Sort file:- Tonbridge, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 30 April, 2024.


Earliest 1828-

Bull Hotel

Latest 1950s+

65 High Street


Bull Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Bull Hotel

Above photo, date unknown. Licensee W C Wilson.

By kind permission

Bull Hotel 1900

Above photo, showing the Roughway Mill workers in 1900.

We Three Loggerheads

It is suggested by Nigel Humphries that the pub shown on the left could well be the "We Three Loggerheads" which if so, is now the site occupied by the "Humphrey Bean."

By kind permission


Above photo, date unknown.

By kind permission

Bull 1900

Above photo circa 1900.

Bull Hotel 1910

Above postcard, circa 1910.

Bull 1944

Above photo, circa 1944, kindly sent by Tim V.


Above photo, date unknown.

Bull Hotel sign 1960s

Above sign 1960s.

Bull Hotel card 1953Bull card 1953

Above card issued March 1953. Sign series 4 number 4.

Bull Hotel site 1964

Above photo 20 June, 1964 when it was operating as Macfisheries food centre. Kindly supplied by

Above photo 19 March, 1972 as Wallis.

Kindly supplied by

Bull Hotel site

Above photo, date unknown, as DIY Superstore.

Kindly supplied by


The proprietor W C Wilson advertised the premises as the headquarters of the Rifle, Football. Harriers & Angling Clubs. Druids, Equitable, and Gardeners' Societies. Catering for small parties. Good Stabling an Posting.

The licensees of the hotel were also wine and spirit merchants.

The pub used to stand in the middle of the High Street and Mike Arnold says he can remember it there in the 1960s. However, it was demolished to make way for Macfisheries wet fish which also have been demolished and rebuilt.


Kentish Gazette, 19 March, 1783.

Some little time ago a man names Christpoher Baker, being at the "Bull," at Tonbridge, and very much intoxicated, far so near the fire as to scorch and burn himself in so shocking a manner that he died in a few days after.


From the Kentish Gazette, 19 April 1842.


This unhappy wretch was apprehended at Tonbridge on Saturday last. He was working by the South-Eastern Railroad as a bricklayer’s labourer. Some money was found secreted in one of his boots, and a gold watch was concealed on his person. A portion of a pair of stockings and an apron covered with blood were made into a pad for his shoulder, and at his lodgings was discovered the dress which he is described to have worn when the horrible murder was discovered. He was conveyed to Maidstone gaol on the same day.


On the night of Sunday se’nnight, about 11 o’clock, the individual calling himself Connor, but supposed to be Good, came into the town of Tonbridge in a fish van, and slept for the night at the "Bull" public-house. On Monday he applied for work as a bricklayer’s labourer to the foreman of Mr. Henry Barrett, a builder in Tonbridge, who is erecting some cottages near to the South Eastern Railway. He said that he had been working on the line, meaning the South Eastern Railway for 14 days. The foreman, being in want of hands, then took him on. From the time of entering on his work, he appeared to shun and avoid communication with his fellow-workmen, and if questions were asked by them he returned a short and abrupt answer. He continued at his work until the morning of last Saturday, when a man named Thomas Rose, who had formerly been a constable of the V division of the metropolitan police, and while so was stationed at Wandsworth, but who is now a labouring man residing in Tonbridge, saw the man, and immediately recognising him as the murderer Good, accosted him, and said, "Why you are the man Good. Your name is Daniel Good." The man replied, "No, it is not; my name is James Connor." Rose then said, "Why, you are he that I have seen in Putney Park-lane; you was coachman to a gentleman there." The man told him he was mistaken, he never had been a coachman, and was quite unacquainted with any place called Putney Park-lane. But he did so in so confused a manner as at once to convince Rose that he was no other than Daniel Good, the murderer. Rose gave information to Mr. Humphrey, the superintendent of police. That officer took him into custody, and conveyed him to the watchhouse. He was taken before Mr. Hare, a resident magistrate.

In reply to a question, the prisoner replied, firmly, that his name was James Connor, that he had known no woman named Jane Jones, and that he had not been guilty of any act of murder or violence.

