arms," and that during the last four years he had frequently visited it, and had always on these occasions found it conducted in a very orderly manner. This, the Bench would no doubt regard as a good recommendation, seeing the proximity of the house formerly kept by Mr. Hodgson to the Shorncliffe Camp. He also had a certificate signed by a dozen of the neighbours living around the "Mechanics Arms," also bearing testimony to the good order which had pervaded the establishment during the proprietorship of Mr. Hodgson.

The Mayor said the impression created in the minds of the Magistrates on Friday was certainly such as induced them to withhold their permission to sell. The "White Hart" had hitherto been very badly conducted, and the Bench were fearful that little or no improvement would take place from the change of proprietors. The testimony now presented, however, was very satisfactory, and the Magistrates had no hesitation in granting the permission applied for.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 13 February, 1864.


Edward Spain a seafaring man living in Trevanion Street, was charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct and threatening the life of P.C. Faith. It appeared the constable had previously taken into custody a companion of the defendant on a charge of stealing a scarf from the White Hart Public House, where they with two or three others had been creating a disturbance. Subsequently defendant went to the Station House and threatened that if the man was not liberated or admitted to bail he would “do” for Faith, that he had already paid 30s for one policeman and would pay £50 for him and if it were for three months to come he would kill him.

The constable said he was very drunk at the time and probably did no know what he had said, but at the same time he was fearful if at any future time he got under the influence of liquor he might be desirous of carrying his threat into execution. The defendant pleaded that he unconsciously gave expression to the threats whilst in a state of excessive intoxication. The Bench said it was incumbent on them to protect the police in the performance of their arduous and hazardous duties and it was their determination to do so in all cases brought before them. The defendant must enter into his recognisance's of £20 and find two sureties of £10 each to keep the peace for three months. The defendant found the required securities.


Henry Bailey, a youth referred to in the case of threatening just disposed of, was charged with stealing a scarf from the counter of the "White Hart" public-house. It appeared that while Spain was at the "White Hart" a disturbance took place and he took off some of his clothes to fight. The prosecutor in the present case, John James Driscoll, who is some connection of the landlord of the "White Hard," and who happened to be on the spot at the time the house was cleared, also laid aside his scarf, which was taken up by the prisoner. Bailey, who was acting as a sort of bottle-holder to Spain, said he thought the scarf was Spain's, and so took it up to keep for him. The Magistrates, considered it possible that this statement might be true dismissed the charge of felony, but remembered tat the case was not devoid of suspicion.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 28 June, 1867.


Two soldiers of the 51st regiment, who gave the names of Warwick and Allen, were charged with creating a disturbance at the "White Hall" the previous evening in a state of drunkenness. It appeared that the prisoners went to the public-house in question very much the worse for liquor, and smashed a violin, broke a picture, and assaulted the landlord. They had no defence to make, and the Magistrates fined each of them 17s., including costs. In default fourteen days' imprisonment.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 6 September, 1867.


Lewis Gray, landlord of the "White Hart," Dolphin Lane, was charged with knowingly permitting common prostitutes to assemble at his house.

Police-sergeant Johnson stated that he visited the house on Saturday evening, when he found soldiers, prostitutes, and other persons assembled. A fiddler was present and was performing. He visited the house a second time and found the same persons there, with the fiddler, but the latter was not then playing, and the women had cloaks on, as if about to go.

The defendant said he did not know the character of the persons. He urged in extenuation of his offence that he had not only endeavoured to conduct the house well, but had given the police every facility for the apprehension of offenders and had sometimes assisted with them personally.

The Magistrates inflicted the mitigated penalty of 10s. and the costs; which defendant paid.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 1 May, 1868.


A couple of men belonging to the Kent Militia Artillery, who gave the names of John Ingram and Robert Richford, were charged with committing several robberies at tradesmen's shops, including a pair of boots, the property of Benjamin Barton, a shoemaker carrying on business in Snargate Street,  a cloth waistcoat, belonging to Mr. E. Ingram, a tailor also having a shop in Snargate Street, and three pairs of woman's boots, belonging to Mr. John Baker, draper, or Market Square. The property had all been found in the bedroom accompanied by the prisoners, at the "White Hart" public-house, where they were billeted.

The charge of stealing the boots from the shop of Mr. Barton was first proceeded with.

