Earl Street
Above picture kindly sent by Laura Williams. |
Above photo, circa 1887, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1888, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above picture circa 1897. Taken from Bygone Breweries by Keith
Osborne. |
Above photo circa 1935, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1935, kindly sent by Jenny Midwinter. |
Above photo, circa 1960, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1960 kindly sent by Mark Anderson. |
Above picture circa 1970. Taken from Bygone Breweries by Keith
Osborne. |
Above photo kindly sent by Colin Walker who says "It was taken during
repairs to the chimney c1957. My father and I carried out the work as
steeplejacks." |
The Pale Ale Brewery in Earl Street, Maidstone, dominated the riverside
until 1981, when the fermenting block-the remaining sizeable building-was
demolished. The brewhouse had been pulled down in 1976, four years after the
cessation of brewing at Maidstone. Fremlins was the largest of the breweries
in Kent; not only had it acquired several businesses in the County, but it
had also cast its net further afield, taking over Adams' Brewery in
Halstead, Essex in 1939 and Harris, Browne's Hadley Brewery at Barnet a year
earlier. The Fremlins elephant lost its freedom in 1967, when Whitbread
bought the business with its 800 or so licensed properties. (Photo by
courtesy of Frank Baillie).
Ralph Fremlin established his brewery in 1861, when he acquired an almost
derelict brewery from the executors of Mr John Heathorn. His beers were
produced for the family trade only; he was a deeply religious man and his
principles ruled out the purchase of public houses. To facilitate the sale
of Fremlins ales and stouts, branch offices were opened in London and other
towns in the South-east of England. Ralph Fremlin was a pioneer in the
supply of beers in bottles and gallon jars, and the brewery's range of
products was remarkable. At the time of the brewery's takeover in 1967, no
less than nine bottled beers alone were produced.
(All info above from Bygone Breweries by Keith Osborne).

From the Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 7 February, 1914.
Above advert advertising a cure for flue. |
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 25 November, 1938. Price 1½d.
The accounts of Fremlin's Linited, Maidstone, to September 30th, show a
trading account balance of £97,584. To this there is added balance of
interest and dividends receivable and transfer fees, making £109,172.
Directors' fees and interest payable amount to £10,848, leaving £98,
Dividend of 7½ per cent, on preference stock to 30th September took
£26,250 and £22,000 was written off buildings and goodwill leaving a
balance of £50,074. Out of this sum provision has been made for income
tax and National Defence Contribution and an interim dividend
distributed of 3 per cent. on the ordinary stock. To the balance of
£21,574 the amount brought forward from last account is added, making
£57,197. Out of this sum the directors recommend a final dividend of 6
per cent. on the ordinary stock which will absorb £21,000, leaving
£36,197 to be carried forward.
This dividend is 1 per cent. less than last year.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 20 May, 1949.
The 20th annual general meeting of Fremlins Ltd. Maidstone , was held at
the “Royal Star Hotel,” Maidstone, on may 11th, Mr. Alfred C. Leney,
J.P. (Chairman) presiding.
There were also present Mr. G. T. Cook and Major Claud Leney, D.S.O.
(joint managing directors), Mr. T. S. Manning, J.P., Mr. F. N. Adams,
the Hon Mister F. Remnant, Mr. D. E. Mosley, M.C., and Capt. The Rt.
Hon. Lord Cornwallis, K.B.E., M.C. (director.)
The Chairman circulated statement read:- During the year we have lost an
old and valued colleague by the death of Mr. Albert Loftus Brown. He had
just retired after serving the Company for nearly 70 years, and his
experience and advice was of the utmost value in our affairs. We express
sympathy with his relatives.
As you will see from the report, Mr. Hills, after over 68 years' service
with the Company, has expressed a desire to retire, and therefore does
not offer himself for re-election as a director. He was general manager
and managing director of this business for a period of over 25 years,
and the Company owes him a great debt for his long and loyal service.
We wish him every happiness in his retirement, and I feel sure the
shareholders will agree that he has most thoroughly earned the suggested
pension of £500 per annum, which it is proposed to grant to him.
It is again my privilege to present to you the Accounts of this Company.
For various reasons to you in my report on the accounts of the year
ending September 30th, 1947, this accounting period of 16 months, in
order that all the accounts of the Fremlins Group may end on January
31st. This year the accounts have been re-arranged to conform to the
requirements of the Companies Act, 1948.
