20 London Road
Green Street
01795 521214
Above postcard, date unknown. |
Above postcard, date unknown. |
Above postcard, date unknown. |
Above photo, circa 1940s. |
Above photo January 1958, showing Mrs. Ellen Adams. |
Above photo 2008 by David Anstiss
Creative Commons Licence. |
Above image taken from Google maps, June 2009.

Above photo showing the Inn sign in 2013. Sign right 2018.
With thanks from Roger Pester
www.innsignsociety.com |
Above card from the Shepherd Neame Inn Signs Passport 1982. |

Above photo showing the pub in 1904. |
Date of card above unknown. |
Above valuation 1913. |
Built about 1640 on waste land by the Lord of the manor, the building was
the old coaching inn
and was sold to Samuel Shepherd (Shepherd Neame of Faversham) in 1752.
Research tells me the pub was up for sale in 1758.
The stables had large numbered stalls for the posthorses and there was a
good drawing room and dining-room, with Chippendale chairs and sideboard
still in them for the visitors. It is still labelled "Half-way House from
Rochester to Canterbury".
From the Kentish Post, March 29 - April 1, 1758. Kindly
sent from Alec Hasenson.
To be Lett or Entere'd upon immediately, the "Dover-Castle" in
Greenstreet, now in the occupation of John Unckles,
From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Saturday, 1 October, to Wednesday, 5 October, 1768. Price 2d.
A Good House and School, the late Master, Mr. Robert Evison, being dead,
situate in Greenstreet, and no School within three Miles. A sober,
married Man, that has Qualifications fit for a school, will meet with
good Encouragement. Enquire at the “Dover Castle” in Greenstreet.
Kentish Gazette, or Canterbury Journal [one title]. February 22 to 25, 1769. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.
Advert for a monthly meeting of Justices of the
Peace on April 6, at the Dover-Castle in Green-street, Dover.
From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 16 October, to Saturday, 22 October, 1768. Price 2d.
Notice is hereby given to all the Members belonging to the said Society,
that they are desired to meet at the House or Richard Pattenden, known
by the “Sign of the Dover Castle,” in Greenstreet, on Monday November
the 7th, 1768, by the Hour of Ten on the said Day, in order to go to
the Parish Church of Linstead to hear Divine Service, and a Sermon on
the Occasion, by the Rev. Mr. Fox, Vicar of the said Parish, then to
adjourn to the aforesaid House to Dinner, and transact the Business of
the Society with the Master and Trustees.
By Order of the Master and Trustees.
Henry Baker, Clerk to the Society.
N.B. Any Gentleman that likes to favour the Society with their Company
to Dinner, will be agreeable. Dinner to be ready at two o'Clock.
From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Saturday, 22 October,
to Wednesday 26 October, 1768. Price 2d.
The next Monthly Meeting of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, acting
in and for the said Division, is adjourned to Thursday the 1st of
December next, then to be holden at the “Dover Castle” at Greenstreet,
in the Parish of Dinstead, and County of Kent.
26 March 1789.
Insured:- Julius Shepherd, Faversham, Kent, brewer.
Other property or occupiers: The Dover Castle Inn,
Green Street (Jno. Christophers, innholder).
26 March 1793.
Insured: Julius Shepherd, Faversham, Kent, brewer.
Other property or occupiers: Green Street, The Dover Castle Inn
(Thomas Cawdell innholder);
Kentish Gazette 26 June 1801.
Dover Castle In, Greenstreet.
W. Hubbard takes this opportunity of informing his friends, that his
home warming is fixed for Monday next, June 29th, when the company
of any Gentleman will be thankfully received.
Dinner on table at 2 o'clock.
Carriages provided by Sankey and Miles, carriage free, from
Kentish Gazette 19 June 1801.
Sunday night died, Mr. Cordell, many years master of the "Dover
Castle Inn", Greenstreet.
From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 5, October 1830.
Dover Castle Inn, Green Street and Half-Way House between Maidstone and
Henry Brett takes this opportunity to inform his friends and the public,
that in consequence of the discontinuous of the Posting Business at Ospringe, he has made arrangements for a Posting Establishment at the
above house; and from its central situation avoiding long and tedious
stages, he trusts he shall be entitled to a share of their patronage.
