Page Updated:- Wednesday, 12 March, 2025.


Earliest 1743-

George Inn

Open 2020+

Taylors Lane (6 High Street 1901Census) (Trosley Street 1851Census)


01732 822462

George Inn

Above postcard, date unknown, showing the pub on the right.

George Inn 1930s

This photo has been sent to me from Ed Thompson who says this is probably the early 1930s.

George Inn 1936

Above postcard, circa 1947. Until the mid-1920s, Fremlin's only owned one pub (the "Bull," Penenden Heath) but after its 1926 merger with Leney's Phoenix Brewery, Dover, share capital was raised for the main purpose of acquiring tied house. Fremlin's neighbours, Isherwood, Foster & Stacey's, with its c.140 pubs, was an obvious target and in 1929 the Lower Brewery was purchased and closed. Fremlin's lost very little time rebranding their newly acquired tied houses, which remained "under the elephant" until 1967, when Whitbread's snapped up Fremlin's.

By the time this photograph was taken, the George had been rebranded and was sporting Fremlin's signage.

With many thanks to Betty Fuller, Weald Village. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Isherwoods Blue Label

Above showing a bottle label image of Isherwood's renowned Blue Label Extra Strong Ale.

George Inn 2013

Above photo 2013 by Nigel Chadwick Creative Commons Licence.

George Inn 2013

Above photo 2013 by Nigel Chadwick Creative Commons Licence.

George match box 1980s

Above matchbox, circa 1980s, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

George Inn matchbox 1980s

Above matchbox, circa 1980s, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.


Kentish Gazette , Friday 19 March 1802.

Freehold Public Houses, Kent.

Two valuable freehold public houses known by the sign of the "George" at Trosley, and the "Old Cock," (Hildenborough) in the High Road leading from Sevenoaks to Tunbridge in the county of Kent; which will be sold by auction, by Kirk and Brewer.

(By order of the Proprietor) at Mrs Wigwell's the "Rose and Crown," Sevenoaks, on Saturday, the 27th of March, 1802, at 4 o'clock precisely, in two lots.

Lot 1. That much frequented public house, known by the sign of the "George," situate in the county of Kent; comprising a brick dwelling house, with good cellaring, new erected stable and outhouse oast house; about one acre and half, (be the same more or less) of good garden and excellent hop ground, in the occupation of Mr. Davis; with two other messuages, and garden grounds; let to Mr. Seager; on lease, of which 18 years were unexpired at Michaelmas last, at the uncommon low rent of £20 per annum.

Lot 2. That could accustomed public house, known by the sign of the "Old Cock," situated in the High Road leading from Sevenoaks to Tunbridge, in the parish of Sevenoaks; comprising a dwelling house, with good stabling and accommodation for 40 horses; about 6 acres (be the same more or less) of capital meadow land and garden ground, with cottage in garden and other buildings near the dwelling house, let to Mr. Seager, or his undertenants, tenants at will, at £35 per annum nett.

May be viewed 7 days previous to the sale, by leave of the tenants; where particulars may be had; "Bull, "Wrotham; "Haunch of Venison," Maidstone; Mrs. Wigzell's, "Rose and Crown," Sevenoaks; "George," Shoreham; "Crown," Tunbridge; "Parr's Head," Gravesend; "Crown," Rochester; and of the Auctioneers, High Street, Dartford of which further particulars may be known.


From the Maidstone Gazette and Kentish Courier, 5 April, 1842.


At Maidstone on Thursday, the 21st inst, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract.

A Freehold Property near Maidstone, particularly eligible to brewers, Maltsers, Hop Merchants, and the Public.

The "George Inn," with garden, orchard, three cottages, and a hop-ground, well planted and always productive, containing 2 acres, situate in the picturesque village of Trottiscliffe, midway between Maidstone, Wrotham, Gravesend, and Town Malling. The inn is well tenanted, in full business, being the only one in the village.