There are many factors affecting the accounts which have to be
considered before making a comparison between a 16-months' period and
one of 12 months, e.g., the present accounts cover two Christmas
We have continued our endeavour to catch up with some of the war years
arrears of repairs to our properties, a measure of such catching up
being £33,000 taken out of provision for repairs and renewals. Provision
for taxation has been made for the profits of the full 16 months, and
£31,000 has been added in contingencies reserve.
The re-arrangement of the balance sheet shows that since the formation
of the Company in 1928, nearly £175,000 has been written off the cost
values of our properties plant and goodwill. You will notice that the
Company has made substantial provision out of contingencies reserve for
pensions and superannuation.
Two interim dividends, as four told in my last report, have been paid
this year totalling 8 per cent., and the final dividend of 10 per cent.
brings the total to 18 per cent. less tax for the 16 months, to compare
with 1¼ per cent, for the previous 12 months. The carry-forward having
been increased by £3,248 now stands at £58,658.
Our grateful thanks are due to all employees for their loyal services.
We have in continuation of our policy of interest in the general
wellbeing of the staff and employees of the Company improved our pension
police by introducing a non-contributory pension scheme for both staff
and work-people, which also makes provision for widows in the event of
death during service.
In addition, the employees receive holidays with pay, and a contribution
by the Company is made in the case of any loss of income due to illness
or accident.
Bearing in mind the urgent need of a well-defined country, all employees
are encouraged to join the Territorial Forces and campings are allowed
over and above the annual holiday without pecuniary loss to the
As those of you who are acquainted with the areas in which the Company's
properties are situated are aware every effort is made to maintain and
improve the comfort and condition of all our houses, and to give the
utmost service to our patrons. We therefore endorse the considerable
misgiving voiced by the public concerning the trend of the present
Government towards the State control of public houses, which, if
effected, can only result in the loss of the present personal contact
between producer and consumer which must be an inevitable outcome of
State control.
Our appreciation of unfailing cooperation from the Company's tenants in
our joint efforts to ensure the satisfaction of all our consumers, is
acknowledged with sincere thanks.
We have already been informed of the purchase of the Company of the old
established business of Messrs. George Beer and Rigden Limited. Your
directors are confident the effect of the purchase will be to the
general benefit of your Company.
In his remarks, the Chairman added:-
You will remember that an extra ordinary general meeting of the Company
was held in March last when your sanction was asked for an increase in
the borrowing powers of your Directors to a sum not exceeding two
million pound. (£2,000,000)
This permission being granted the purchase of the whole of the limited
preference and ordinary share capital of George Beer and Rigden Limited
was duly completed by bank borrowings.
The question of funding this loan is now being considered by a committee
of your directors and a statement will be published as soon as the
matter is finally arranged.
I need only add that the directors will give due consideration to the
possibility of giving preference in any issue that might be made to the
then stockholders.
The name of Cornwallis is one that is honoured and revered throughout
Kent and to a Kentish Company I am sure his Lordship needs no
introduction from me.
Lord Cornwallis is a very busy man and we consider ourselves most
fortunate in having obtained his acceptance to serve on the Board.
He is a man of many interests, and it is certain his advice and wise
counsel will be an immense asset to the Company.
You have read in my statement and also the report of the directors that
our old friend and colleague Mr. Henry Hills, has tendered his
resignation as a director of the Company after an association of 68
years with this Company and its predecessors.
Your directors therefore propose to ask for your authority to pay him a
retiring allowance of £500 per annum, and I have very much pleasure in
proposing: “That the stockholders in general meeting and assembled
authorise the Board of Directors to pay Mr. Henry Hills a pension of
£500 per annum, to take effect as from this date.
The proposition was passed and the report adopted.
A stockholder proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, and directors
and staff, and the meeting then terminated.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 28 May, 1965.
Fremlins, the East Kent brewers - whose emblem is an elephant - came
to the aid of Elephant Battery of the 40th Field Regiment, R.A. at Dover
on Friday.
The battery was racing against three others to transport a 1½-ton
field gun from Germany to Alexandra Palace, London.
Fremlins met the Gunners at the quayside - the men
are seen aboard their lorry above - and carried the gun to London. But
another team, from Tiger Battery, won the day after crossing from Hook
of Holland to Harwich. And guess who helped Tiger Battery?
From an email received 16 January 2012
I came across this glass in Belgium.
David Cooper.