The prisoner, upon his entering the Court, and being placed at the bar, took from his pocket a comb, and with it turned back the hair from his forehead, so as to hide (as that was, apparently, his object), a bald place on his head. This circumstance was not unnoticed, and for this reason, that in a description of Daniel Good issued by the Commissioners of Police it was stated to be the practice of the murderer to do so.

Throughout the examination, which occupied upwards of two hours, the prisoner maintained a firm and collected demeanour, until the witness Rose was placed in the witness-box, when he instantly turned exceedingly pale, and tremblingly endeavoured to avoid the gaze of the witness by fixing his eyes steadfastly on the ground. In personal appearance he fully answered the description already given of him in the Government Police Gazette, &c. After Rose had given his evidence in chief, he said he was confident that the prisoner was the murderer Good. His person was well known to him, having seen him both night and day, and at all hours, driving a phaeton and pair, and at times a single horse chaise. He had on numerous occasions conversed with him, and asked him for a light when at the stables in Putney Park-lane, and he was certain that the prisoner was the same man.

The prisoner declined making any statement, and he was shortly afterwards removed from the bar and conveyed, safely secured by two of the Tonbridge officers, in a post chaise, to Maidstone gaol.

In the bundle, which the prisoner brought with him to Tonbridge, were found the old drab frock coat, drab trousers, and gaiters, which were stated to have been worn by Good when he escaped from the stables in Putney Park-lane, on the night of the discovery of the murder. About the prisoner’s person was found part of a woman’s calico apron, in one corner of which there was a spot of blood. Also a silver hunting watch, engine-turned, three sovereigns and a half, and three half-crowns.

The excitement occasioned throughout the town and neighbourhood of Tonbridge during the afternoon and evening of Saturday, by the apprehension in that distant locality from the scene of murder of a criminal whose name will long be execrated, appeared to have much increased on Sunday; persons of all classes flocking in during the day from Tonbridge Wells and the adjacent villages, for the purpose of learning the particulars, and to many the "Bull" public-house, the residence of Mrs. Andrey, and erections at which the prisoner worked, were objects of no small attraction.

On Saturday night Superintendent Malalieu, of the R division, accompanied by a private constable of the V division of police, who was perfectly acquainted with the person of the murderer, proceeded, by order of the Commissioners of Police, in a post-chaise to Maidstone, which town they reached about half-past three o’clock on Sunday morning. They immediately proceeded to the county gaol, and had an interview with Mr. Bone, the governor, and at four o’clock, the prisoner, along with two or three other of the inmates of the gaol, most resembling the description of Good, were placed together in one cell, and nightcaps by direction of the governor placed on their heads. The V police constable was then introduced into the cell, and upon being required to point out the man whom he suspected to be Daniel Good, instantly went up to the prisoner, and said, "This is Daniel Good," and pulled off his nightcap. Good hung down his head, and refused to answer any of the questions put to him.

At eight o’clock on Sunday evening the suspected murderer, Daniel Good, arrived in London from Maidstone Gaol, and was conveyed in a hackney-coach to the station-house in Bow-street, where he remained to await his examination, which was appointed to take place at the Bow-street police court, before Mr. Hall, the chief magistrate, at 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon. Good, after having been formally charged with the wilful murder of Jane Jones, otherwise Jane Good, was placed in a cell, in which there was no other prisoner, and two policemen were appointed to watch him, lest he should lay violent hands on himself.

On Saturday a man named Gammell, charged as an accessory, and the prisoner's wife were taken into custody.

Standard Office, Monday Evening.

The examination commenced at Bow-street before Mr. Hall this morning. As early as nine o’clock all the avenues to the office were crowded with persons anxious to obtain a glimpse of the wretched miscreant. On the doors being opened a tremendous rush was made, and the reporters were unable to gain a situation in which to hear the proceedings. An appeal was made to the magistrate by the reporter of the Standard on his own behalf and those deputed to attend from other newspaper offices, but without obtaining any redress. At length the chief clerk to the surprise of the court, and we are sure it will be to the surprise of the whole country, stated that only the reporters from the Times and Morning Herald would be accommodated. The examination shortly afterwards commenced, and was continued to the middle of the day, at which time our correspondent left to forward our parcel.

