Sort file:- Rochester, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 09 July, 2024.


Earliest 1665-

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Open 2023+

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High Street


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Crown painting

Above painting, date unknown, from Medway Archives. Also showing the "Three Post Boys" (right.)

Crown 1909

Above postcard showing the first tram through Rochester, 9 April, 1909, also showing the "Gundulph" (left,) kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Crown 2013

Photos taken on 28 February, 2013 from by Dave Dunmall.

Crown 2018

Above photo 2018, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Crown sign 1986Crown sign 2019

Above sign left, November 1986, sign right 2019.

With thanks from Brian Curtis and Roger Pester

Rochester map 1866

Identified on the 1866 map above as the dark blue building left.

Crown token 1675Crown token 1675

Above coins 1675, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Above drawing pre 1899. Photo circa 2024.

A crude sketch by the Historian, Edwin Harris, of The Crown Tap and the archway over HorseWash Lane. The sketch is earlier than 1899 as it does not feature the South Eastern Railway's arch behind it. The railway line featured in the sketch, the London Chatham & Dover Railway used the centre of the three bridges (now taking traffic from Strood to Rochester). The "Crown Tap" would today be in the middle of the road in the photo (right). Just beyond the archway in the sketch and to the right was the infamous "Flushing Tavern," today this would be were the brickwork begins in the photo.

For orientation both of these views are from immediately outside the "Royal Crown," Rochester.


The "Crown Inn and Family Hotel," to give it its full name was a Posting House in the High Street.

The "Crown," or its predecessor, was where Henry VIII came in secret, to get a sneak preview of his intended fourth bride, Anne of Cleves. Bluff King Hal's opinions of his Flanders Mare are well recorded, but those of the landlord at the "Crown," regrettably, are not. Which is a pity, as ‘mine host's' views in the 1980s on almost any subject are always worth lending an ear to so says Michael David Mirams in his book "Kent Inns and Inn Signs."

From between the 1980s and around the turn of the century, the pub became the "Norman Conquest" but has now reverted back to the "Crown" again.


From the Diary of Samuel Pepys. Monday 25 September 1665.

We went to the Crowne Inne, at Rochester, and there to supper, and made ourselves merry with our poor fisher-boy, who told us he had not been in a bed in the whole seven years since he came to ‘prentice, and hath two or three more years to serve.


Kentish Gazette, 9 August, 1783.

On Thursday morning died at Mrs. Fairmarsh in this city, where she had been on a visit a few days. Mrs. Bayley, of the "Crown" at Rochester.


Kentish Gazette, 23 March, 1792.

"Bull Inn," Rochester.

Hester Heath and Son leave to acquaint the public, that in rebuilding their house (lately destroyed by fire) the greatest regards has been paid so to arrange the apartments as to render it most conveniently adapted to the accommodation of families, and fitted in a style of neatness that they trust will be much appreciated.

They most respectfully hope they may mentioned to the Gentlemen of the County, that Mr. Ayres, of the "Crown Inn," has let his house, and solicits a portion of that patronage he so long enjoyed; and are, with the utmost gratitude and respect, the public's most obedient humble servants. Hester and Matthew Heath.


Kentish Gazette, 23 March, 1792.

"Crown Inn," Rochester.

Thomas Cornwall, "many years Butler to Mr. John Sawbridge Esq.) Begs permission to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, that he has taken the "Crown Inn," of Mr. Ayres, of Rochester, and enters upon it in a few weeks; when he humbly hopes for the favour and protection of his friends and the public in general; and they may depend that no care or attention shall be wanted to give satisfaction to every person that will do him the honour to use his house.

The flattering reception he met with at Maidstone, when he had the honour to wait on the Gentleman of the Grand Jury, gives him the greatest hopes of success.


Kentish Gazette - Tuesday 29 October 1793.

Crown Inn, Rochester.

Cornwell and Smith respectfully beg leave to return the most grateful acknowledgments to the Nobility Gentry, and Public in general, for the very great indulgence they have experienced during the time the stables have been under repair.

They are happy to inform them that they are now finished with large and convenience stalls, equal to any on the road; and have laid in a large quantity of hay and corn, of the very best quality. They also beg leave to observe, they have been particular attentive to the accommodation of the public in procuring the oldest and best wines of the first vintages, and take the liberty of assuring them, that every care, attention and assiduity, will be united in them to merit the continuance of those favours they have so liberally experienced.


