Sort file:- Maidstone, May, 2024.

Page Updated Maidstone:- Friday, 10 May, 2024.


Earliest 1806-

Two Brewers

Latest ????

99 Weak Street



Kentish Gazette, 13 June, 1806.


A few days since, M. Abraham Vincent, of the "King's Head Tap, Rochester, late of the "Two Brewers" public-house, in Maidstone.


Kentish Gazette, 6 August 1850.

Stealing from the Person.

Elizabeth Baker, 27, for stealing a watch and a half sovereign, the property of James Hammond, from his person, at Maidstone. On Sunday, 17th of March, the prosecutor went with the prisoner to the "Two Brewers," public house, in Maidstone, where he went to sleep. On Awakening, in an hour after, he missed his watch, and the prisoner was gone. On the next evening the prisoner showed the watch (which had the name of the prosecutor engraved on it) to a female name Richmond, who lodged with her. The watch was found at the house of a man named Bolton, who had been convicted of receiving it, knowing it to have been stolen. Prisoner, who had been before convicted of felony, was sentenced to 6 months' hard labour.


Southeastern Gazette, 4 January 1853.

Ann Britton was charged with felony. From the statement of the prosecutor, a labourer named George Martin, from Larkfield, it appeared that on Christmas-eve he came into the town, with 15s. or 16s. in his pocket. He fell in with the prisoner at the "Roebuck Inn," and after having two or three pints of beer with her, they left the house together and proceeded to the "Two Brewers," where they had some more beer. They then returned to the "Roebuck" again, where they again "refreshed" themselves with sundry other pints, and finally adjourned to the "Paper-maker’s Arms," where they regaled themselves on bread and cheese and more beer, and hired a bed. In the morning Martin found his pocket minus of his money and silk handkerchief. Prisoner afterwards contrived to slip away from the house unperceived by prosecutor. Information was given to the police, and police-constable Hills found her at another lodging-house. She denied having any handkerchief in her possession, but Hills perceived a portion of a handkerchief protruding from her dress, and found it to be prosecutor’s, it having his name upon it; none of the money was found upon her.

Prisoner denied the theft, and said the handkerchief was given her by prisoner.

Committed to the Borough Sessions.


Southeastern Gazette, 6 September 1853.

The Chairman, in renewing the license of the "Two Brewers," told the landlady, Mrs. Trice (who attended in the absence of her husband), that, he regretted to have again to call her attention to complaints which had been made of the improper manner in which that house was conducted, which was a scandal to the town, and particularly to the inconvenience and discomfort of the inhabitants, and which, notwithstanding the house frequently changed hands, was constantly complained of. They would caution her as to the future management of the house.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 1 January, 1859. Price 1d.


John Bigg, 42, was charged with assaulting Police-Sergeant Hills, while in the execution of his duty on the 25th instant.

Sergeant Hills said, that on Sunday morning last, about 10 o'clock, he met the landlord of the “Two Brewers” public house, who told him that the defendant, who had been his potman, was very abusive to him, and he requested witness to proceed to the house for the purpose of getting him out. On his arrival at the house, he found the defendant in the tap room, and on requesting him to leave the house, the defendant swore he would not go. Witness, however, caught hold of the defendant for the purpose of putting him out of the room, when a scuffle ensued, and with the assistance of another constable the prisoner was at length handcuffed and conveyed to the police station in a hand cart, having obstinately refused to walk.

Superintendent Blundell stated that the prisoner came from Lenham, and was a very disorderly character, particularly so when intoxicated. He had been in gaol several times for assault.

Fined 10s., and costs 6s. Money paid.


Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 25th August 1860.

Sudden Death.

On Thursday a woman named Elizabeth Baker suddenly expired. The deceased, who was about 40 years, shortly before 12 o'clock went to the "Two Brewers" public house, sat down for a few minutes and complained slightly of illness, but got up again and went into the back yard. She, however, has not preceded far before she fell. Prompt assistance was rendered and deceased was conveyed into the house. Mr. Sanders surgeon, was sent for, but before that gentleman had arrived life was extinct, the deceased having expired in about five minutes after she fell.