The evidence was a repetition of the facts already before the public. The prisoner was remanded until Thursday next, at ten o’clock.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 3 February 1863.

Tonbridge. A Dishonest Servant.

On Wednesday last a young woman named Rose Woolley, was placed before Major Scoones on a charge of having stolen various articles, in the house of Mr. Richard Montague, landlord of the "Bull Inn." The prisoner, it seems, had been in Mr. Montague's employer about 3-months, and lately several small articles had been missed. On Monday two of the prosecutor's nieces missed their purses from dresses which had been hung up in the bedroom the contents amounting to nearly £3 and the prisoner was questioned on the subject. She said that she also had lost a watch, and threw suspicion upon a person who had stayed at the house the previous night.

Superintendent Dance, however, was called in, and prisoner was detected in an attempt to conceal the watch which she alleged to have been stolen. A further search resulted in the discovery of the two purses in the furnace hole, and the girl then admitted the charge. She was summoned for trial.


Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 11 September 1869.

Alleged assault at Tunbridge. (Sic)

Stephen Smith and William Fowler, two respectable looking men were charged with assaulting Eliza, wife of Joseph Cunningham, at Tunbridge, on the 28th of August.

Defendants denied the charge. The witnesses on both sides were ordered out of court.

Complainant, a young woman deposed:- I have lately come to Tunbridge for the purpose of hopping. On Saturday week as I was going from Tunbridge, I met my father and mother, and my husband had another man, had something to drink at the "Bull." I only drank about two glasses of ale all day. We went home to Prince Style Farm, where we were working and on the way my husband laid down in a field, where defendants and three other men were working. Smith came up, and asked what my husband was doing there, and he said "nothing." Smith told him to be off, and I and my husband started from the field, but Smith did not give my husband time, and knocked him down and hit me on the back. He then knocked my husband into the ditch; and came and dragged me by my clothes into the ditch, and did not leave a bit of clothes on me. (Complaining produced wearing apparel torn to pieces.) Fowler came up with a horse and cart into the lane and struck me and my husband. He kicked me on the side, and knocked my husband down. It was not a fit thing for married men to tear all the clothes off a woman, but very indecent. Nothing fast between us before. Another man struck us, but I did not know him. They swore it at us very much.

Cross-examined by Smith:- You only spoke to my husband. I was sitting down when you came along, and my husband was standing up.

Complainant:- Fowler gave the wrong name when my father followed him.

John Towner stated:- I came down here hopping and on Saturday 28th of August, saw complainant and her husband in Mrs. Humphry's Beerhouse. When we left I walked with them a little distance, and then left them. About an hour after complainant came back and said she and her husband had been badly beaten. I went back with her, and found a skirt and apron in the lane leading to Prince Style's Farm. All her clothes were badly torn. We returned to the Beerhouse, and Mrs. Humphrey told us defendants had called and had a pot of beer, and it said they had had a row in the lane.

Complainant's father disposed to his daughter telling him of the assault, and that the carter, Fowler, gave the name of Neale.

Defendant Fowler said he was waggoner to Mr. Lambert and on the day in question he was called by a boy, who said his master had been struck by Mr. Cunningham. Complainant flew at defendant, following him up the town as far as the grammar school. He was afraid of having stones thrown at his head.

Smith, in his defence stated he was bailiff to Mr. Lambert. He saw the man and woman sitting under the hedge in the field and as he was going to lock the gate, he asked them to come out. The man used foul language, and I ordered him out, but did not insult the woman or strike her.