Kentish Gazette, 8 May, 1804.

MESSRS. THOMAS CORNEWELL and JOHN SMITH, late of the "Crown Inn," Rochester, beg leave to return their sincere thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, for the very liberal countenance and support they have received for these twelve years past, and to assure them that those favours are most gratefully acknowledged.

Messrs. Cornwell and Smith, at the same time, humbly solicit the favours of their employers, and the public in general, in behalf of their successor in the above Inn, Mr. WILLIAM WRIGHT, whom they have no doubt will, by his assiduity and attention, merit their future patronage and support.

Rochester, May 1st, 1804.



WILLIAM WRIGHT, (Successor to Mess. Cornwell and Smith) BEGS leave to inform the Nobility Gentry, and the public in general, that he has taken the above old established house, where he most earnestly solicits their favours; and from unremitting attention, flatters himself he shall meet with that patronage and support which this house has for many years experienced, and which will be his anxious study at all times to merit.

Wines, &c. of the first Quality.

N.B. Neat Post Chaise with able Horses.


Kentish Gazette, 11 May, 1804.

NOTICE is hereby given,

THAT the Partnership between us the undersigned, Thomas Cornwell and John Smith, of the "Crown Inn," Rochester, in the county of Kent, Innholders, carried on under the firm of Cornwell and Smith, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to the said partnership concern are requested to be paid to Mr. Robert Dunkin, of the Stamp-Office, in Rochester, by whom all demands upon the same will he settled, as witness our hands, this 1st day of May, 1804.


Witness, R. Winter.


Kentish Gazette, 28 November, 1804.

Tuesday se'nnight as Thomas Wells, late post boy belonging to the "Crown Inn," at Rochester, was shooting on the banks of the Medway towards Maidstone's a flight of eight wild swans passed over him, which he fired at and brought down three; he regaled acquaintance with a supper of the fowls, and said, sold their skins, one for two guineas, and the bother for more than £10.


From the Kentish Gazette, 28 August 1838.

Disturbance at Rochester.

The quiet neighbourhood of Rochester was on Thursday disturbed by an extraordinary riot and attempt on the part of a large mob of respectable persons, composed principally of women, to execute summary vengeance on a person named Willmett. It will be recollected that he was apprehended some months ago for having intermarried with Miss Eliza Crisp, his former wife, Hannah Hodgson, being alive. The defence set up was that Hannah Hodgson was not his wife, though he had married her, because her former husband was alive. This defence, it is said, has turned out to have been supported by false evidence. On his acquittal he left Maidstone in a carriage and four, with his first wife, and a girl named Sophia Short. This Willmett used originally to live at Rochester, where his father and he got into debt with the greater part of their tradesmen, and took French leave of the place about five years ago. When Willmett got out on a day rule from the Fleet he came down to Rochester to renew his acquaintance with and marry Miss Crisp. The second wife lives in Upper George-street, Portman-square. She, accompanied by Willmett and his father, arrived at the "Crown" on Thursday evening in a hired carriage and four, ordering her dinner at eight o’clock, and in the meantime Willmett and his father paraded up and down opposite Miss Crisp’s house. In the interval a crowd collected, who began handling the precious couple very unceremoniously, both of them being knocked down and pelted with mud, struck over the head with sticks, their cloths torn off, their watches and money stolen, and every insult possible heaped upon them. A large number of old women assembled in Ironmonger-lane, whither the crowd would have taken the Willmetts but for the interference of the police, for the purpose of putting them into a stagnant ditch. It ought before to have been mentioned that the contusion was much heightened by the appearance of another alleged wife of Willmett’s, who abused him very much, and still further added to the fury of the mob. On arriving opposite the "Bull Hotel" they were nearly torn away from the police, and Willmett managed to run up the Bull-yard, where he was followed, and only escaped with his life by climbing over a wall ten feet high. The old man was caught by the landlord of the "Bull," and handed over to the police, the landlord requesting that he might not be allowed to come there again. The landlord of the "Crown," where they were staying, ordered them off, and they were obliged to go to Gravesend at twelve o'clock at night. Willmet has taken out Warrants for the apprehension of numerous persons for assaulting him.


