Sort file:- Sandwich, November, 2021.

Page Updated:- Monday, 22 November, 2021.


Earliest 1899-

Ye Old and New Inn

Latest 1964+

18 Delf Street



Kelly's Directory 1899 mentions "Ye Old New Inn" in Delf Street, under the rule of Mrs Georgina Knox.

Only other information I have found to date is a mention of licensee Edward S. Smith in 1954, who voted in favour of the extensions to the licensing hours to 10.30 summer time, at the annual licensing sessions February 1954.

Also found reference in Kelly's Directory 1934, titling the house again as "Ye Old New Inn" without the the in the middle, so I'll be removing that eventually. This time an address is given as number 18 Delf Street. I believe this is one and the same as the "New Inn" listed at number 13 Delf Street.

Business card Business card

Above showing a business card issued circa 1955. Kindly sent by Steve Veal.


From the Whitstable Times, 1 June, 1901.


Under the failure of Edward Swindford Fry, landlord of "Ye Olde New Inn," Hamet-street and Delf-street, Sandwich, the gross liabilities amount to £671 6s. 8d., of which £401 1s. 2d. is due to unsecured creditors. The assets are valued at £11 5s., but against this there are preferential claims amounting to £23 15s. 6d. The bankrupt commenced business in 1893 as a licensed victualler, taking the "Ancient Druids" public-house, Stembrook, Dover, with a capital of £135 borrowed from his mother, which is; still out standing. The valuation at this house, amounted to £112. For seven years the business was successfully carried on, and during a portion of this time the bankrupt held the catering rights in connection with the Dover athletic grounds. These rights were disposed of in the latter part of 1899 for £260, which was paid by a cheque of Mr. Edward Randell, who has since become a bankrupt in this court. On leaving the "Ancient Druids" on January 1st, 1900, the valuation amounted to £200, and the bankrupt thereupon took "Ye Olde New Inn," Sandwich, the valuation amounting to about £290, £240 of which was provided by the cheque for £260 given by Mr. Randall, as before-mentioned. The balance of the £290 was provided out of the money received by the bankrupt in respect of the valuation of the "Ancient Druids." This left £150 balance in the bankrupt's hands, and he then appears to have owed considerable sums to his creditors at Dover, as in addition to a sum of £168 15s. scheduled as due to his mother, upwards of £55 appears as due to creditors at Dover.



KNOX Mrs Georgina 1899+ Kelly's 1899

Last pub licensee had FRY Edward Swinford Next pub licensee had Jan/1901-03

COCKS Albert Edward 1934+ Kelly's 1934

SMITH Edward S to Feb/1954+ Dover Express


Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