Good horses and careful drivers may at all times be depended on, with
constant opportunities for the metropolis and coast of Kent by Royal
Mails and other well-regulated coaches.
The Tavern department will be conducted with economy and comfort - Good
beds and choice wines may be relied on.
Private Stall stabling and Lock up Coach-houses.
Dover Castle, Green Street. September 22nd, 1830.
Kentish Gazette, 2 August, 1836.
A very numerous circle of friends met at the "Dover Castle," Greenstreet,
on Thursday evening last, to testify their respect to the worthy hosts,
Mr. Brett, who is about leaving the neighbourhood. During a period of 14
years he gained, as landlord, universal respect and esteem, by his
courteous and obliging manners. The health of the worthy host was
proposed, and drank in the most enthusiastic manner; after which he
returned thanks. The health of his successor, Mr. Cobb, was then drunk
with the warmest applause. Several excellent songs were sung one
composed for the occasion, which our limits will not permit us to
insert. The day was spent in the greatest good humour and conviviality.
Kentish Gazette, 2 August, 1836.
Commercial house and Inn, "Dover Castle," Greenstreet.
Henry Brett, in taking leave of his numerous friends and supporters, who
for the last 14 years have so liberally bestowed their kind patronage on
him, begs most respectfully and cordially to return his heartfelt and
sincere thanks for the same, and to inform them that he has disposed of
his business to Mr. R. S. Cobb, of Strood, and whom he hopes they will
continue to support in the same manner.
Commercial house and Inn, "Dover Castle," Greenstreet.
R. S. Cobb begs most respectfully to inform the newest friends of Mr.
Brett, and the public generally, that he has taken the above house,
where he hopes, by his most assiduous attention, moderate charges, and
excellent accommodation, to merit a continuance of those favours so
liberally bestowed on his predecessor. Greenstreet, July 30, 1836.
From the Kentish Gazette, 18 January 1842.
TAKES this opportunity of returning her most grateful thanks to her
Friends and the Public for their kind patronage afforded to her late
lamented husband, and begs to inform them it is her intention (with
proper assistance) to carry on the business; and trusts, by assiduity
and attention, combined with moderate charges, to merit a continuance of
their favors.
N.B. Orders for Wine or Spirits thankfully received, and strictly
attended to.
Good Stabling and lock-up Coach-houses.
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 25 September 1855.
Sittingbourne. Greenstreet Horticultural and Floral Society.
The annual show of this excellent Society was held at the "Dover Castle
Inn," on Friday last. The attendance of the neighbouring gentry and
their families was very numerous. Many beautiful and choice specimens of
fruit, flowers, and vegetables were exhibited, and the arrangement of
the whole was greatly to the credit of the managers, who were
indefatigable in their exertions to render the exhibition worthy of the
patronage so liberally bestowed upon it. The judges on the occasion were
Messrs. Masters, Turley, and Moneylaws.
Faversham Gazette, 8 November, 1856.
LYNSTED: Inquests.
An inquest was held by Mr. Hills, on Thursday, the 27th ult., at the
"Dover Castle," on the body of William Brown, a navigator, who was
killed whilst employed on the works of the East Kent Rail way. The
deceased was at work at the Barrow-green cutting, when a fall of
earth suddenly took place, by which he was buried. On being
disinterred, in a short time he was found to be much injured, and
death endued.
An inquest was also held by Mr. Hills, on the body of Thomas Evans,
aged 18, who was also killed on the East Kent Railway, near
Newington. The deceased was employed to drill one of the horses at
work on the line, and whilst so engaged, very improperly rode. A
slip of earth took place caused by the late heavy rains, and the
deceased was thrown off, and received such injuries that he shortly
afterwards died.
The jury, in each of the above cases, returned a verdict of
"Accidental death."
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 25 June 1870.
