Sort file:- Milton Regis, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest ????


Latest 1960-

1 Charlotte Street / Church Street

Milton Regis

Alexandra 1935

Above photo circa 1935.

Alexander Hotel

Above photo, date unknown.

Alexandra 1960

Above photo, 1960 kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Alexandra location 2015

Above Google image, August 2015, showing the same location as the above photo. The building on the right is the "Paper Mill."

Alexandra Hotel 1958

Above photo 1958. From


The "Alexandra Hotel" has also been spelt "Alexander" and was situated at the corner of Charlotte Street and Church Street, and was demolished about 1960.

This is debatable whether it is in Milton Regis or Sittingbourne. Local knowledge required.


12 June 1890 The Will of Robert Chase late of the "Alexandra Hotel," Milton near Sittingbourne in the County of Kent, Beerhouse Keeper who died 19 May 1890 at the Alexandra was proved at Canterbury by John Richard Chase of Minster Thanet in the said County Grocer the son and Mary Chase of the "Alexandra" Widow the Relict and Executors.


Alexandra Hotel Christmas card 1960

Above Christmas card 1960.

East Kent Gazette, Saturday, February 11, 1928.


The chairman said they would all regret to learn that Superintendent Hoare was unfortunately laid up and was not likely to be present for some little time; but he (the Chairman) hoped he will be back in time for the adjourned Sessions on the 5th March. That being so it might alter their usual procedure somewhat. But taking it as a whole the report was put before them was most satisfactory. They were now reaping the benefits of the inspections that were made by a Committee of the Bench to different areas of the district. The result was that they had had a report that day from the visiting Committee that the licensed houses were a totally different class to what they used to be; they were so much better kept by all the licensees. That was very satisfactory. There were one or two cases perhaps where they had to put their foot down again with regard to the premises; but he was glad to say they had nothing to complain of with regard to any of the licensees. There was one house, the "Alexandra" Beer House, Milton which appeared to be redundant. It was going down in trade year after year. He thought the late holder of the licence had removed higher up the street to a better house, and perhaps had drawn most of the trade with him. Undoubtedly in the parish of Milton there were one or two houses not quite necessary. The Bench had taken every point into consideration, and they had decided to service notice of objection on the "Alexandra." Two other houses, the "Lord Nelson," Iwade, and the "Woolpack," Iwade, required mention. The sanitary arrangements at these houses were very bad. He knew they were great difficult in there, but the owners would have to try to put things right. The bench were not content to have houses which were not properly constructed for use of the general public, and notices would be served on the brewers, asking them to have the matter looked into at once. The kitchen arrangements at the "Milton Arms," Sittingbourne, we're not good, and they were glad to hear that instructions had been given by the brewers to have them put in order. There was nothing left now for him to do but to congratulate the censees on the way they had conducted their houses throughout the past 12-months. That had been only 2 residents of the district brought up for drunkenness during the year; the others were people moving into the district from the Chatham side, and they must always, he thought, get a certain number of these. In the 1920s the numbers were 40 and 50, and now they have dropped down to 11. That was a slight increase from the previous year, but that was owing to the number of outsiders brought up. He was sure they could congratulate the district on the fact that the sobriety throughout the division was very satisfactory indeed, and they had to thank Superintendent Hoare, Inspector Kenward, and the other officers for the exceedingly good way in which they had done their duty during the past year. With the exception of the "Alexandra" all the licences would be renewed. Several letters have been received with regard to the opening hours of licensed houses, and consideration of these would be postponed to the adjourned Sessions. In order that they might have a report from the Superintendent. They thanked the ladies and gentlemen who had sent letters.

An application by the Licensed Victuallers Association of Sittingbourne and District and of the Isle of Sheppey for a variation of permitted hours during the period from 1st May to 30th September, as has been granted for several years, was also postponed to the adjourned sessions.


From the East Kent Gazette, Friday 6 December 1957.

A protection order in respect of the "Alexandra," Milton, from Nancy Bunting to Frederick Edward Martin was approved.



CARR William 1861+ (age 40 in 1861Census)

CHASE Robert 1867-June/1890 (also ginger beer maker age 68 in 1881Census)

CARR William 1899-1903+

PRETTY William 1911+ (age 27 in 1911Census)

BUNTING Nancy to Dec/1957 East Kent Gazette

MARTIN Frederick Edward Dec/1957+ East Kent Gazette



East Kent GazetteEast Kent Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