Tower was a bottled pale ale (maybe just County Ale?) produced by
Fremlins for their bar at the International Exhibition in Brussels in
1958. Of course, being in Belgium, they had to have a distinctive glass
to serve it in!
Picture taken from
The above photo show a Mr. S. Streeter in 1926 with his Fremlins
truck. |
From an email received April 2012
I purchased a vehicle in February
2012 and told it was registered to Fremlins Brewery in 1933. I would be
grateful of any information or old photos of this car if possible.
The vehicle concerned is a Austin 7 (Opal) PD Tourer 1933
registration number AKO771 blue in colour.
The vehicle was registered the Fremlins in 1933 and stayed with them
for 40 years. It then went into disrepair and seems to have been
restored around 1991.Only 4 owners from new, that's the only information
at this stage I've found. I will keep in touch and send more photos
Paul Sleeman.
From an email sent 15 August, 2012.
The above kindly sent to me from Jorn Cooper, shows one of the
Fremlin badges that were very popular in the 1960s.
From an email received, 27 January, 2013
Dear Sirs,
I have 3 Vintage Beer barrel branding irons, for sale, one of which
is a FREMLINS, the others being MEW&Co and TENNANT, if you are
interested. Please use photo.
Yours sincerely,
Nicola Barrett.
(I believe they must have been sold by now, but
below is a photograph of what they looked like. Paul Skelton)
From an email received 12 June 2014. Hi, I saw your website and I
thought you might be interested in these attached pictures of a bottle
of Fremlin beer?
I found this bottle on a ship wreck that was sunk on 10th of June
1915 so it is now over 99 years of age. As you can see it has Fremlin as
a raised marking just below the neck and Fremlin is also on the stopper.

When the stopper was removed I could smell the yeast of the beer as
well as a very strong smell of something that is well past its best
before date. Is this the oldest bottle of Fremlin beer that still has
its contents?
I hope this is of interest to you.
Ian Neville |
From an email received 27 July 2014 Good evening
I bought this at a car boot sale today and thought you might like to
see an image.
Kind regards mark.
From an email received 19 May 2015.
Above photo showing a matchbox circa 1960s.
Kindly sent by Marcus. |
Above matchbox, date unknown, kindly sent by Rachael Taylor. |
From an email received 27 May 2020.
Above silver matchbox holder, kindly sent by Heinz Ziegler from germany. |
From an email received 1 April 2015.
I found your email address when trying to find out more information
about an old Fremlins sign I located over here in the US, Texas. I have
attached a picture of the sign that I took, feel free to use it on your
web site. Any ideas on rarity or value would be much appreciated. Thank
Scott Johnson. |
Above photo showing the Fremlins Elephant. |
From an email received 4 November 2015.
Above sign, I am informed by Steven Kimberley is currently (2015)
adorning the wall of the "Merchants Inn," Rugby, Warwickshire. |
From an email received 1 December 2015.
This beer was brewed and bottled in Holland!! Do you know which
Brewery? Was it Amstel? During what time?
Ton van Oorschot
Sorry to say I didn't even know they brewed
beer in Holland. Paul Skelton. |
From an email received 4 January 2016. John Ford recently purchased
the following poster from an antique shop in Axminster and was wondering
what date it would have been used. It has By Appointment to Queen
Elizabeth The Queen Mother on the Brewed To Perfection part.
I suggested some time between 1952 when our present Queen came to
power and 1967 when Fremlins was taken over by Whitbread. |
From an email received 6 May 2016. Hello,
I’m a Danish collector of Carlsberg beerlabels and local historian at
the “Korsør Lokalhistorisk Arkiv.”
In my collection I have some beerlabels with the text “Bottled for
Fremlings Ltd, Maidstone.”
Best regards,
Kay-Verner Chrisitansen.
From an email received, 2 November 2016.
Mark Hooper suggests that the elephant shown above may be the one
that was hanging on the front of the brewery, her says it's about 24
inches long and about 18 inches high.
From an email received 15 December 2016.
We bought this crate at an auction yesterday and thought you might like a photo.
We love it and intend to use it to store beer!
John and Debs Hunt.

From an email received, 26 January, 2017.

Above photos from Michael Lucas. |
From an email received 9 November 2017. I have an old keg that I
thought you might like to look at. It is branded 1770 (?) and
over-branded by Fremlin's Brewery. The original writing is obscured but
the first and last letters of the top line (town or brewer/distillery?)
are still visible (I....D). So too are the first and last letters of the
bottom line (town or brewer/distillery?) C....I?