Messrs. Minter and Son have held their annual sales of cherries, A&.,
during the past week. The first took place on Monday at the "Dover
Castle Inn," Greenstreet, when the cherries on the Noud’s Estate, the
property of Mr. P. Barling, were sold. The orchards comprise about 86
acres, and the cherries in them realised a total of £1,393 10s., a
larger sum than the fruit on this estate has ever fetched on any
previous occasion. The cherries on other estates in the neighbourhood
were also sold as follows:—In Barbary orchards, Norton, for £40;
Greenstreet Upper and Lower orchards, £88 and £60 respectively; Erriott
Wood orchards, £51; Ten Acre, Bumpit, and Loyderton orchards, £63;
Church orchard, Norton Court Estate, £38; Woodstack and Essex orchards,
on the same estate, £42; Mr. E. Blaxland’s orchards in Lynsted and
Doddington, £5; Mr. J. Sayer’a orchards at Rodmereham, £16 10s.; Dully
orchards, £71 10s.; and Homestall orchards, Doddington, £8. The cherries
and black currants on the Court Lodge Farm, Teynham, fetched £10 10s.
The Eastling sale took place on Thursday evening, and Ospringe on
Friday; the prices we shall publish next week.
From the Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 18 January 1842.
Dover Castle Inn, Greenstreet.
Mrs. Jane Goulden takes this opportunity of returning her most grateful
thanks to her friends and the public for their kind patronage affording
to her late lamented husband, and begs to inform them it is her
intention (with proper assistance) to carry on the business; and trusts,
the assiduity and attention, combined with moderate charges, to merit a
continuance of their favours.
N.B. Orders for Wine or Spirits thankfully received, and strictly
attended to.
Good Stabling and look up Coach-houses.
Probate report 1924.
William Duffill formerly of the "Crown,"
Rochester, died in the "Dover Castle," Teynham in 1924.
Probate:- of "Dover Castle," Green Street, Teynham, Kent to Edward David
Duffill and David James Duffill Licensed Victuallers.
The assumption could be made that his two sons were the Publicans of that
establishment – however, I have no proof other than this Probate record.
Whitstable Times and Tankerton Press, Saturday, 26th January, 1946.
At the Faversham County Petty Sessions on Thursday Mr. W. H. Wilson (in the
chair) Mr. P. Johnson, Mr. S. Dixon, Major Stanley Berry, Mr. F. I. Neame,
Mrs. J. H. Johnson. William Richard Baxter, landlord of the “Dover Castle,”
Lynsted, was summoned for selling gin not of the quality demanded by the
purchaser on November 20th. Mr. G. S. Wilkinson appeared for the prosecution and Mr. Gerald Thesiger was
counsel for the defendant, who pleaded guilty, but said he did not know
there was anything wrong with the gin. Mr. Wilkinson said that Mr. Merryfield, an inspector of the County Council,
went to the “Dover Castle” and asked for some whiskey. Defendant said he was
sorry he had not got any, but he could have some gin. After he had served it
defendant's wife said “I hope you have not served from my bottle because it
is watered.” Defendant said it was quite without his knowledge that the gin
had been watered and he certainly would not have supplied a stranger had he
known. Mrs. Baxter said that some American officers had drinks and they
asked her to have some. As she did not drink much some of the drinks they
gave her were left over and she pitched them back into the bottle which she
intended to keep for her own use. The analysis showed that the gin contained
57.05 true spirit and 42.95 of water, but it should not be more than 35
underproof. He thought the Bench would consider that there had been a
certain amount of carelessness on the part of Mrs. Baxter in pitching the
gin back into the bottle. Mr. Thesiger said he must admit that Mrs. Baxter was most unfortunate in
what she did. She was in the private bar and four American officers treated
her, but as she did not take much she put her gins aside and when they left
she thought it would be a pity to waste what had been put by and she poured
it into the bottle. She was then called into the public bar and afterwards
went to attend to her dinner. Mr. Baxter then came in and served the two
officials, but he had not the slightest idea that anything was wrong. He
asked the Bench to take the view that it was quite unintentional. It was a
most serious matter for him. He had been a trusted licensee for no less than
25 years, the last 17 years being at the “Dover Castle.” His landlords might
take a serious view of this case and it would be hanging over him until they
came to a decision. Mrs. Brenda Baxter stated that one of the American officers was a friend of
hers and he knew that her daughter had married one of their boys. She was
giving him messages to take to her daughter. The officers asked her to have
a drink, but it was very seldom she drank anything and she did not take any
notice of the drinks piling up. After the officers had gone she thought it a
pity to waste them and put them back in the bottle, which she was going to
keep for her own use. She put the bottle down while she went to serve
another customer and forgot to take it with her. Mrs. Jean Henderson, of Whitstable, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Baxter, stated
that on November 20th she visited her uncle and aunt. She arrived when her
aunt was in the private bar with some American officers. There were several
drinks on the counter and her aunt said that it was a pity to waste them so
she would put them in the bottle and keep it for her own use. Asked why she watered the gins if she did not intend to drink them, witness
said the Americans poured the water in. Defendant, who prior to going to the “Dover Castle” kept the “Smack”
beer-house at Whitstable, stated that he had no knowledge that his wife had
put water in the gin. When she asked him if he had served from that bottle
was the first time that he knew anything about it. He had been down the
garden all the morning. The Bench were of opinion that no jury would convict and they dismissed the
case under the Probation of Offenders’ Act. |
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Andy Gray, 16 January 2014.