Edward Haffenden:- I am a labourer and work for Mr. Lambert. Mr. Smith ordered complainants and her husband out of the field belonging to my master. They refused to leave, and the man was saucy, and got up and struck Smith, knocking him to the ground with the first blow. The man and woman hit him when he was on the ground. Another man, a labourer pulled them off Smith, who then pushed them out of the field. Cunningham and Smith had a struggle, and both went into the ditch together, I did not see any clothes torn. The woman then came out to help her husband Fowler struck complainant and her husband, when he pulled them from Smith. I saw the woman with torn clothes in a hand, but did not interfere at all.

Cross-examine:- Smith did not strike complainant's husband first.

John Hazelden, another labourer in the employ of Mr. Lambert said he should not know complainant or her husband, as it was nearly dark when he saw them. Cunningham did not knock Smith down, but struck him. They tussled and both fell, and in the struggle that woman got pushed in the hedge. Complainant shouted "murder," and I cried out that she was dead (laughter). Fowler pulled Smith and Cunningham out of the ditch, and threw complainant and her husband into the road. Witness did not see any one strike the woman, and saw no clothes torn, but saw them after they were torn.
The Bench consulted, and the Chairman said there appeared to have been a little squabble, but not sufficient to justify conviction, therefore the summons would be dismissed.

Mr. Lambert informed the Bench that Smith had been in his employ 10 or 11 years, that was the last man to commit the offence of which he had been charged. Fowler had been with him 5 years, and both men were very inoffensive and had the best of character.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier. 12 September 1873. Price 1d.


Mr. J. Payne, landlord of the "Bull Hotel," applied for and was granted an extra hour on the occasion of the annual dinner of the Tonbridge Cricket Club.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 31 July 1874.

Tonbridge Suicide.

On Tuesday afternoon, and inquest was held at the "Bull Inn," before J. N. Dudlow, Esq., on the body of John Collisston, who hung himself to a bedpost on the previous Sunday morning.

Robert Jones said he and deceased lodged at the German lodging house, and on Sunday morning, hearing the deputy rushed downstairs saying that a man had hung himself, he went upstairs and cut him down. He was hanging by a cord to the bedpost, with his feet on the ground under the bed. On the previous afternoon the deceased who complained of his feet being bad, had said he would not be on them much longer.

Jane Taremer, the deputy, said deceased come to lodge at the house on Friday night, and she found him hanging to the bedpost, on the Sunday morning.

James Tyler, a labourer, who slept in the same room as the deceased, but in another bed, said that at 5 o'clock, the deceased spoke to him and said he had not slept an hour all night, as his feet were so bad.

Edmunds James Wingfield, of Gravesend, a wheelwright, identified the deceased as being his wife's uncle, and an engine driver. He was 55 years of age, and up to within last month had lodged with witness. In November last he lost his wife. He had worked at a brewery for 25 or 26 years, but left last Easter, and since then had not been able to get a situation. The deceased had been strange for some time past.

Daniel Collisston identified the deceased as his brother, and Superintendent Dance produced a letter, in which deceased said he felt nearly mad sometimes, and might not be in the world long.

The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased hung himself, being at the time in an unsound state of mind.


Kent & Sussex Courier 11th December 1889.

Tonbridge Petty Sessions. Licensing.

An hours extension was granted to Mr Herbert Huntley, of the "Bull Hotel," for a special installation and programme night of the "Argyle" Lodge of Druids.


Sussex Agricultural Express, Saturday 06 September 1902.


The folly of partaking of a hearty supper within a short time of retiring to rest was illustrated at Tonbridge on Monday evening when an inquest was held at the Mortuary by Mr, Coroner T. Buss, on the body of William Bunce, a commercial traveller, who was discovered dead in bed at the "Bull Hotel "where he had been staying. The deceased's home was over the premises of Mr. E. Pelton, of The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells.

Mr. C. T. Oliver was chosen foreman of the jury, and Detective Everett and Corporal Peacock were present on behalf of the police.

The first witness called was William Frederick West, of Chiswick, London, brother-in-law of the deceased, who identified the body, and stated that Bunce was 53 years of age, and had a wife but no children. His widow was unable to be present that day. Witness last saw the deceased alive a week ago, when he appeared to be in his usual good health. As far as he knew the deceased had nothing to depress him, and his financial affairs, to the best of his knowledge, were all right. He was not aware that he was in the habit of taking anything to soothe his nerven. He was of a very cheerful disposition.