Henrietta Hackett said she was the daughter of Mr. Barton, with whom she resided. She recognised one of the pairs of boots produced as the property of her father, and as having formed part of the stock of his shop. She saw them on the counter of the shop on the previous evening, when two soldiers resembling the prisoners were in the shop. They wore military overcoats. After remaining in the shop a few minutes, on the pretence of wanting to buy some boots, they left without purchasing anything. After getting into the street one of them ran away. The value of the boots was 14s.

lewis Gray, landlord of the "White Hart," Russell Street, said the prisoners were billeted at his house. He saw them leave the house on the previous night. They wore their overcoats. They returned about nine o'clock. The two prisoners and another militiaman occupied a room at the top of the house; but the third man did not go out the previous night. About half-past six o'clock the same morning the police paid a visit to his house and searched the bedroom occupied by the prisoners, when the boots were found on the bed in which the prisoners slept.

Police-constable Charles Hemmings deposed to finding the boots as the landlord had stated. The front door of the house was opened to him by the prisoner Ingram, and he told him he wanted to see the landlord, who, on making his appearance, raised no objection to his searching the room occupied by the militia. On entering the bedroom he was preceded by Ingram, who endeavoured to conceal the stolen article by throwing the bed clothes over them. The other prisoner was down stairs. Ingram, on witness observing the things upon the bed, said he had bought the lot of a man for 8s.

The evidence in the charge of stealing the waistcoat was then taken.

In this case it appeared from the evidence of Thomas Edward Ingram, son of Mr. Edward Ingram, that the waistcoat was stolen from the shop window. It was seen there last by the witness on Thursday afternoon, and he did not miss it until the same morning, when it was brought to him by Hemmings. The door of the shop is kept open, and it would have been possible for any person standing outside the shop to reach the waistcoat out of the window.

In the third case, Mr. John Baker said he was a draper, and lived at 18, Markey Square. The three pairs of boots produced were his property. He saw them safe about five o'clock on the previous afternoon, when they were handing outside his shop-door. He did not miss them till the same morning, when they were brought to him by the police. The three pairs were worth 8s. 4½d.

A boy who had seen the soldiers in the shop of Mr. Barton, as stated by the first witness, was called, and the prisoners were made to put on their overcoats and turn up their collars; but the lad was unable to swear to Richfield. He could only identify Ingram; but this he did in the most positive way.

The Magistrates, considering the evidence insufficient to convict Richfield, dismissed him, cautioning him to be careful in his future movements. Ingram, who pleaded guilty to all the offences, was sent to Wandsworth for three months - a month for each offence.


From the England Deaths and Burials 1538-1991.

Harriett Grey, age 49, 15th September, 1873, wife of Louis Grey.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 6 September, 1878


The annual sitting of the Dover Magistrates Licensing Committee took place on Monday at Dover, for the purpose of renewing public-house licenses, and hearing applications for new ones. The Licensing Committee consists of E. F. Astley, S. Finnis, R. Dickeson, T. E. Black, R. Rees, W. R. Mowll, and C. Stein, Esqrs. They were all present except Mr. Dickeson, who is in Cumberland.


The landlady of this house was called forward.

The Superintendent said that house had been placed out of bounds by the military authorities, in consequence of repeated disturbances by soldiers there.

Mrs. Caroline Brown, tenant, denied that disturbances had ever taken place at her house. The Police had several times told her it was her house, when they had come they had never found any disturbance at all.

Dr. Astley said that was very often the case, because the Police arrived after the row was over.

Applicant said the “White Horse” and the “White Hart” were very similar names, and were close together. At the time of the fearful row at the “White Horse” her friends begged of her to leave her house, and she should certainly do so when she had anything disrespectful spoken of her. She would not be in the house many days longer.

Dr. Astley said otherwise it would be his duty to caution her.

The licence was granted.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 12 May, 1882. 1d.


An application was made for the transfer of the license of the “White Hart,” Dolphin Lane, from Joseph Grigg, to James Geall, late of Folkestone, but it was adjourned for inquiries.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 8 September, 1882. Price 1d.


