High Street
Above postcard, date unknown. |
Above postcard, date unknown. |

Above photo 1900, showing the "White Hart" on the right. |
Kentish Gazette, 13 April, 1774.
Thomas Hall. At the "White Hart," Riverhead, begs leave to acquaint
the public in general, that he has bought
the Post Chaise and Horses of James Cochran, late of the "George" at
Riverhead, and intends to let post chaise
and saddle horses to any part of England; likewise a Repository for
the sale of Horses every last Thursday in the
month as usual.
Horses bought and sold, or stand at livery.
From the Kentish Gazette, 11 September 1810.
Two capital INNS, one PUBLIC HOUSE, four other HOUSES, and several
parcels of extremely valuable LAND, in the parishes of Farnborough,
Otford, Sevenoaks, Sundrish, and Chevening.
"WHITE HART INN," Riverhead, in the parish of Sevenoaks, on Monday,
the 24th day of September, 1810, at one o’clock, (subject to such
conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced;) the
following Very desirable FREFHOLD ESTATES, in Thirteen LOTS.
Lot 1. An excellent and well-accustomed INN, called by the name or
sign of the "White Lion," with suitable stables and other buildings,
and a large garden adjoining.
The whole premises contain two roods, thirty two perches, little
more or less, are now occupied by Mr. James Fuzzey, and situate at
Lock’s Bottom, in the parish of Farnborough, thirteen miles from
London, and contiguous to the Turnpike Road, leading from thence to
Tonbridge Wells and Hastings.
Lot 2. Two parcels of rich MEADOW LAND, one whereof contains one
acre, one rood, thirty-right perches, and the other two roods,
twenty-eight perches, little more or less, situate at Lock’s Bottom
aforesaid, adjoining lot 1, and in the occupation of the said James
Lot 3. A very valuable parcel of WOOD LAND, called Goddendean Wood,
plentifully stocked with thriving Oaks, containing thirteen acres,
one rood, thirty-eight perches, little more or less; also situate at
Lock's Bottom, adjoining the two last-mentioned lots, and in the
occupation of the said Janes Fuzzey.
This spot, being healthy, pleasant, and within a short ride of
London, affords a beautiful situation for building a villa.
Lot 4. A very valuable parcel of LAND, in four incisures, two
whereof are meadow, one small shaw, and the rest arable, containing
in the whole nine acres, three roods, five perches, little more or
less, situate adjoining the London road, near Longford Mill, in the
parish of Otford, and in the occupation of James Foot.
Lot 6. A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, and GARDEN, also adjoining the London
road, situate in Riverhead, in the parish of Sevenoaks, in the
occupation of Mr. N. M. Jackson.
Lot 6. Five several inclosures of valuable LAND, whereof one is
pasture, two are meadow, and two arable, containing together
fourteen acres, one rood, four perches, little more or less, situate
near Sundrish Mills, in the parish of Sundrish, in the occupation of
Mr. James Foot.
The river Darenth intersecting these premises, affords good fishing,
and a constant opportunity of flowing the land.
Lot 7. Part of two inclosures of excellent MEADOW LAND, called the
Great Marsh and the Slip, as the same are now stumped out,
containing together three acres, one rood, nine perches, little more
or less; situate at Sundrish aforesaid, adjoining to the Turnpike
Road, and divided from lot 6, by the river Darenth; also in the
occupation of Mr. James Foot.
Lot 8. A parcel of excellent MEADOW LAND, called the Little Marsh,
part of the Great Marsh meadow and of the Landway, as the same are
now stumped out, containing together two acres, two roods, ten
perches, little more or less; situate, at Sundrish aforesaid
adjoining to lot 7, and in the occupation of the said James Foot.
Lot 9. A very excellent, substantial, and well-accustomed PUBLIC
HOUSE, called by the name or sign of the "Lamb," with good stables,
and other convenient buildings, remarkably well situated for trade,
in the pleasant village of Sundrish, adjoining the Turnpike Road
leading from Riverhead to Westerham; good garden and orchard, well
planted with thriving fruit trees, together with a parcel of capital
MEADOW LAND, all contiguous, and containing two acres, one rood,
thirty-nine perches, little more or less, in the occupation of Mr.
James Jones.
