Sort file:- Rochester, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 23 November, 2024.


Earliest 1828-

Blue Boar

Latest 1960s+

119 High Street (75 East Gate 1847)


Blue Boar 1950s

Above photo, circa 1950s, kindly sent by Tony Smith.

Blue Boar

Above photo at junction with Blue Boar Lane, date unknown, by kind permission

Blue Boar location 2016

Above Google image April 2016.

If you were sitting on the right-most bench in the photo, you would have been in the public bar. You can see the building that used to be the Casino in the background above the benches (red brick). The pub's frontage on the High Street was only about 25 feet, but the pub ran back some was along Blue Boar Lane. There was a large function room on the first floor at the front which ran the width of the pub. I remember at least one old-style protruding window it this room - I used to sit in it and watch the world go by. I'm sure that we were aware when dad took over the pub that it's days were numbered. There was another building behind the pub (i.e. opposite the Casino) - may have been a garage, but it was already closed down. There was some waste land to the left of the pub (as seen in the photo) - this now forms the larger part of the car park, extending up to what looks like part of the old city wall.

By Paul Wentworth.


I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.


Paul Wentworth tells me that the front of the pub featured in the Dickens film 'Great Expectations' (it was a coaching inn in those days). He also says he can remember the Casino club at the other end of Blur Boar Lane. It used to host wrestling, and bad boy Mick Mcmanus and Jacky Pallow - great 'enemies' in the ring - would drink in the bar after the fight.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser 28 May 1866.


Mr. Jesse Thomas has received instructions from the Administrator of the late Robert Clements, Esq., to submit for sale by public auction, at the "Bull Hotel," Rochester, on Wednesday, the 6th day of June, 1866, at five for six o'clock precisely, the following valuable investments.

Lot 3. All the extremely eligible piece or parcel of land, known as the "Blue Boar" or Clement's Wharf; having the advantages of two frontages, the one (next the Creek) of 644 feet, and the other (facing the river Medway) of 210 feet, by 76 feet deep, with convenient warehouses, 180 feet by 28 feet, with loft over the greatest part, workshop boathouse, watch-houses, and buildings thereon, and as a whole containing all the conveniences, and auxiliaries of first class business premises, and must of necessity form part of any extensive or effective scheme for docks or wharves for the City.

The premises are held under the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, on a renewable lease dated June 28, 1861, for 21 years, 7 of which will expire at Lady-day, 1868. Ground rent £10 per annum. This property has also the advantage of being mostly in hand, with the exception of small portions occupied by yearly tenants at the annual rental of £26 16s.


Maidstone Telegraph. 5 June 1869.

Coroner's inquest.

An inquest was held at the "Blue Boar Inn," Rochester, on Monday afternoon last, before W. H. Bell, Esq., deputy coroner for the city, to enquire into the death of Mary Burford, 61 years of age, who had been found dead in the River.

The jury, of whom Mr. J. Homen was elected foreman, having been sworn, viewed the body, and then evidence was taken to the following effect:-

Thomas Burford, a barge captain, the husband of the deceased, said he was with his wife up to 10 o'clock on Saturday night, when she left home and went out marketing. Witness thought she was a little worse for drink then. He did not see her again alive. About 10:30 o'clock he went out to make enquiries, but he could not find her. He ascertained, however, that she went down the street. Witness' lad went down on the Sun Pier about midnight, but he could see nothing of the deceased. She had been down there to see them (witness and his son.) Witness gave up the search about 2 o'clock on Sunday morning, and about 8 o'clock he was informed that the body of the deceased have been found in the river. Deceased was a little intemperate at times. She had the delirium tremens about 3 years ago. He thought she had a little weight on her mind at times, on account of some disagreements with her relatives. Witness had had no dispute or quarrel with her on Saturday, and did not think anyone else had. She did not say anything about the time she expected to return when she left the house.

Albert Sturgin, a bargeman, said he found the body of the deceased on the landing at the head of the Sun Pier on Sunday morning, at 6:20 o'clock. She was quite dead. The body was lying on the face. Witness has only arrived there about 15 minutes before. He communicated with the police, and the body was taken to the "Blue Boar." A bargeman old witness that he saw deceased on the pier about 10 o'clock on the previous night, when she said she had lost her way. The water, which was going down, was 10 feet from deceased.

Mr. J. Aveling, surgeon, said he examined the body, and found a mark of tar on the forehead. There were no bruises ar wounds. He believed deceased met her death by drowning. The froth had been wiped from her mouth, and the eyes closed. Bodies should not be interfered with until seen by a medical man. It was probably that deceased fell into the water. He thought the body had been in the water several hours.

The Coroner having summed up the jury returned a verdict of "Found Drowned."


Chatham News, Saturday 9 April 1870.

Stabling to Be Let.

Apply to William How the proprietor of the "Blue Boar," Rochester.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser 3 September 1896.

Blue Boar Rochester.

Mr. G. Winch, jun., appeared for Mr Cloake, tenants of the "Blue Boar Inn," High Street, Rochester, who had been cited to appear before the Bench. Mr. Winch was at a loss to understand why, as his client has not been convicted.

The Mayor said that in the course of the hearing of a case it had transpired that Mr Cloake, who held another licence at Chatham, was not in occupation here.

Mr Winch said that the present were only temporary arrangements during the time extensive alterations were being carried out to the house at Rochester. The Mayor said the licence would be renewed.


East Kent Gazette - Friday 25 April 1952.

RAINHAM. License Transfers.

New Licensee.

Mr. A. H. Stapley, previously the licensee of the "Blue Boar," Rochester, has taken over the license of the "Green Lion," Rainham. He succeeds Mr. Blundell, who has left the licensed trade to take over a smallholding.


From an email received, 17 January 2017.

I have very fond memories of driving past the "Blue Boar Inn" with my parents in the 60's. I vividly remember the entrance to the pub (from the High Street) had a blue and white tiled picture of a blue boar (hunting scene?). I would be very interested in tracking down a photograph of this. I've asked in Rochester Museum to no avail. Any ideas?


Ashley Tomsett.



DAWSON Thomas 1824-55+ (age 55 in 1851Census) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

BAUCKHAM Thomas 1858-62+ (age 51 in 1861Census)

HOW William 1870+

BROOMFIELD John 1871+ (age 34 in 1871Census)

DALLEY James 1881-18/Apr/83 dec'd (age 62 in 1881Census)

WADDY Charles 1891+

WINCH G Mr 1896+

ROBERTS William 1903+ Kelly's 1903

JEFFREY Thomas 1911+ (age 40 in 1911Census)

WEBB Edwin Augustus 1913-22+

BROOKER George F 1930+

JACOBS Mary Eliz Mrs 1938+

PILCHER Ernest H V 1939+ (age 36 in 1939)

STAPLEY A H Mr to Apr 1952 Next pub licensee had

WENTWORTH John Thomas 1963-64

FRY Verdun 1950s Next pub licensee had

DE-LA-MARE Leslie John 1955+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