From an account regarding 28th August 1843.

The maid and postillion of the "Crown Inn" are witnesses at the arraignment of Richard Dadd (famous artist) who had just committed the manslaughter of his father at Cobham Park 28th August 1843:

"Eliza Coleman is chamber-maid at the "Crown Inn," at Rochester; has been there six years. Monday night, the last night of Strood fair, I remember a gentleman coming in to wash his hands I showed him into a room up stairs, at about 10 o'clock; but did not take particular notice, he took the candle off me, but did not speak; I did not observe his hands; he remained up stairs a few minutes only, took the candle with him when he came down; went immediately up stairs to empty the basin, but did not take particular notice of the colour of the water; it was very dark, but could not tell whether with blood or dirt. He came from the bedroom and got into post-chaise, which he had ordered. I cannot say that the prisoner is the same person. Mr. Calder saw him, and Charles Overy drove the chaise; I did not miss anything. [Here the prisoner interrupted witness, exclaiming, "I took one of your towels, I took it because it had blood on it. I tell you I did not do it I never did it;" and after uttering several incoherent sentences, said witness on, adding, "I won't be quiet," and looking towards the door, said "Keep those people out I wish you would keep away."]

Mr. C. Lester said, about seven o'clock on Tuesday, 28th August last, I was going to market, and saw a body lying in the park. I left the body in the charge of the shepherd; saw Daws at Cobham, and told him it. I observed a hat and stick lying on the grass. Charles postillion at the "Crown Inn," Rochester, remembers hearing that Mr. Dadd was found in the Park; I remember the night previous to his being found that I drove someone from the "Crown Inn" chaise with a pair of horses, to the "George" at Sittingbourne; I left Rochester about half-past 10.00. As was driving down the street the prisoner said something, pulled up and asked him what he said, he told me to drive very fast, as he was going to Dover. The prisoner said "No; I told you to go at a good pace." Witness continued, "In consequence of these directions, I drove quickly. I do not remember the dress of the gentleman; he had a black hat and coat, but nothing over the coat. When he paid me for the hire of the carriage he gave me 2s 6d. over; I told him that was not enough, I ought to have 5s, it being so late at night, and having driven fast; he then gave me sixpence, and then a shilling, and asked what he should give the boy for the next stage. I told him in answer to the question that he could not give the next postboy less than 6s. Mr. Calder, landlord of the "Crown Inn," said that on the 28th of August a person came to the "Crown," whom I believe to be the prisoner, his stature, although he is very much altered. When the bell rang he went and asked him what his business was, he said he wanted a chaise to go to Sittingbourne. [Prisoner here said "I took your towel and threw it over the hedge a little past the "Star," because of the blood it. I never did it I tell you I never did it."

They did not proceed to a full trial since Richard Dadd lacked mental capacity and was not responsible for his actions. He spent the rest of his life at Bedlam and Broadmoor.


Southeastern Gazette, 8 March 1853.


The quarter sessions for this city were held on Saturday last, before the Recorder, J. 'Espinasac, Esq.

Emma Honess, 23, single woman, pleaded guilty to obtaining three dresses and other goods, by false pretences, from Thomas Waghorn, value £3 10s.

The prisoner had lived some time as chambermaid at the "Crown Inn," and subsequently used her mistress’s name to procure the articles in question, some of which she gave away to a female friend.

The Recorder asked if anything was known of the prisoner, and on being answered in the negative, sentenced the prisoner, who seemed overwhelmed with shame, to five months' imprisonment, fourteen days of which in solitary confinement.


Southeastern Gazette, 10 May 1853.

Saturday. (Before Alderman Clements and a full bench of magistrates).

John James Sancto, landlord of the "Crown tap," was charged was charged with assaulting Susannah Goodhall.

The defendant admitted the charge, but stated that he had taken the girl, who was his niece, and had brought her up for the last seven years. During that time he had had a deal of trouble with her on account of the violence of her temper. The assault for which he was now summoned was merely a beating he had given her with a stick, on account of a silver knife which he suspected she had taken.

In answer to a question from the bench, the defendant said he was quite willing to take her back again; the magistrates therefore inflicted a nominal penalty of 1s. and costs.


Southeastern Gazette, 5 July 1853.


Wednesday. (Before Capt. Burton, E. R. Coles, and W. Manclark, Esqrs).