Lot 10. A very valuable piece of MEADOW LAND, called the Lamb Mead,
containing one acre, one rood, twenty-two perches, lying immediately
opposite to lot 9, bounded on the south by the river Darenth, close
to the Turnpike Road, and in the occupation of the said James Jones.
Lot 11. A COTTAGE and excellent GARDEN, very pleasantly situated at
Sundrish Cross, in the village of Sundrish, also adjoining the
Darenth, containing nearly a quarter of an acre, in the occupation
of Henry Gander.
Lot 12. Two MESSUAGES, TENEMENTS, or COTTAGES, with a small piece of
Ground adjoining, situate in Chipstead-street, in the parish of
Chevening, in the several occupations of Thomas Barham and Thomas
Lot 13. A very capital FREEHOLD ESTATE, being a well established INN
and POSTING-HOUSE, called the
"White Hart," with spacious and
commodious stables recently erected, and other buildings and
accommodations, well calculated for the purpose of an Innkeeper.
These premises are most advantageously situated at Riverhead,
twenty-two miles from London, on the much frequented road leading
from thence to Tonbridge Wells and Hastings, in the occupation of
Mr. James Foot.
The above Estates may be viewed by leave of the respective tenants,
and the purchasers will be entitled to possession at Michaelmas
Further particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, or of Mr. Crow,
Solicitor, Sevenoaks, at whose Office plans of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
7, 8, 9, and 10, may be seen.
From the Kentish Gazette, 20 November 1810.
immediate possession.
AT Garraway's Coffee House, ’Change Alley, Cornhill, London, on
Monday, Dec. 3rd, 1810, at twelve o’clock, if an acceptable offer is
not previously made by Private Contract.
The above old established compact INN, most desirably situate as
above, and which also commands the Cross Roads to Maidstone and
Westerham, &c &c. ad! no other Post House in the town; now in full
trade, and many years successfully occupied by Mr. Foot, who will
give immediate possession. The house is presumed capable of great
improvement. The taker may be accommodated with the Post Chaises,
Horses, and Furniture, or not, at their option. A lease will be
granted for a premium of £200. to the highest bidder at an annual
May be viewed, and particulars had also at "White Hart," Bromley;
"Crown," Croydon; of Messrs Alcock, Conyer, and Lindsey, Solicitors,
Saint Thomas’s street, Southwark; and of the Auctioneer and
Surveyor, 92, Hatton-Garden, London.
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 23 August 1811.
At the "Rose and Crown Inn," Sevenoaks, on Friday, the 30th of August,
1811, at three o'clock, is the afternoon; (unless previously disposed of
by Private Contract, in which case, early notice will be given.) The
following desirable Freehold Estates.
Lot 1.—All that very capital and well-established Inn, and
Posting-House, in full trade, called the "White Hart," with spacious and
commodious stables, recently erected, and other buildings and
accommodations, well calculated for the purpose of an Innkeeper. These
premises are most advantageously situated at Riverhead, in the parish of Sevenoaks, twenty-two miles from London, on the much frequented road,
leading from thence to Tonbridge - Wells and Hastings.
Kentish Gazette, 19 October, 1821.
On Sunday se’nnight three men with a large spring cart were observed
to go through Seal and East Peckham, and on Monday in the forenoon,
they came back and went on to Riverhead, and put up at the "White
Hart," where they had their cart locked up, in which was perceived a
large basket. Soon after their arrival they told the landlord they
were going to see some friends, and if they did not get back in
time, he was not to set up for them as they could call up the ostler.
This and other circumstances raised suspicions in the landlord's
mind, and he and his neighbours resolved upon watching their
motions, and accordingly went some distance on the road for this
purpose, and laid up in the hedge. At night one of the men went back
to the "White Hart" and got the curt, while the other two walked on
the London road till the cart overtook them when they got up and
drove on till they came to Dunton Green pay gate, here the persons
who had waylaid them stopped the cart and insisted upon knowing what
was in it, the three men immediately jumped out and made off. Upon
searching the cart two bodies were found, one of them of a young
woman about eighteen warn of age, who had been buried in Seal
Church-yard on the Friday preceding, the other was that of a robust
man, apparently about forty years of age, of a dark sandy
complexion, with one of his feet turned inwards; from whence this
body was taken, has not yet been discovered. A pursuit after the men
immediately took place, and they were overtaken at Farnborough and
brought back to Sevenoaks, where they underwent an examination and
were bound over to appear at the ensuing Quarter Sessions for Kent.
