Sort file:- Sevenoaks, January, 2025.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 04 January, 2025.


Earliest 1770-

Rose and Crown

Closed 1936

96 High Street / (Stone Street Kelly's 1903)


Rose and Crown painting 1890

Above painting by A Gilbert circa 1890.

Rose and Crown

Above photo, date unknown.

Rose and Crown

Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Eric Hartland.

Rose and Crown

Above postcard pre 1930. Showing "Rose and Crown" just behind the lamp post on the right. Kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Rose and Crown 1936

Above photo, circa 1936, just before demolition and standing next door to Fred Pearce, fishmongers.

Rose and Crown location 2015

Above photo showing the location on the left, 2015.


I am led to believe that there were two pubs with the name of "Rose and Crown" operating at the same time. One being in the High Street and the other "Rose and Crown" at Stone Street, Seal, and unfortunately the two appear to have been mixed up slightly in the licensing lists below.

I am informed by Keith Wade that this was a coaching inn and this one closed in 1936 and was demolished a year later.

Traced back to 1770, John Bligh (later of Bligh's Farm and Hotel) was born there in 1839.

Many activities took place in the yard at the rear of the pub and the Sevenoaks Voluntary Fire Brigade station was sited there  in 1891. The yard also held live cattle auctions.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 23 August 1811.


At the "Rose and Crown Inn," Sevenoaks, on Friday, the 30th of August, 1811, at three o'clock, is the afternoon; (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, in which case, early notice will be given.) The following desirable Freehold Estates.

Lot 1.—All that very capital and well-established Inn, and Posting-House, in full trade, called the "White Hart," with spacious and commodious stables, recently erected, and other buildings and accommodations, well calculated for the purpose of an Innkeeper. These premises are most advantageously situated at Riverhead, in the parish of Sevenoaks, twenty-two miles from London, on the much frequented road, leading from thence to Tonbridge - Wells and Hastings.

Lot 2.—An excellent and well-accustomed Public House, known by the sign of the "Plough," with about half an acre of extremely productive land adjoining, now planted with hops. These premises are situated at Brasted, in the parish of Wrotham, and in the vicinity of a large paper manufactory.


Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 17 November 1860.


The annual Court Leet of the Dowager Countess Amherst for the hundred of Codsheath was held at the "Rose and Crown Hotel," on Monday, before W. F. Holcroft, Esq., the steward.

The following appointments were made for the ensuing year:- High constable of the lower division, Charles Corke, butcher, Sevenoaks, with Mr. Grainger in election; high constable of the upper divisions, Mr. W. Gilbert, brass founder, Chipstead, with Mr. G. Dark in election.

The aleconners having been elected, Mr. Peter Powell, of Halstead, was fined for the non performance of the duties of aleconner.

After the business of the court was disposed of an excellent dinner was partaken of at the "Rose and Crown."


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 6 April 1861.


On Tuesday week about mid-day, a most daring attempt to commit a felony was made, by a stranger of respectable appearance, at Mr. P. Hill's, "Rose and Crown Commercial House."

Mrs. Hill had occasion to go to her bedroom for money, and on entering the room she saw a man engaged in picking the lock of a drawer, which contained a large amount of money.

On being disturbed he expressed a hope that Mrs. Hill would not be alarmed, as he was a gentleman and was looking for his lady, Mrs. Price, but had mistaken the room.

Mr. Hill, on hearing the alarm, went upstairs, when the "gentleman" gave up a very neat instrument, such as is used for small lock transactions, and reiterating the statement about mistaking the room, he was allowed to depart.

Immediately afterwards, however, it was thought that he should have been detained until the rooms were examined, but on being followed he started off at full speed, turning down a bye lane leading from the town, and got into Knole Park, where his pursuers lost in.

Sometime afterwards, however he turned up at the lower end of the town, and threw his hat down a closet. He then started in a contrary direction to that which he had been followed, and has not since been heard of.

The police are actively engaged to discover him.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 1 May 1874.

The Stock Market.

It is now definitely settled that the stock market is to be held in the ground at the rear of the "Rose and Crown Hotel," Mr. Gandy, the proprietor, having agreed to make the necessary arrangements, and the charges are to be the same as our now made at the Tonbridge Market.

The usual monthly stock market was held in the town, on Tuesday last. There was a good supply of stock, and trade was also good. The following are the prices that were realised. Beef, 5s. 6d to 6s; mutton, 6s. 6d to 7s; lamb, 9s; veal, 6s 4d; pork, 4s 8d.


Kent & Sussex Courier 03 May 1878.


At the Sevenoaks Petty Sessions, on Friday last, the licence of the "Rose and Crown" public-house, was transferred from Mrs. C. Green to John Kitcher.


From Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 14 June 1889.


A Ladies Saddle. Also a man's saddle, both nearly new - Apply T. Neve, "Rose and Crown," Sevenoaks.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 10 May 1940.


At Bromley Petty Sessions on Monday Ronald Marcus Loines, of the "Prince of Wales" public-house, Sevenoaks Weald, was fined 10s. because the lights were inadequately screened on the motor vehicle which he was driving in the black-out at Cray-avenue, Orpington, on April 1st.


From the 25 April, 2009.

The "Rock and Fountain" public house in London Road, Sevenoaks, next door to a popular fish and chip shop, closed to the dismay of many customers.

There was great concern at the loss of several inns in the town including the "Rose and Crown," "Odd Fellows Arms" and the pending closure of the "Holmesdale Tavern," all in the High Street.




WIGZELL Mrs 1802+ Kentish Gazette

LEWIS William 1828-32+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

HILL Philip 1858-61+

PEACH John to Dec/1861 South Eastern Gazette

FRANKLIN George Dec/1861+ South Eastern Gazette

SADDLER Elijah 1871-Aug/73 (age 37 in 1871Census) Kent and Sussex Courier

GANDY George Aug/1873-74 Kent and Sussex Courier

GREEN C Mrs to May/1878 Kent and Sussex Courier

KITCHER John May/1878+ Kent and Sussex Courier

LARBY John -1881-Aug/89 (age 37 in 1881Census)

GRAY James Aug/1889-91+ (age 52 in 1891Census)

MOORE Catherine Mrs 1903+ Kelly's 1903

WHEELDON Jonathan 1911-13+ (age 54 in 1911Census)

ROBERTSON Charles Digby 1918-Dec/22 Sevenoaks Chronicle

WOODWARD Percy Dec/1922-May/24 Sevenoaks ChronicleKent and Sussex Courier

RAPLEY Charles george May/1924+ Kent and Sussex Courier

COLDMAN William Michael 1938+

CHEYNEY Arthur Joseph 1930+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier


Sevenoaks ChronicleSevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser

South Eastern GazetteSouth Eastern Gazette

Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