Elizabeth Williams, a girl of the town, was charged with stealing a watch, the property of Edward Meares.

The prisoner had been in company with the prosecutor since Sunday night, and on Tuesday afternoon they were drinking together at the "Crown tap," when the prisoner suddenly left the prosecutor, and immediately after he missed his watch, which had been broken from the guard. The watch was afterwards pawned at Mr. Blackwell’s shop by prisoner.

Committed For trial.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 23 November 1861.

Rochester and Chatham.

The wardens have decided on completing the approaches to Rochester Bridge on the city side, which will necessitate the demolition of a portion of the ancient "Crown Hotel," together with the "City Arms Tavern," and the adjoining buildings. A large hotel is to be erected on the present "Crown Inn."


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 19 February 1808.


Thursday, Feb. 18, at Wingham, Mr. Thomas Cornwell, late of the "Crown Inn," Rochester, aged 62.


From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 11 September, 1827.

Tolls to let.

Notice is hereby given, that the tolls payable at the Tollgates near the "Angel Inn," in Strood, and on the New Road, leading from Rochester to Chatham Hill, in the county of Kent, will separately be let to farm, to the best bidders, for the term of 2 years, from the 30th day of November, 1827, at the house of Mr. William Wright, called the "Crown Inn," in Rochester, aforesaid, on Tuesday, 9th day of October next, between the hours of 11 in the forenoon and 1 in the afternoon.

No person will be permitted to advance less than £5 at each bidding, and whoever happens to be the best bidder, must, at the same time, give security with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Commissioners of the said Tollgates for Payment of the Rent agreed for by Quarterly Payments in Advance. The highest bidders will be required to pay, at the time of the Letting, One Half part of the first quarters rent and the remainder before the said 30th day of November. The present Yearly Rent of the Tolls at Strood is £1,185, and of the Tolls at the New Road £195.

By order of the Commissioners Edward Twopeny, Clerk.

Rochester 3rd August. 1827.


South Eastern Gazette, 10 July, 1860.


Messrs. COBB ARE instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the "Crown Inn," Rochester, on Tuesday, 24th July, 1860, at One o’clock, the following Freehold Properties.

Lot 1. A FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE, situate in Eastgate, Rochester, containing 9 rooms, with good garden in the rear, for many years in the occupation of Miss Balfour.

Lot 2. THREE FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or tenements, fronting the High-street, Rochester, near the Free School, in the several occupations of Mr. Lane, Miss Augustus, and Mr. Bayley, with good garden in the rear in the occupation of Mr. Darby.

Lot 3. A valuable FREEHOLD PUBLIC-HOUSE, called the "Darnley Arms," in the village of Cobham near Gravesend, containing 2 parlours, tap-room, kitchen, wash-house, 4 bed-rooms, 2 attics, with yard and stabling, and cellars, in the occupation of Samuel John Gowar.

Lot 4. A PUBLIC-HOUSE, called the "Stone Horse," equal to freehold, being held for an unexpired term of 1,000 years, situate in the parish of Higham near Rochester, containing parlour, bar. kitchen, washhouse, 4 bed-rooms, cellars, with small garden, in the occupation of William Reynolds.

Lot. 5. A FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE, situate at Milton next Sittingbourne, containing 5 rooms, with blacksmith’s forge and garden, in the occupation of John Marshall.

The 5 lots have been held for many years by Messrs. Meux and Co., under a lease which will determine at Michaelmas next, at a rental of £152, and the respective undertenants have received notice to quit at Michaelmas next.

Particulars, with conditions, may be had at the place of sale; of Messrs. Fairfoot, Webb, and D’Aeth, Solicitors, 13, Clement’s Inn, and of Messrs. Cobb, Surveyors and Land Agents, 26, Lincoln’s Inn-fields, London, and Rochester.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 2 November 1861.

The Annual Dinner of the Gravesend and Rochester Agricultural Society took place on Wednesday last, at the "Crown Hotel," Rochester. About 100 gentlemen were present, and the chair was filled by T. H. Day, Esq. On his rights sat the Mayor of Rochester, and on his left Lord Holmesdale, M.P. for West Kent. The latter gentleman in his remarks, alluded to the question of invasion as a reason why the army should not be reduced.


From the By Alice Evans, 28 May 2017.