May McCune, barmaid at the "Bull Hotel," said she had known the deceased for fifteen months. He was in the habit of going to the house every Tuesday. He went there last Tuesday, and returned on the Thursday, when he appeared to be in his usual cheerful spirits. He slept there that night, and on the following morning left for Paddock Wood, and returned to dinner, and after having supper went to bed between 11.30 and 11.45. Before leaving witness he asked her to procure a collar for him in the morning and to call him at 9.30.

The Coroner:— Was that later than usual?

Witness:— No, sir.

She went to his door at that time to tell him she could not get the collar he wanted. She knocked, but got no answer. She did so again, but getting no reply, she went inside, and found him lying on the bed fully dressed and dead. He was quite cold.

The Coroner:— Was he strange in any way the previous night?

Witness:— Not at all. He complained of having neuralgia, but that was all.

Detective Everett said about ten o'clock be was called to the "Bull Hotel," where he found the deceased perfectly cold and stiff. The deceased smelt rather strongly of chlorodyne, and his left hand was over his Heart. Nothing on his person gave any clue as to the cause of death. An empty revolver and some loose cartridges were in his bag, together with an empty bottle which had contained chlorodyne. Witness removed the body to the mortuary, and had since made inquiries, and found deceased to be a man of very sober habits, and was very much respected in the town.

The Coroner:— Had he the appearance of having used the chlorodyne recently?

Witness:— Only that he smelt of it, sir. I came to the conclusion that he took a dose to ease the pain of the neuralgia, and that it had overcome him from the position he was in.

A juryman:— The fact that he had asked for the collar to be sent for showed that he expected to get up in the morning.

The Foreman:— A man sometimes lies down before getting into bed.

Witness:— He had fallen, sir.

Dr. H. J. Manning Watts spoke to making a post mortem examination. Externally there were no marks of violence. He was a stout and heavy built man. The heart was fat, and the stomach was overloaded with food and distended. Here there was also a faint smell of chlorodyne. The deceased had evidently partaken of a hearty meal before retiring to bed, and the digestive organs had not been able to act. He attributed death to overloading of the stomach, and this, noting upon the heart, caused syncope.

The Coroner:— Do you consider chlorodyne had anything to do with the cause of death?

Witness:— I should say not.

Is it taken for neuralgia?

Yes, very often.

The Coroner having summed up, the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.


From Bull Hotel advert

Above image showing an advert for the hotel, 1900. Showing licensee Herbert Huntley outside the pub.

Above photo showing a snuff box showing Herbert Huntley circa 1889.

Bull flagons

The proprietors of the "Bull Hotel" were also wine and spirit merchants and shown above are some of the flagons used.

Flagon writing 1876

Above photo showing the writing on a flagon circa 1876.

Bull flagon J Hill 1878Bull flagon J Hill 1878

Above flagons circa 1878, kindly sent by Cassi.

Bull Hotel glass

Above photo showing a drinking glass, date unknown.



BARTON Henry 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

MONTAGUE William 1832-40+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

MONTAGUE Richard 1841-63+ (age 42 in 1861Census)

BAILEY Charles 1867-71+ (age 34 in 1871Census)

PAYNE Joseph Spencer (also boot and shoemaker) 1873+

PAYNE Joseph Spencer Next pub licensee had & Charles to 10/Aug/1874

HILL John 10/Aug/1875-78+


HUNTLEY Herbert 1880-1901+ (age 45 in 1901Census)

TOMLIN A E 1910+

Last pub licensee had OUTTEN Major James Henry 1918 Next pub licensee had

Last pub licensee had GREGORY Mr & Mrs 1/July/1919+ Sevenoaks Chronicle

VAUGHAN Herbert Cecil 1920s-38+

VAUGHAN Herbert Cecil "Tom" (son) 1943+ Next pub licensee had


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Sevenoaks ChronicleSevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-