Sort file:- Maidstone, September, 2024.

Page Updated Maidstone:- Thursday, 05 September, 2024.


Earliest 1851-

Oak and Ivy

Latest ????

(Name to)

59 (65) Upper Stone Street



Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.


Southeastern Gazette, 22 March 1853.


Death by Suffocation from Scalding.

Another inquest was held on the same evening, before the same coroner, (T. Kipping, Esq., borough coroner,) at the "Oak and Ivy Inn," Stone-street, on the body of a child named John Martin, aged 2 years and 9 months, the son of a labouring man living in Mote Park, who came by his death under the melancholy circumstances as follows. It appeared that on Saturday afternoon, its mother took the child for a walk, and afterwards called at the house of her sister in Water lane, where she stood the child down beside the fire-place, and then went to the middle of the apartment. Her sister afterwards came in with some chips for the fire, and observed the child with its finger in his mouth, and he looked round to the fire-place, where the kettle was standing. Upon questioning the child he said he had been drinking some water out of the kettle. He was then taken to Mr. Brenchley, surgeon, who found slight internal injury, but no appearance of scalding water down his throat and chin, which showed that the child must have put the spout of the kettle in his mouth and let the water run down his throat. Mr. Brenchley gave her some medicine, and directed her to apply sweet oil. The child afterwards eat some bread and butter, and drank a little tea. The mother returned home, and on her way she noticed that his voice became much thicker, and he complained of pain in his mouth and throat. On arriving home she found that he could not swallow some bread and butter, but he went to sleep. She afterwards took the child to bed with her, but at half-past ten, finding the water running from the throat of the child upon the pillow, she got up and again took him to Mr. Brenchley, who at once perceived that it was a hopeless case, but directed remedies to be applied, and gave its mother some powder to administer. She returned home, and attended to the directions of Mr. Brenchley, but the child died the same night. Mr. Brenchley stated the cause of death to be suffocation, caused by the internal swelling of the throat of the child.

Verdict, "Accidental death."


Kentish Gazette, 22 March 1853.

Coroner's Inquest. Accidental Death.

An inquest was held on Tuesday evening, March 15th, at the "Oak and Ivy" public-house, Stone-street, before T. Kipping, Esq., and a respectable jury, to enquire touching the death of John Martin, a child aged two years and five months. Mr. Brenchley said, the child died from suffocation, caused by the internal scalding of the throat.

Verdict "accidental death."


Kentish Gazette, 16 May 1854.

Death of an Octogenarian at Dinner.

An inquest was held at the "Oak and Ivy," Upper Stone-street on Monday evening, by T. Kipping. Esq., on the body of Thomas Hickmutt, a labouring man, aged 86 who was choked by his food whilst at dinner on the preceding day.

Mr. William Hickmott, son of the deceased, keeper of a beer-shop in Upper Stone-street, stated that on Sunday, about half-past one o'clock, his father, the deceased, had just sat down to dinner, with his wife’s father, who was upwards of 90 years of age, at a separate table, other persons being present at the time. Before that he seemed in good health. He had not taken more than a mouthful or two when he complained of a sensation of tickling in his throat, such as he had often complained of before. His food was always of a tender kind, as he had lost nearly all his teeth! It consisted of beef, soft pudding, potatoes and greens. They had often cautioned him not to eat so fully. They gave him some water twice, but he could not breathe. Witness pinched his neck to endeavour to pass the food up or down. He got up some potatoes and greens, but the choking still continued. They then sent for a medical gentleman. Mr. French came in about five or ten minutes. They had previously tried to pass a spoon down his throat, but failed. A daughter of William Hickmntt was present at the time of the occurrence. She confirmed the previous testimony, and in addition, said that deceased always coughed at meals, but nut at other times. Mr. Edward French, surgeon, of Stone-street, stated that he hastened to see the deceased when sent for on the preceding day. He was then dead. He passed his finger down the throat, and found it full of food. From the position of the food in the throat, and the quantity, he had no doubt suffocation was the cause of death.

A verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was returned.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 14 December 1861.

Maidstone Petty Sessions. Saturday.

Before the Mayor (W. Haynes, Esq.), and H. Argles, Esq.

Elizabeth Haynes, alias Gilder, age 35, a ragged miserable looking object, was charged with stealing the sheets from the kitchen of the "Oak and Ivy," Upper Stone Street, into which she had gone under pretence of warm in herself. The case was clearly proved.

Superintendent Blundell stated that the prisoner had been three times previously convicted by the magistrates, and was a drunken disreputable character.

The prisoner was sentenced to 2 months' imprisonment.




BRISSENDEN Charles Next pub licensee had 1855-May/60 Whitstable Times

SEMARK Mary Semark Miss 1861-62+ (widow age 62 in 1861Census)

JENNER Edward 1867-82+ (age 57 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1867

LEWIS Thomas 1882-91+ (widower age 61 in 1891Census)

BEADLE Alfred Sept/1893+ Kent and Sussex Courier


Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier

Post Office Directory 1867From the Post Office Directory 1867


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