Pub landlord Phil Clements calls time on his reign at the Dover Castle Inn
in Teynham.
Phil Clements pictured outside the Dover Castle Inn, Teynham, in 2011
after being mistaken for a tabloid journalist.
A landlord ended his near-20 stewardship of a popular Teynham pub in
style at the weekend.
Singers and bands rocked up at the Dover Castle to give Phil Clements a
sensational send-off.
Phil, 55, took over the London Road venue in September 1994 – now he’s
decided it’s time to say goodbye.
He said: “I’ve been here a long time. Much as I like this job, there’s
other things I want to do in life.”
Phil ran the pub with Paul Gunner and James Roberts, both 39.
Paul said, together, they transformed it into the thriving business it
is today.
He said: “When we took over, the pub’s upstairs was a bed and breakfast
and there was stable attached to the downstairs part. We turned both
into a restaurant, serving top quality local cuisine.”
Phil has enjoyed a number of highlights during his reign.
In 2011, he was inundated with calls from the world’s media who
mistakenly believed the pub to be run by former News of the World
journalist Paul McMullen, a reporter who spoke on TV about the
phone-hacking scandal and landlord of the "Castle Inn," Dover.
An Elvis tribute band, Taking Care of Vegas and Sittingbourne pop
veterans Jel were among the live musical treats served up at Saturday
night’s leaving party.
The long goodbye continued on Sunday courtesy of the Remedy and singer
Nic Bennett.
Phil said his post-pub career plan involves travelling and visiting
family all over the world.
His immediate future will see him run the catering operation at
Woodstock Park FC, near Kent Science Park.
Mel Hatchard, landlord of the "Railway Hotel" in Faversham, will fill his
shoes at the "Dover Castle."
He will hand the day-to-day running of the pub to Phil Hope and his
partner Rebecca, both of whom have plenty of pub management experience.
He said they will continue to run the Dover in the same format.
Phil said: “I’ve been self-employed for 20 years, so now when I get my
pay packet I can relax.
"I’ve met some lovely people during my time at the Dover and I’ll be
visiting the pub for a drink. But when I do pop in, I’ll be able to go
home without having all the hassle the next day.”
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Luke May, 20 June 2019.
The "Walnut Tree," East Farleigh was named Turnaround Pub of the Year.
Elsewhere in Kent, the "Walnut Tree Inn" in Aldington won the Heart of the
Community award, Dargate's the "Dove" scooped the Pub Food gong, New
Licensee went to Joe and Jane Mullane of the "Four Fathoms," Herne Bay,
"Dover Castle" in Teynham won Tenanted Pub of the Year,
the "Alma" in
Painters Forstal had the Best Floral Display, and Nick Kings-Kemsley of
the "Marine Hotel," Tankerton was named Manager of the Year.
Meanwhile, The "Green Man" in Hernogate, Essex, won the Best Hero award.
UNCKLES John 1758+
PATTENDEN Richard 1768+

CAWDWELL/CORDELL Thomas 1793-1801 dec'd
BRETT Henry 1822-Jul/36
COBB R S Mr Aug/1836+ 
GOULDEN Richard Wastell to Dec/1841 dec'd (age 25 in 1841 )

GOULDEN Jane (widow) Dec/1841-42+ (age 25 in 1841 )

FAIRBEARD William H 1851-58+ (age 32 in 1851 )
CURRY Harry W 1901-03+ (age 40 in 1901 ) 
BAXTER William Richard 1929-46+ (age 42 in 1939)
CLEMENTS Phil Sept/1994-Jan/2014
HATCHARD Mal to Jan 2014
Kentish Gazette
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
and Sussex Courier