South Eastern Gazette, 28 August, 1860.

Sudden Death.

On Thursday morning last a married woman named Elizabeth Baker, but whose husband had left her, was at the "Two Brewers" public-house, Week-street, Maidstone, when she suddenly rose from her seat, and putting her hand to her side, left the room. Soon after, the landlady heard a strange noise proceeding from the water closet, and on going there she found Mrs. Baker lying upon the floor. Mr. Sanders, surgeon, was at once called, but the unfortunate woman expired before he could arrive. The deceased had lately led a very irregular life, and was much given to intemperance; but her death is believed to have arisen from disease of the heart.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 18 May 1861.

Maidstone Petty sessions.

Thomas Hearnden, the landlord of the "Two Brewers Inn," Week Street, was charged with keeping his house open for the sale of liqueurs on Sunday 28th April last.

Mr. Goodwin appeared on the part of the defendant.

P.C. Brooks said that at half past 11 o'clock on the morning of 28th April he knocked at the door of the "Two Brewers," and after a few minutes, he heard someone inside call out "Look alive, chaps, there's a policeman at the door. He was then admitted, and on going to the back of the house he saw a man who was drunk. His name was Jackson. He was going out with a pot-full of beer, which he tried to cover over. He told Jackson he could see what he had got. He then called Hearsden's attention to the beer, and afterwards went into the tap-room, where he found four militia men, two civilians, and two "nymphs" of Bone's-Alley, who looked as much like angels has any he had ever seen.

Mr. Goodwin called William Jackson, who stated that he was a labourer, living on Kingsley Estate. That he was at the "Two Brewers" on the morning in question, having been "specially retained" to scrub the rooms, and a clean and drain the pots. That there were four of her Majesty's Royal Militia billeted at the house, but one had gone to church, and the other three had been "cutting their capers" at the Roman Catholic chapel, and were eating their breakfast in a ravenous manner,. There had been no beer drawn that morning, with the exception of one pint, which he had for his breakfast at 9 o'clock, and he much regretted that he could not then have more. The beer the constable saw was that what he had collected from a number of pots he had been cleaning, and being a "snapper up of unconsidered trifles" he drank it. He did not try to conceal the beer, adding, that the reason the constable thought he was drunk was because he had got a mulberry nose, and the flys took great notice of it.

Two militiamen were also called for the defence and a third was about to be introduced, but the mayor and magistrates decided to dismiss the case.


Kent Times, 15 March 1862.

MAIDSTONE. Magistrates Business.

The only business before the borough magistrates this week, has been the disposal of some drunken and disorderly cases. On Tuesday a young man, named Barnes, was charged with drunkenness and with wilfully damaging a wire blind and breaking a pane of glass in the window of the "Two Brewers" public house, in Week Street.

The prisoner, who had been in the army, and now works in the dockyard, went to the "Two Brewers" on Saturday afternoon, accompanied by a young woman; they were both very drunk, and the woman lay down on the floor in the tap room, which appeared to annoy the prisoner, who struck her several times; the landlord at length interfered, and was in turn assaulted, he however, succeeded in ejecting the prisoner, who went away, but returned and committed the damage complained of; he was given into custody, and so violent was his conduct that the constables found it necessary to strap him down upon a wheelbarrow, in which condition he was taken to the station-house.

Prisoner pleaded entire ignorance, he did not know what he had been doing, he was fined 5s., together with the damage and costs, in all 17s., and in default of payment was sentenced to fourteen days hard labour.




Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.



VINCENT M Abraham pre June/1806 Next pub licensee had

SPRINGATT Richard 1826-32+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Kentish Gazette

DUNK Robert 1840+

TRICE William 1851-55+ (also House of Call for Tailors age 30 in 1851Census)

HEARNDEN Thomas 1861-67+ Maidstone TelegraphPost Office Directory 1867

HEARNDEN Amy 1871+ (age 38 in 1871Census)


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph

Post Office Directory 1867From the Post Office Directory 1867


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-