Mr. Jones, the landlord of the “White Hart Inn,” Russell Street, was called up and told that there was a complaint of the noise at the musical and dancing parties at his house. Since he had been spoken to by the police the noise had been discontinued. If the noise were repeated probably next time the license would not be renewed.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 25 March, 1887. Price 1d.


Harriett Jane Bishop, a middle aged woman and who is exceedingly deaf, was charged with assaulting her husband at No. 1, Dolphin Place, on the previous night, by striking him on the head with a fire shovel and saucepan.

Samuel Styles Bishop, seaman on board the L.C.D.R. mail boats, and who appeared in the witness box with his head bandaged up and his face severely marked, said: The prisoner is my wife, and we have been married 11 months. Last night, about five minutes to ten, I went home to Dolphin Lane and found the prisoner was out. She came in soon after, having been at the “White Hart” public house. I told her that I had put up with enough from her for the last six months, and that on the following day I should pack up my things and leave. I had seen her with a soldier during the evening and I accused her of this. I also accused her of bringing soldiers in the house while I was there. She then took the saucepan produced from the shelf and struck me on the head with it. My head was very much cut, and the saucepan broke with the force of the blow. She then took the clock produced from off the mantel piece, and after hitting me on the head and face with it several times, threw it at me. My head bled very much. Prisoner then went out and came back again about an hour afterwards. She then took up the fire shovel and struck me with it on the back of the head. She then went out again and I went up to the Hospital to have my wounds dressed, accompanied by Police-constable Fogg. After they were dressed I went home again and lay on the couch. Prisoner then came in again and began moving chairs. I then had her locked up. She tore off the bandages from my head.

This evidence having been read over to the prisoner, the following interlocution took place:-

Prisoner: Who struck the first blow?

You did. I did not strike you at all.

Who put the chairs in front of the door?

I put the chairs there, as I intended taking them away the next morning with me.

Didn't you kick me?

No, I did not touch you.

And didn't you take out your pocket a knife and threaten to do for me?

No, I haven't got a pocket knife.

Didn't you tell the soldier I was with that he might come to the house whenever he liked?

No, I have told him not to come near the house.

You have not, Sam.

Where's the other clock which you threw at me?

I did not throw it. You knocked it off the shelf with the shovel when you were striking me.

Have I not a house of my own, and you are not bound over to keep the peace?

What do you want to come near me for?

I should not have come had you not have sent for me.

Prisoner: I have been most shamefully treated. I shall want a deed of separation or divorce.

Police-constable Fogg (D.20) stated that on the evening in question, about 10.30, prisoner went up to him and said that her husband had been breaking up the things and that she had been “tickling” him up. He later on in the evening went with the last witness to the Hospital by the direction of Police-sergeant Nash. He noticed the blood on Bishop's head, and his head was much swollen.

Prisoner: I never said that I had been “tickling” him up. I have stood quite enough. I have had six black eyes since regatta day.

Prisoner then gave a statement in defence, and stated that the charge was altogether false. She admitted, however, striking her husband with one of the articles. She alleged also that she had been cruelly treated by him.

Taking into consideration that the husband on a previous occasion was in the wrong, the Bench decided to sentence the prisoner to 14 days' imprisonment with hard labour.

The prisoner with some difficulty was then removed below.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 14 February, 1890.


At the Police Court on Monday, George Ford was summoned for keeping his house, the “White Hart Inn,” open at 15 minutes past two, on the 4th instant, and Bombardiers Thomas Leese, George Page, Samuel Diprose John Hawkins, and Gunner John Cunningham of the Royal Artillery, for being on the premises.

Mr. Vernon Knocker appeared for the prosecution. He said the landlord had committed an offence, and also the men. The premises were visited by the police, who went in the back-yard, which was not locked, at a quarter-past two in the morning. If they were friends of the landlord, they were very late friends. The landlord had sat up fro his wife, perhaps that was his excuse. The house had been better conducted lately than previously.

Mr. Dorrell, an officer, gave the soldiers good characters.