I guess the strange thing is that I bought to keg at an auction in
Queensland (Australia) a year or two ago. No idea what is was doing so
far away from England but methinks it may be a rare item and perhaps it
belongs in a museum somewhere?
Above photo showing a barrel ring found by Mark Anderson whilst metal
detecting on a farm in Newchurch in October 2021.
Above photo showing a complete barrel. From Mark Anderson. |
Information received from Peter Moynihan, December 2017.
In 1956 the Suez crisis in the Middle East created fuel shortages in
Britain. Fremlins, eager to get the Three Star Bitter out to their pubs,
contacted Wingham Engineering, to whom they contracted out their
transport needs, to mobilise one of their ageing fleet of steam wagons
for the job. Here we see Sentinel S3, number 9023, registration number
AKR 958 mocked up for a publicity photo. She had been new to H. Sargeant
& Sons, of Hougham, Kent in March 1934 before going to Wingham.
From an email received, 9 August 2018.
Above Fremlins Steam Lorry, date and location unknown. Kindly sent by Garth Wyver.
Could well be the same one as above. |
From a Facebook page accessed 6 March 2020. Liz Blackmore says she
picked these tokens up a few years ago.
It appears they are probably hop tokens and that at the time Fremlins
owned a hop farm.
From an email sent, 13 May 2020.
Above beer towel circa late 1980s, picked up by Ken Wilson in Denmark. |
From an email sent, 16 June 2020.

Above kindly sent by Chris Jenkins. |
From an email received 21 March 2021. I thought this might be of
interest to you. The Cock and Blackbirds was in a village called Bulmer,
in North Essex. It would have been taken in the early 1960's and
features my father on the right and two uncles. I am sorry that it isn't
of the greatest quality.
I know that Fremlins bought out Adam's Brewery in Halstead which is
about 10 miles from Bulmer.
The Cock and Blackbirds closed over 20 years ago and is now a private
Nick Tatum-Rowe.
I hadn't actually realised that Fremlins had
any tied houses so far North and outside of Kent. Paul Skelton. |
From an email received 4 November 2021.
John Coomber was district
manager for Fremlins in their Dover office which was situated in Castle
street later moving up to the Maxton depot and then to the Hythe office
of Fremlins/Mackesons and finally for Whitbread/Fremlins Faversham. He
had joined Fremlins Maidstone as an office boy straight from school and
moved to Dover as their representative. I thought you might be
interested in his photograph note sent out during petrol restrictions.

.... but like a good many others, owing to petrol
restrictions, I can't get round now as often as I should like, and I
don't want you to think I have forgotten you. I hope you are not
suffering too much inconvenience in the present situation, and to help
me will you please send in your orders early. Do remember that if I am
wanted you have only got to ring me at Dover 269 and I will get there
Hoping to see you again before very long.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
John Coomber.
Regards Joyce Coomber (Australia) |
From an email received 16 November 2021.
Above picture kindly sent by Michael Grassart. |
Above photo show the Fremlins Tower Ale clock, kindly sent by Roddy Hibaude. 2022. |
Above photo show the Fremlins Tower Ale clock, kindly sent by Roddy Hibaude. 2022. |
From an email received, 4 June 2022. Dear Sir,
Please see attached photo of a 1937 Morris 8 van in Fremlins livery.
This van was donated to the Morris Register in the late 1960s, and was
said to be “fairly derelict” at the time. The van has been restored, and
is still in use by our club for publicity purposes.
We would be interested if anyone can fill in any of its previous
Tom Bourne. |
From an email received, 12 March 2023.
I wondered if you had seen one of these before? Its cast iron. The LX
label is stuck to the rear.
Do you know what this stands for? Not sure how old it is. I acquired
it about 8 years.
Mark Bourner.
Sorry to say I know nothing about this, but
LX could stand for 60, so could have been manufactured in 1960. If
anyone knows anything please email me and I'll add the correspondence
here. |
From an email received 26 April 2023.
We were lucky to purchase a nice
pub mirror yesterday in Franeker, Friesland, Netherlands.
Cheers, best regards and keep up the good work.
Job van Dijk
From an email received 23 May 2024. Hope you dont mind me contacting
you but have picked up a Fremlins Soda Syphon and we were wondering if
it is connected to the Fremlins Brewery?
Jan Etheridge.
Above clock, kindly sent to me from Roddy Hibaude, and says he bought
it from a flea-market in Belgium. |