Sort file:- Maidstone, December, 2023.

Page Updated Maidstone:- Saturday, 16 December, 2023.


Earliest 1826-


30 Sept 1920

41 (95) Week Street / Earl Street



Above photo, date unknown.

Roebuck 1911

Above photo taken on Coronation Day, 22 June 1911. Kindly sent by Jeffrey East.


Above photo pre 1920.

Roebuck location 2022

Above location 2022.


I also have reference to another "Roebuck" being addressed at Mote Road.


Kentish Gazette, 18 May 1852.

Death from Apoplexy.

On Saturday evening an inquest was held at the "Roebuck Inn," Week-street, before F. F. Dally, Esq., coroner, on the body of Geo. Chapman, who for several years past had been employed as servant, at the same inn, and whose death took place on the Thursday previous.

On Wednesday night the deceased went to bed about half-past eleven in apparent good health. Next morning, at about half-past six, Mrs. Rawlings, the landlady of the house, went to his door to call him. She rapped twice, but receiving no answer, thinking probably deceased had gone down stairs, she went to look after him. Finding he was not below she returned to his bed-room, and on entering found him lying on the bed with the bed-clothes partially on one side, as though he had attempted to get out of bed. Mr. Leney, the surgeon, was sent for, who arrived shortly after seven, when he found deceased labouring under a fit of apoplexy, with his body rather cold. He bled him but the blood flowed sluggishly; judging from which, Mr. Leney supposed him to have been in the same state three or four hours. Proper applications were administered to the deceased but without effect, and he never rallied. He lingered on insensible till a quarter past five on Thursday evening, when he died.

Mr. Leney gave it as his decided opinion that death was caused by apoplexy.

Verdict accordingly.


Southeastern Gazette, 4 January 1853.

Ann Britton was charged with felony. From the statement of the prosecutor, a labourer named George Martin, from Larkfield, it appeared that on Christmas-eve he came into the town, with 15s. or 16s. in his pocket. He fell in with the prisoner at the "Roebuck Inn," and after having two or three pints of beer with her, they left the house together and proceeded to the "Two Brewers," where they had some more beer. They then returned to the "Roebuck" again, where they again "refreshed" themselves with sundry other pints, and finally adjourned to the "Paper-maker’s Arms," where they regaled themselves on bread and cheese and more beer, and hired a bed. In the morning Martin found his pocket minus of his money and silk handkerchief. Prisoner afterwards contrived to slip away from the house unperceived by prosecutor. Information was given to the police, and police-constable Hills found her at another lodging-house. She denied having any handkerchief in her possession, but Hills perceived a portion of a handkerchief protruding from her dress, and found it to be prosecutor’s, it having his name upon it; none of the money was found upon her.

Prisoner denied the theft, and said the handkerchief was given her by prisoner.

Committed to the Borough Sessions.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 5 May 1860.

South Eastern Gazette, 10 April, 1860.


CHARLES BRISSENDEN (late of the "Oak and Ivy Inn" having succeeded Mr. E Pearce at the above establishment, respectfully subjects a continuation of the patronages so long and liberally bestowed on his predecessor; and hopes, by strict attention and selling articles of first-rate quality, to merit the same.

Good well-aired Beds, Wines, Spirits, and Cordials. Brenchley and Stacey's fine Ales, Stout, and Porter.


Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 13th June 1860.

Roebuck Inn, West Street, Maidstone.

Charles Brissenden (late of the "Oak and Ivy Inn") having succeeded Mr. E. Pearce at the above establishment, respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage so long and liberally bestowed on his predecessor; and hopes, by strict attention to selling articles of first-rate quality, to merit the same.

Good well aired had beds. Wines, Spirits, and Cordial. Brenchley and Stacey's fine ales, Stout, and Porter.


South Eastern Gazette, 24 July, 1860.

Innkeepers’ Licenses.

The following transfer of public-house licenses were also granted last week.

The "Roe Buck," Week-street, from E. Pearce to C. Brissenden.


Maidstone Telegraph 31 October 1868.

At the annual distribution of prizes to the 26th Middlesex (her Majesty's Customs and the Docks) Rifle Volunteers, on Wednesday, Private C. Brissenden, son of Mr. C. Brissenden, late of the "Roe Buck Inn," Maidstone, was presented with a handsome cooler. This is the fourth prize Mr. Brissenden has taken since joining the corps.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 19 March 1870.


Charles Davis alias Henry Johnson, 45, servant, was indicted for uttering a forged £10 cheque, with intend to defraud, at Maidstone; also with uttering a £5 cheque at Headcorn, on the 9th January. Mr. Codd prosecuted; Mr. Biron defended.

John Francis, general dealer, met prisoner during November last, in company with another gentleman, who bargained for some hoops. Went to the "Roebuck" public-house on the Thursday following, and met his customers. Prisoner tendered him a £10 cheque in payment, which he exchanged at Messrs. Brenchley and Stacey's, Stone-street, Maidstone, deducting his account £3 15s. He could not read writing.

James Gordon, clerk to Messrs. Brenchley and Stacey, received the £10 cheque from last witness, endorsed "Henry Johnson," on the 2nd December, which he paid into Messrs. Randall's bank, the same day. The cheque was dishonoured, and returned to him a week afterwards.

On the second count, Charles Wilson deposed that he recollected the prisoner, calling himself John Davis, with another man, who represented himself as John Smith, coming to his house on the 6th December, and they left on the 9th. John Smith gave him a cheque for £5, which he changed for him. Davis immediately after tendered a sovereign in payment for his bill. Paid the cheque in to his bankers, and it was subsequently returned.