Cyclist is airlifted to hospital with serious head injuries 'after a road rage row with a motorcyclist sparked when he jumped a red light'.

A cyclist has suffered serious head injuries after an alleged road rage argument with a motorcylist became violent, it has been reported.

Four police cars were called out this morning and officers cordoned off an area around the "Crown" pub in Rochester, Kent.

Crown 2017

The cyclist, who has been airlifted to a London hospital, reportedly had a fit after being assaulted on the busy dual carriageway.

An area outside the pub on Rochester High Street was cordoned off after the alleged attack.

Crown cordoned off 2017

Detectives are now investigating the alleged bust-up, which happened near the 103-year-old Rochester Bridge.

A police spokesman told MailOnline: 'Kent Police was called at 10.07am on Sunday 28 May 2017 to a report of an assault in Rochester High Street.

'It is believed there was an altercation between a motorcyclist and a cyclist prior to the assault.

'Officers attended along with SECAMB (air ambulance) and the cyclist has been flown to a London hospital with serious head injuries. Officers remain at the scene at this time and enquiries are ongoing.'

It was reported that a man on a bike 'jumped a red light' before allegedly being hit by a motorbike driver.

After the alleged attack the motorcyclist drove off while a member of the public put the victim in the recovery position.

One witness, who did not wish to be named, told Kent Online that a male cyclist jumped a red light before a motorcyclist dismounted and began hitting him.

The witness said the victim then fell to the floor and had what appeared to be a fit.

A member of the public put the victim into the recovery position but witnesses said the motorcyclist drove off as a baseball cap and a blood-stained item of clothing were left on the pavement.

The Crown Pub was open as usual as officers inspected the scene this morning.

They tweeted: 'Open as usual! Incident outside is nothing to do with pub.'

Officers are now understood to be examining CCTV footage of the area to try and piece together what happened.


From the By Nicola Jordan, 29 October 2019.

Shepherd Neame buys Rochester's Crown pub.

A landmark town centre pub has been bought by Kent brewery Shepherd Neame.

The Crown is at the top of High Street, Rochester, looking out onto the historic bridge and River Medway.

Crown 2019

Crown Pub, Corporation Street, Rochester.

The present building dates back to the late 1700s.

It is not known at this stage what the Faversham-based brewery intends to do with it or how much it paid.

But the guide price for the business was £1.1million.

For the past 20 years, father Steve Kray and his eldest son Pete have been manning the pumps.

They firmly believe their hands-on teamwork has helped them survive a series of challenges.

Steve and Pete Kray 2019

Steve and Pete Kray at The Crown in Rochester High Street. Picture: Chris Davey. (12958306)

Steve, 58, has now retired and 35-year-old Pete, who started helping out when he was 15, will continue to work at the pub as manager.

When Steve bought the pub, he closed it for six weeks for refurbishment and reverted the name from the "Norman Conquest," adopted by the previous owner, back to the "Crown" to be more in-keeping with the historic town.

The original pub on the site catered for royalty, including Elizabeth I and King Charles V of Spain, before it was demolished.

Shepherd Neame's director of retail and tenanted operations, Nigel Bunting, said: "We are always looking for opportunities to add high-quality outlets to our estate.

"The Crown is a great pub in a fantastic location, and we are confident it will prove a valuable addition to our portfolio.

"We look forward to working with Peter and the team to ensure The Crown’s offer continues to go from strength to strength.”

Shepherd Neame, Britain's oldest brewer, has 323 pubs across London and the south east.


From the By Sean McPolin, 27 June 2023.

The Crown in Rochester High Street set to change name and colours.

A historic town centre pub is set for a facelift, including a new name and new colours.

The Crown, at the top of the High Street in Rochester, will be ditching its well-known shades of red for black and gold, if plans for a new look are approved.


The Crown pub in High Street, Rochester, is set for a new look.

Planning documents for the boozer also reveal proposals to change its name to The Royal Crown.

In 2019, the landmark pub by Rochester Bridge, whose building dates back to the late 1700s, was bought by Kent brewery Shepherd Neame.

For two decades before the sale it was managed by the Krays – father Steve and eldest son Pete – who spent £300,000 on a refurbishment.

The duo changed the name of the pub from Norman Conquest back to The Crown.

