Collier Street Road
Said to be situated near to Gaffers Bridge and seems to be connected to a
farm as the licensees through the ages were also farmers as their other
I have also seen this addressed as in Collier Street.
Sussex Agricultural Express, Saturday 8th January, 1898.
Transfers were granted by the Bench and temporary authority to sell was granted
to Mrs. Seymour in respect of the "Bridge Inn," Collier Street, Marden.
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 6th March, 1917.
Adjourned Licensing Sessions.
The adjourned licensing sessions for the Cranbrook Petty Sessional
Division were held on Thursday, before Mr. E. L. Tomlin (chairman),
Captain G. S. Hancock, Messrs. J. A. Drush, W. Nash, J. Hanmer, A.
Hardcastle, and E. E. Selmes. Superintendent Cheeseman opposed
renewal of the following licences on the grounds of redundancy.
The "Bridge House," Collier Street, Marden,
owned by Mrs. Reynolds, and leased to Messrs. Leney and Sons, of
Wateringbury, the licensee being J. Kember....
Mr. W. C. Cripps, of Tunbridge Wells, representing the
owner, landlords and tenant of the "Bridge House," and Mr. H. J.
Bracer, of Maidstone, the landlords and tenants of the remainder.
Evidence was produced as to the trade done by the houses, and it was
argue they were required for for the needs of the district. The
Bench, however, decided to refer the whole 7 houses to the
Compensation Authority.
Kent Messenger and Gravesend Telegraph, Saturday 28th July, 1917.
The licensing (Consolidation) Act, 1910.
Notice as to Sending in Claims to be treated as Persons Interested
in Licensed Premises.
County of Kent, Western Division.
Notice is hereby given that the Compensation Authority for the above
area having decided at their Principal Meeting held on 12th day of
July, 1917, to refuse the Renewal of Licences of the premises
specified below, all persons claiming to be interested in the said
premises for the purpose of the payment of Compensation under the
said act other than the Licensees and the Registered owner of the
said premises are required to send to the Compensation Authority
notice of their claims before the 20th day of August, 1917, for the
purpose of enabling the Compensation Authority to ascertain in
manner provided by the Licensing Rules, 1910, the persons entitled
to Compensation on under the said Act in respect of the said
Notice of claims, giving particulars of the interests claimed,
should be sent to the Clerk of the Compensation Authority at this
Office at the Sessions House, Maidstone.
"Bridge House," Collier Street, Marden. Beerhouse (Ante 1869). John
Kember. Mrs. Reynolds, Claverton Villa, Queen's Road, West Worthing;
Lessees; F. Leney and Sons. Ltd., Wateringbury.
W.B. Prosser, Clerk of the Compensation Authority, Sessions House,
Maidstone. Dated this 26th day of July, 1917.
Maidstone Telegraph Saturday 17th November 1917.
West Kent Licensing Committee. Compensation appointments.
Mr. Coles Child presided, on Thursday, at a meeting of this
committee, at the Sessions House, Maidstone, the other members
present being: Colonel J. M. Rogers, Colonel Grubb, Messrs C. Tuff,
Joseph Barker, R Batchelor, P. Butt-Gow, S. Lee Smith, H. Hannem, W.
A. Smith-Masters, J. H. Hay Rudton, H. J. Wood and G. Naylor with
the Clerk (Mr. W. B. Prosser), and the Valuer (Mr. H. M. Cobb, of
It was the "supplemental" meeting for the awarding of compensation
in respect of licences "referred" earlier in the year.
Referred to the Inland Revenue.
No agreements having been come to, the following licenses were
referred to the Inland Revenue authorities:-
"Bridge House," beer house, Collier Street, Marden, owner Mrs. E.
Reynolds, Worthing; lessees Messrs. F. Leney and Sons, and tenant
Mr. John Kember.
WELLS Robert 1851+ (also farmer age 30 in 1851 )
BRAND John 1881+ (also farmer age 58 in 1881 )
SEYMOUR Mrs Jan/1898+
KEMBER John 1911-17+ (also farmer age 69 in 1911 )