Sergeant Coppinger, Sutton Vallence, received the £4 cheque (produced) from Wilson in December last. Apprehended prisoner at Sandwich on the charges Prisoner said "I did not pass the cheque; it was Smith; he gave me a sovereign he owed me and I left.” Prisoner said his name was Davis. He said he had been to wait on an old lady at Clapham; her butler had just left, whose name was Johnson, so they called him so too. On the way to Maidstone prisoner said "I hope you will get the old man Smith, for he led me into this trouble like a lamb to the slaughter. I believed the cheques to be all right, and never I suspected anything wrong."

His Lordship summed up, and left for the jury whether prisoner was ignorant of the fraudulency of the cheque, or whether he had passed the forged cheque, knowing that it was a forged one.

The jury found the prisoner guilty; his Lordship seriously remarked upon the nature of the offence, and sentenced prisoner to six years' penal servitude.


From an email received 18 July 2021.


I was very excited to find the photos of and information about the Roebuck Inn, 41 Weeks Street, Maidstone because I have been researching my ancestry for a number of years and the "Roebuck" is where my great grandparents were in the final years of their lives.

Although I was born in Maidstone I grew up and am still living in Canada. I hope that you will find the following of some interest.

My maternal family were publicans, licensed victuallers, innkeepers in Kent beginning with my Great, Great Grandfather, James C. Miles, who, upon inheriting 150 pounds from his father, John, in 1848, bought the "George," Trotterscliffe, Kent from Stedman Shrubsole in 1849.

In the Census of 1851 and 1861, James is noted as a Publican of the "George Inn." James died in 1865 leaving his effects to his son John. However, James' wife Eliza nee Jeffery, continued to run the George. In the Census of 1871, Kelly's Directory of 1874 and of 1882, she is listed as Mrs. Eliza Miles, Publican, "George," Trottescliffe. In 1882 Eliza sold the George to Frederick Leney and Sons of Phoenix Brewery, Wateringbury. When Eliza died in 1886, she named her son Thomas Miles 'Innkeeper, Cranbrook" sole executor.

Thomas Miles, my Great Grandfather, followed in his parent's footsteps when between 1867 and 1868 he became the Innkeeper of the "South Eastern Railway Hotel," Staplehurst, Kent. In the Census of 1871 and Kelly's Directory of 1874, he is noted as the Innkeeper and Publican of the S.E.R.Hotel (my abbreviation), Staplehurst.

Between 1875 and 1876, Thomas took over the "George Hotel," Stone Street, Cranbrook, Kent. In the 1881 Census, he is a licensed victualler of the "George Hotel" whereas in the 1891 Census, he is a publican. Between 1878 and 1895, Thomas is also an agent for the "South Eastern Railway Hotel," and between 1884 and 1885 a wine and spirit merchant from the "George Hotel."

When Thomas moved on to the "George Hotel" in Cranbrook, he left the operation of the "S.E.R. Hotel" to his brother-in-law, William Allingham who, in the 1881 Census is noted as a Hotel Keeper employing 3 women and 1 man. William died in 1887 and his sister, Sarah Ann Allingham, who had been working for him took over. Great Aunt Sally, as she was known to the family was Hotel Keeper and Proprietor of "S.E.R. Hotel" Staplehurst until her marriage in 1905. She is listed as such in all of the Census' and Directories between those dates.

In 1896, Thomas Miles turned over the "George Hotel," Cranbrook to his son James Arthur Miles who continued there until 1912. Thomas, his wife Ann nee Allingham, and his daughter, Evelyn Margaret (my Grandmother) moved on to the "Roebuck Inn," 41 Weeks Street, Maidstone where he is listed in Kelly's Trade Directory 1899. On 23 December 1900, Thomas died at the "Roebuck" and left all of his effects to his wife Ann. In the 1901 Census, Ann Miles is listed as a Licensed Victualler at the "Roebuck Inn," 41 Weeks Street, Maidstone.

Ann Miles Died at the "Roebuck" 22 April 1902 and left all of her effects to my Grandmother, Evelyn Margaret, who had been a barmaid at the "Roebuck." However, she left to live and be married later in 1902 with Great Aunt Sally at "S.E.R. Hotel" in Staplehurst.

Although I have photos of many of my family members, they are relatively formal and none are taken at the various hotels and inns other than my Grandmother's wedding in the garden of the "S.E.R. Hotel" but it does not show the building.

Thank you for all you do,

Marilyn White.


The Compensation Act saw the end of this one and the pub was closed on the 30th September 1920.



JEWELL John 1826-32+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Maidstone Telegraph

RAWLINGS William 1840-51+

RAWLING Mrs Charlotte 1851-55+ (widow age 62 in 1851Census)

PEARCE Edward Next pub licensee had 1858-May/60 Whitstable Times

Last pub licensee had BRISSENDEN Charles May/1860-67+ (age 51 in 1861Census) Whitstable TimesPost Office Directory 1867

HART Henry Jan/1871+ (age 67 in 1871Census)

LEDGER Henry 1874+

GOODBODY John 1881-82+ (age 53 in 1881Census)

WARREN Charles 1891+

Last pub licensee had MILES Thomas 1899-Dec/1900 dec'd Kelly's 1899

MILES Ann (widow) Dec/1900-22/Apr/02 dec'd

BODINGTON William 1903+ Kelly's 1903

OUTTEN Major James Henry 1911-18+ Next pub licensee had (Army Pensioner age 40 in 1911Census)


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph

Post Office Directory 1867From the Post Office Directory 1867

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