In the 2014 Rochester and Strood by-election prompted by the the then MP’s defection from the Conservatives to UKIP, the hostelry became the centre of media attention.

Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party, made several visits to the Towns to support his colleague and held press conferences outside popping in for his favourite beer.

Reporters and TV crews converged on the town to cover the campaign – and likewise banner-waving UKIP protestors aired their views.

Originally, the pub on the site catered for royalty, including Elizabeth I and King Charles V of Spain, before it was demolished.

Royal Crown plans

Gold letters will appear around the front of the building.

If given the go ahead, the pub will have permission to install a new hanging swing sign, new golden letters and curved sign, a painted brick pub logo, and three new menu signs.

Two historic information boards would also be displayed.


From the By Nicola Jordan, 24 September 2023.

The Crown pub in Rochester High Street shut for 12 weeks for £1.2 million facelift.

An historic town centre pub which hosted royalty centuries ago has closed for 12 weeks for a £1.2 million makeover.

The Crown, which stands near Rochester Bridge on the High Street, is ditching its well-known red shades for a more majestic black and gold.

Proposed sign 2023

A new look and new name for the historic pub is on its way.

And once reopened, the boozer, dating back to the late 1700s, is reverting to its original name, The Royal Crown.

It was bought in 2019 for about £1m by Kent brewery Shepherd Neame which is overseeing the massive facelift.

Shepherd Neame’s managing director Jonathon Swaine said: “We are delighted to confirm that as part of ongoing investment in our estate, we are undertaking a major refurbishment of The Crown, Rochester.

“Our aim is to retain and enhance the unique features of this historic Grade II-listed building, while also introducing a stylish look and feel.

“We are also planning to mark the relaunch by returning the pub to its original name, The Royal Crown.

Crown 2023

The Crown in Rochester is closed for a major makeover.

Royal Crown plans

The Crown pub in High Street, Rochester, is set to be called The Royal Crown and get a new black and gold sign.

“We closed the pub at the start of this month to begin work, and plan to reopen to customers in November.”

For two decades it was managed by the Krays, father Steve and eldest son Pete, who spent £300,000 on improvements.

They changed the name from Norman Conquest to The Crown and transformed the upper floor into The Sports Bar with eight screens to watch matches and events and two full-size pool tables.

Mr Swaine added: “As part of the refurbishment we will be undertaking a stylish transformation of our first floor area, previously known as The Sports Bar.

“It will continue to be a function room with its own bar and facilities, available for private hire, and to maximise the space available we are removing the pool table currently situated there.

“We will remain the place to watch live sport, continuing to show Sky Sports and BT Sports.”

The pub featured in the 2014 Rochester and Strood by-election prompted by then MP Mark Reckless defecting from the Conservatives to the UK Independence Party.

Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP, made numerous visits to Rochester to support his colleague and held press conferences outside the venue, popping in for his favourite tipple.

Mark Reckless and Nigel Farage

Mark Reckless and Nigel Farage in The Crown pub in Rochester.

Reporters and TV crews converged on the town to cover the campaign - and likewise banner-waving UKIP protestors aired their views - all with the hostelry as a backdrop.

Historically, the original pub hosted royalty including Elizabeth I and King Charles V of Spain before it was demolished.

It was also where Henry VII came in secret to get a sneak peek of his intended fourth bride, Anne of Cleves.



BROOKER Art 1675+

WAREHAM Mr 1735+

BAYLEY 1783+

AYRES Mr 1792

CORNWELL Thomas & SMITH John Mar/1792-May/1804

WRIGHT William May/1804-32+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

CALDER Mr 1843- Dec/1845 Kentish Chronicle

WILLSON George 1847+

DUNCAN James 1851+ ("Crown Inn Tap," St Nicholas.)

SANCTO John James 1853+ ("Crown Tap")

Last pub licensee had DUFFILL William Daniel 1911+ (age 69 in 1911Census)

KRAY Steve & Pete (son) 1999-2020+


William Duffill died in the "Dover Castle," Teynham in 1924.

Probate:- of "Dover Castle," Green Street, Teynham, Kent to Edward David Duffill and David James Duffill Licensed Victuallers.

The assumption could be made that his two sons were the Publicans of that establishment – however, I have no proof other than this Probate record.


Kentish ChronicleKentish Chronicle

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-