Kentish Gazette, 9 December 1851.
On Friday evening week a serious accident occurred to four young
men, who, in a state of intoxication, were driving furiously round
the corner to the Westerham road from Sevenoaks, when the cart
coming in contact with the wall of Lord Holmesdale's garden, it was
thrown over, and they were all thrown with great violence on the
road. They were immediately conveyed to the "White Hart Inn," where
three lie in a dangerous state, but from the state they were in from
intoxication, the medical gentlemen were unable to discover the
extent of the injuries received. It appears they had been summoned
before the Sevenoaks bench of magistrates for improperly letting off
fireworks at Edenbridge; but the case being dismissed, they exulted
in their escape by entering a public-house and not leaving until
they were in a state of intoxication.
Kentish Gazette, 30 May 1854.
Burling:- May 22, at Riverhead, Mr. John Burling, formerly of the "White
Hart Inn," ages 80 years.
From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 6 February, 1880.
At the Sevenoaks Petty Sessions on Friday last.
The Bench granted temporary authority to Mr. Thomas Charlwood to carry
on the business of the “White Hart Inn,” High Street, till transfer day.
From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 29 September, 1893.
Sevenoaks Petty sessions.
Before Major German (chairman), and Lord Blackvilfe.
Margaret Lester, a middle aged woman, was charged with stealing two
ladies' muffs, one knitted petticoat, one knitted shawl, and a baby's
coat, the property of Florence Shurey, at Riverhead, some time between
the 1st August and 20th September last.
Prosecutrix stated that she lived at the "White Hart," Riverhead. On
Tuesday last she missed the articles, and on the same evening Mrs
Palmer, of the "Wheatsheaf," came into the bar wearing the shawl
produced. Prisoner was lodging with witness at the time of the
occurrence, and had been working for her as charwoman &c.
P.S. Marsh stated that he went to the "Wheatsheaf," where he saw Mrs.
Palmer the landlady. He asked whether she had purchased the missing
articles, and she replied in the negative, stating that she had not
purchased a shawl for 10 years. Later in the same day he paid another
visit to the house named, and asked for the shawl which she had been
wearing on the Tuesday evening, which she then produced, and it was
subsequently identified by Mrs. Shurey as her property. He then returned
to Mrs. Palmer, and asked her how she became possessed of it, and in
reply she stated that her husband purchased it from a woman living at
the "White Hart," who had left the neighbourhood about a fortnight. he
then went to the "White Hart" and arrested prisoner. In reply to the
charge prisoner said she did steal the things, and sold them to Mrs.
Prisoner was sentenced to three weeks' hard labour.
Joss Palmer, landlady of the "Wheatsheaf Inn," Riverhead, was then
charged with receiving the goods mentioned above, well knowing the same
to have been stolen.
Margaret Lester, the prisoner in the last case, was put into the witness
box, and stated that about 5 weeks ago she took the child's frock
produced to Mrs. Palmer who gave her 6d it on, the 16th inst., she took
the lady's muffs produced and got 10d for them, and the other articles
produced were purchased by her for 2s.
Prisoner pleased not guilty, and stated that as Lester and his wife were
hawkers she had often brought various articles from them. She admitted
purchasing the articles named, but did not know they were stolen.
Prosecutrix valued the muffs stolen, one at £1 1s, and the other from
30s to £2.
Prisoner was committed for trial at the ensuing Quarter Sessions, bail
being accepted in the sum of £20. |
I am informed that the pub is now no longer there and is a stopping place
for nearby shops. Date of closure and demolition as yet unknown.
HALL Thomas 1774-91+
BURLING Jeffrey 1828+

BURLING John 1832+

HEATH Thomas 1841+ (age 40 in 1841 )
SMITH Robert 1858+
SMITH Herbert 1861+ (age 35 in 1861 )
CHARLWOOD Thomas 1880+
SHOREY Joseph 1881+ (age 53 in 1881 )
SHOREY Emma Louisa Mrs 1891+ (age 61 in 1891 )
SHOREY Frederick Upward 1901-03+ (age 42 in 1901 )

ROBERTS Henry James 1913+
CANNON George William 1922+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Kelly's Directory 1903