40 Cobham Street
01474 814218
The wording on the sign says the following:- "Built in 1196 using the
local flint the pub served as a hostelry until the demise of coaches in the
early 20th century. The original stonework was refaced in the late 1800s and
again in the early 1900s leaving the exterior as it is today. In fact the
stables were only removed in 1979! Like the old village inns the "Darnsley"
has its ghost - reported to be that of Sir Thomas Kemp (1410-14??), a
relation to the sovereign, who having been sentenced to death, actually
slept overnight at the "Darnley" when being taken for execution at
Rochester. Reprieved at the last minute, he returned to live his last days
at the "Darnley Arms." The religions wars led to many tunnels being
constructed locally as "bolt holes" for the persecuted. One such tunnel is
known to have run between the pub cellar and the college behind the village
church but as the church was never sacked local folklore has it that the
college monks used the tunnel to "bolt" for a secret tipple.
South Eastern Gazette, 10 July, 1860.
Messrs. COBB ARE instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the "Crown Inn,"
Rochester, on Tuesday, 24th July, 1860, at One o’clock, the
following Freehold Properties.
Lot 3. A valuable FREEHOLD PUBLIC-HOUSE, called the "Darnley Arms,"
in the village of Cobham near Gravesend, containing 2 parlours,
tap-room, kitchen, wash-house, 4 bed-rooms, 2 attics, with yard and
stabling, and cellars, in the occupation of Samuel John Gowar.
Particulars, with conditions, may be had at the place of sale; of
Messrs. Fairfoot, Webb, and D’Aeth, Solicitors, 13, Clement’s Inn,
and of Messrs. Cobb, Surveyors and Land Agents, 26, Lincoln’s
Inn-fields, London, and Rochester.
From the Morning Advertiser, Wednesday 18 July 1860.
In and near Rochester, Kent.
Messrs. Cobb are instruct to sell by auction at the "Crown Inn,"
Rochester, on Tuesday, July 24th, at one, in five lots, the following
freehold properties, with early possession.
A freehold house, situated in Eastgate, Rochester, in the occupation of
Miss Balfour; Three Freehold Cottages, adjoining the free Grammar
School, Eastgate, Rochester, in the occupation of H. Lane and others;
the "Darnley Arms" public house, at Cobham, the "Stone Horse" public
house, at Higham, and a freehold Messuage and Forge, at
Particulars, with conditions of sale, may be had of Messrs Farefoot,
Webb, and D'Aeth, Solicitors, 13, Clement's Inn; and of Messrs, Cobb,
Surveyors and Land Agents, 25, Lincoln's Inn-fields, London, and
From http://www.ghostpubs.com accessed 17 June 2015.
Recorded as having been built in the 12th century, this is the oldest
secular building in Cobham. It connects by a tunnel to the church, used
by smugglers hiding their contraband in the 18th century. The inn
exhibits ghostly manifestations. These include Sir Thomas Kemp, from the
16th century, who spent his last night here before execution. In 1567,
he and other Kent men met at Ashford as commissioners for the defence of
the seacoast, with developed a system of signalling by means of beacon
fires. In 1588, he commanded a band of Kentish men-at-arms during the
attack on England by the Spanish Armada. Now, this is where records are
somewhat awry and at differences. The ghost is also, locals knew, as Sir
Thomas Kempe, created a Knight of the Carpet in 1546. It was Sheriff of
Kent County for three terms. Sir Thomas may have been party to the
Gunpowder Plot of 1605, as were many Kentish aristocrats.
HILL Robert 1841-51+ (age 70 in 1851 )
GOWAR Samuel G John 1855-61+ (age 50 in 1861 )
GOWAR Robert Jeramiah 1881-1903+ (age 40 in 1881 )

JAMES Alfred 1913-34+
From the Kelly's Directory 1903