The property is let on a lease to a highly respectable brewer, at £55 per annum, for a term which expires at Christmas next.

For further particulars apply to Mr. George Basham, 20B., Bedford Place, Russell Square, London; and to Mr. Henry Jury, on the Hill, Maidstone.


Kent & Sussex Courier, 30, September 1892.

The George Inn, Trosley.

Mr Bligh said he noticed the observations he made at the Annual Licensing Sessions with reference to the landlord of the "George Inn," Trosley, had gone the round of opinions, and he wished to explain that the case of an Inn was quite different to that of a beer house, which was under no obligation whatever to provide refreshments. But an Inn was under obligation, according to the accepted view of the case, and if it were represented to them that the landlord, upon being asked to provide reasonable accommodation, did not do so, the magistrates had very good material to justify them in exercising their discretion as to whether the licence should be renewed or not.


From the By Suz Elvey, 11 June 2016.

Fire at The George Inn, Trottiscliffe.

Firefighters rushed to a village pub last night after flames were seen coming from the grounds.

The bin shed at The George Inn, in Taylors Lane, Trottiscliffe, was well alight by the time crews arrived just after 6pm.

They put on breathing apparatus before tackling the flames that were consuming the 4m x 5m shed, a Kent Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said this morning.

The firefighters stayed at the scene until 7.35pm.

Police said the fire was not being treated as suspicious.

No one at the pub was available for a comment.


From the By Tom Pyman, 11 November 2019.

RSPCA appeal after tan-coloured French bulldog found dead in West Malling ditch.

The RSPCA has launched an appeal after a dog's body was found in a ditch in West Malling with her microchip removed.

A passing dog walker spotted the tan-coloured French bulldog in a drainage ditch neat the George pub, Trottiscliffe.

The member of public took the dog to Sandhole Vets in Snodland who, after examining the bloated body, called the RSPCA.

RSPCA Inspector Kirsten Ormerod said: “The vet reports that there is no visible evidence to indicate the cause of this poor little dog’s death.

“They called us after realising that someone had neatly incised the skin on the back of the dog’s neck and removed her microchip.

“With little or no bleeding from the wound, the vet thinks this was carried out after she died, which is extremely unusual.

"They estimate that the dog is around seven years of age, and there are no obvious signs that she has ever been spayed, nor does she seem to have recently given birth.

French Bulldog 2019

A tan-coloured female French bulldog was found in a ditch in West Malling with her microchip removed. Picture: RSPCA

“We’d really like to get to the bottom of this sad incident, so if anyone recognises this poor female French bulldog or has any information they should call the RSPCA appeals line on 0300 1238018.”


From an email received 18 July 2021.


I was very excited to find the photos of and information about the Roebuck Inn, 41 Weeks Street, Maidstone because I have been researching my ancestry for a number of years and the "Roebuck" is where my great grandparents were in the final years of their lives.

Although I was born in Maidstone I grew up and am still living in Canada. I hope that you will find the following of some interest.

My maternal family were publicans, licensed victuallers, innkeepers in Kent beginning with my Great, Great Grandfather, James C. Miles, who, upon inheriting 150 pounds from his father, John, in 1848, bought the "George," Trotterscliffe, Kent from Stedman Shrubsole in 1849.

In the Census of 1851 and 1861, James is noted as a Publican of the "George Inn." James died in 1865 leaving his effects to his son John. However, James' wife Eliza nee Jeffery, continued to run the George. In the Census of 1871, Kelly's Directory of 1874 and of 1882, she is listed as Mrs. Eliza Miles, Publican, "George," Trottescliffe. In 1882 Eliza sold the George to Frederick Leney and Sons of Phoenix Brewery, Wateringbury. When Eliza died in 1886, she named her son Thomas Miles 'Innkeeper, Cranbrook" sole executor.

Thomas Miles, my Great Grandfather, followed in his parent's footsteps when between 1867 and 1868 he became the Innkeeper of the "South Eastern Railway Hotel," Staplehurst, Kent. In the Census of 1871 and Kelly's Directory of 1874, he is noted as the Innkeeper and Publican of the S.E.R.Hotel (my abbreviation), Staplehurst.