P.C. Baker said: “Last Tuesday morning I was on duty in Snargate Street, and in consequence of what I heard I went to Messrs. Leney's premises, having heard the place was on fire. On my way I met P.C. Hanson, and he came with me. When I got to Russell Street I met P.C. David Cook. I ascertained from Mr. Leney's watchman that there was not a fire. Leaving there I passed by the “White Hart Inn,” and heard someone in the yard, and finding the door unlocked I went in the yard with P.C. Cook, and found Cunnington, and on going into the house I found the four bombardiers in the parlour; I took Cunnington in with me, the landlord being present in the room. One of the bombardiers tried to make his escape by the front door, but it was locked, and he couldn't get out. Three of them had their coats on, as though they were going to leave. I asked the landlord what business he had to have the men there at that time in the morning, and he said they were his friends. I asked him if he knew it was a quarter past two, and he said he thought it was not so late. There were four glasses on the table, a jug with beer in it, a pack of cards, and a back-gammon board. The landlord showed us out in the scullery, where there were a lot of dirty dishes. All the artillerymen gave me their names, and I subsequently ascertained that they were out without leave, but they were sober. I told the landlord to get them out of the house, and after they were all out, he said he only had had the house about six months, and wanted it made as light as possible for him. I haven't heard any complaints for the last six months of this house.

Mr. Mowll appeared for the landlord, who had only had the house since July last, and had found it a somewhat difficult house to manage; they had it from the prosecution that it had been conducted better lately, which was in the landlord's favour. The men did not pay for anything after time, and they stayed with the landlord to supper, as his wife had gone to London by one of the excursion trains. He, Mr. Mowll, asked the Magistrates to deal with it as leniently as possible.

The landlord was fined £2 and costs, and the men were dismissed on paying 2s. 6d. costs.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 29 August, 1890.


The landlord of this house was called forward, and cautioned, he having been fined 40s. and costs for keeping his house open during illegal hours.


From the Dover Express. August 1891.


Last night at 9.40 a.m. an alarm of fire was given at the White Hart Inn, Russell Street. Quite suddenly flames seemed to spread over the entire house. Mr. E. Spain, boatman was passing at the time when the landlord ran out and said that his mother had overturned a paraffin lamp and that the kitchen was alight. Mr. Spain ran in and pulled Mrs. Phillips out of the burning room and then ran down Dolphin Lane where he gave the police warning. The police brigade was on the spot with great promptitude. Although the fire seemed to have spread in the course of ten minutes to all parts of the house they quickly got the hose fixed to two hydrants and with two deliveries they soon knocked out all the flames, which though wide spreading had no great hold. By ten o'clock the danger was passed although the police had to keep playing on the smouldering fire in different rooms for a considerable time after. The house is gutted right through but the outer part is almost intact. The house is the property of Messrs Beer and Co. and the furniture and stock was insured in the Union Fire Office. The heat did considerable damage to the front of the Gas Office.


Information kindly supplied by Joyce Banks.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 28 August, 1891. Price 1d.



On the name of the “White Hart Inn” being called, the Superintendent of the Police mentioned that it was at present unoccupied, but on the application of Mr. Mowll, the license was renewed.




BUXTON Thomas 1713+

BAKER Morris 1790

KENNETT Matthew 1822-37

KENNETT Elizabeth previous to 1845

(CUTFIELD Alfred 1845)?

(CUTFIELD Mrs Elizabeth 1845)?

AMOS James 1841-50+ (age 46 in 1841Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847

CALDER Thomas 1858+ Melville's 1858

LLOYD Ophelia Mrs 1861+ (age 29 in 1861Census)

THATCHER Frederick to May/1863 Dover Express

Last pub licensee had HODGSON Thomas May/1863-65 end Dover Express

GRAY Lewis 1865-Apr/73 (age 38 in 1871Census) Dover Express

COOK James Apr/1873-74 Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1874

BROWN Mrs Caroline 1878

REEVES James to Nov/1880 Dover Express

Last pub licensee had STYLES William Henry Nov/1880-Sept/1881 (age 39 in 1881Census) Dover Express

GRIGG Joseph Sept/1881-May/82+ Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1882 (late warder of Canterbury Gaol)

GEALL James May/1882+ Dover Express

JONES 1882

CRICK A 1884

NORTON Thomas S to Sept/1885 Dover Express

LEE Joseph Sept/1885-86 Dover Express (Bricklayer of Greenwich)


Last pub licensee had GODDARD John 1888

NEWTON William Charles 1888


FORD George 1890-91+ Post Office Directory 1891

OLIVER F Gibbons White Hart (or Castle Inn) 1898

Name to "Castle Inn."


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