Between 1875 and 1876, Thomas took over the "George Hotel," Stone Street, Cranbrook, Kent. In the 1881 Census, he is a licensed victualler of the "George Hotel" whereas in the 1891 Census, he is a publican. Between 1878 and 1895, Thomas is also an agent for the "South Eastern Railway Hotel," and between 1884 and 1885 a wine and spirit merchant from the "George Hotel."

When Thomas moved on to the "George Hotel" in Cranbrook, he left the operation of the "S.E.R. Hotel" to his brother-in-law, William Allingham who, in the 1881 Census is noted as a Hotel Keeper employing 3 women and 1 man. William died in 1887 and his sister, Sarah Ann Allingham, who had been working for him took over. Great Aunt Sally, as she was known to the family was Hotel Keeper and Proprietor of "S.E.R. Hotel" Staplehurst until her marriage in 1905. She is listed as such in all of the Census' and Directories between those dates.

In 1896, Thomas Miles turned over the "George Hotel," Cranbrook to his son James Arthur Miles who continued there until 1912. Thomas, his wife Ann nee Allingham, and his daughter, Evelyn Margaret (my Grandmother) moved on to the "Roebuck Inn," 41 Weeks Street, Maidstone where he is listed in Kelly's Trade Directory 1899. On 23 December 1900, Thomas died at the "Roebuck" and left all of his effects to his wife Ann. In the 1901 Census, Ann Miles is listed as a Licensed Victualler at the "Roebuck Inn," 41 Weeks Street, Maidstone.

Ann Miles Died at the "Roebuck" 22 April 1902 and left all of her effects to my Grandmother, Evelyn Margaret, who had been a barmaid at the "Roebuck." However, she left to live and be married later in 1902 with Great Aunt Sally at "S.E.R. Hotel" in Staplehurst.

Although I have photos of many of my family members, they are relatively formal and none are taken at the various hotels and inns other than my Grandmother's wedding in the garden of the "S.E.R. Hotel" but it does not show the building.

Thank you for all you do,

Marilyn White.



HUMPHREY William 1743-1768

BLUNDEN Henry 1769-1776

BLUNDEN Mary 1777-1786

BOWYER Michael 1787-1788

HONEY Thomas 1789-1796

DAVIS Edward 1797-1803

BURR Robert 1805-1822

BURR Mary 1823-1824

BURR John 1824-1826

GREEN William 1826-1834

GREEN George 1835

LUXFORD John 1836-1837

SAKER Charles 1839-1843 (age 30 in 1841Census)

SHRUBSOLE Stedman 1844-1850

MILES James 1851-1864 (age 57 in 1851Census)

MILES Eliza 1865-1886 (widow age 54 in 1871Census)

OLIVER Jeremiah 1887-1888

STONE William 1889-1891 (age 52 in 1891Census)

JESSUP George Aug/1891+ Kent and Sussex Courier

MASTERS Richard 1892

OVENDEN Thomas 1893-1896

OVENDEN Sarah Rosina 1897-1899

ADDLEY Charles 1900-1903 (age 36 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

SPIRES George 1903-1904

SPIRES William George 1905-1907

BENNETT William George 1908

FRANCIS William Henry 1909-1916 (age 54 in 1911Census)

FRANCIS Ann 1917-1925

PICKETT George 1926-1934

MULLENDER Albert Edward 1935-1941

OSMAN Alfred 1942-1954

FORSTER George Blackwell 1954-1973

WILDAY Clive William 1973-1974


Lillian Bennett's father, possibly PETERS date unknown (from White Hart, Cuxton).

The 1871 census also mentions a Jane Bennett, niece to  the Miles is working there as a General Servant, which may connect to William George Bennett, licensee in 1908, this may also connect to Lillian Bennett, mentioned above.



Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
