Page Updated:- Sunday, 11 June, 2023.


Earliest 1800-

(Name from)

Four Elms

Open 2020+

Bough Beech Road

Four Elms

01732 700460

Four Elms 1900

Above postcard, 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Four Elms 1910

Above postcard, 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Four Elms 1933

Above photo, circa 1933, kindly send by Rory Kehoe.

Four Elms 2015

Above photo 2015.

Four Elms sign 1985Four Elms sign 2015

Above sign left, September 1985, sign right 2015.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


The building is a 16th century Grade II listed building.

I believe, but it hasn't yet been proven, that the pub could have been called the "White Hart" and changed name between 1740 and 1743. Reason for this suggestion is one pub hasn't been traced after 1740 and the other hasn't been traced before 1743. Further research and local knowledge required please.

The census of 1901 the premises was referred to simply as "The Inn."


From the Maidstone Journal, Apr 1st 1845.

The licence of the Four Elms public house transferred from John Kirby to Mr Medhurst.


From the Maidstione Journal, Feb 1st 1851.

The licence to the "Four Elms Inn" transferred to Mr David Steed.


Kent & Sussex Courier 14 December 1877.


At the Tonbridge Petty Sessions on Tuesday last Edward Withers, of Edenbridge, who did not appear, was summoned for being violent, quarrelsome, and disorderly, and refusing to leave the "Four Elms Inn," at Hever, on the 1st. inst.

I. C. Millen proved the service of summons.

Charles Faukner, landlord of the "Four Elms Inn," said that the defendant was in his house about six hours. During that time the defendant was drinking, but he could not say how much beer he was served with. The defendant pulled off his coat, and wanted to fight. He refused to leave the house, and had to be put out. He was not drunk. Defendant had given him trouble previously.

I. C. Millen said the defendant had never been convicted. He was a labourer, but never intended doing any work, as he kept a "running dog" to catch rabbits and hares of a night.

The Bench fined the defendant 10s. and 10s. costs, or seven days'.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 6 February, 1880.


George Collins, shoemaker, was charged at the Tonbridge Pettey Sessions, on Tuesday, with being disorderly and refusing to quit the “Four Elms Inn,” Hever, when requested to do so, on 24th of January.

Defendant pleaded guilty.

Mr Charles Faulkner, landlord of the “Four Elms Inn,” said that on the 24th ult. The defendant was in his house, and made a disturbance by drinking another man’s beer. He told him to leave, when he went into the bar and commenced quarrelling with another shoemaker, and talked about fighting. He (witness) again requested him to leave, and as he did not go out he ejected him. When outside he kicked the door, and he had to put him into the road. Defendant was not drunk but excited.

The Bench fined the defendant 10s. and 10s. 8d. costs.

Defendant said he could not pay, but he had goods.

The Bench said that if he did not pay a distress warrant would be issued against the goods.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 13 May 1949.


Late one night about the year 1800, a tired traveller who had lost his way, pounded on the door of an inn near Edenbridge. "What place is this," he asked the publican. When told it had no name he was dumbfounded.

Apparently a meticulous man, the story goes that the lack of a name worried him.

The next morning, before continuing his journey, he looked around the few cottages and farms nearby.

In a prominent position close to the inn he saw a line of four young elm trees.

"Why don't you name it "Four Elms," he asked the innkeeper.

The name has stuck, and on the same spot the "Four Elms Inn" still stands. The original elms, however, have now gone.

"The last one came down in a gale over 20 years ago," Mr. George Bennett, 82-year-old local resident, told a "Courier" reporter.

Mr. Bennett is quite an authority on the village, for since he came to it as a young boy he has seen most of the present buildings erected.

"I don't remember the inn or the post office going up, but the church and most of the shops and houses have been built since I came here," he said.

The story of the four elms, now almost a legend in the village, is to be perpetuated.

"Four new elm trees were planted seven or eight years ago in the children's recreation ground," said Mr. Bennett.


Sussex Agricultural Express 24 May 1902.


This was the date appointed as a special Licensing Sessions for the transfer of ale house licences, and the following was granted:- The "Four Elms Inn," Hever, to Walter Payne.


Kent & Sussex Courier 29 November 1940.


On November 21st, at Malt Cottage, Pootings, Edenbridge, Charles Faulkner, many years licensee of the "Four Elms Inn."



WELLS Thomas 1743-55

EASTWOOD William 1756

EASTWOOD Elizabeth 1757-59

TAYLOR Affra 1760

POPE William 1761-71

POPE Susanna 1772-75

WELLS Thomas 1777-80

CANFIELD John 1781


TAYLOR William 1783-85

CUTTER William 1786

INGRAMS Robert 1787-91

INGRAMS John 1792

INGRAMS Robert 1793-97

INGRAMS John 1798-99

HEAD John 1800-02+

HEAD Alice 1809

WATSON John 1810-12+

KIRBY John 1828-32+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

KIRBY Elizabeth 1841+ (age 55 in 1841Census)

KIRBY John to Apr/1845

MEDHURST Mr Apr/1845+

STUDD Daniel Feb/1851+ (age 42 in 1851Census)

WHITEBREAD Reuben 1858-62+ (also farmer age 35 in 1861Census)

FALKNER Charles 1874-Nov/1902+ (also grocer in 1874 and hop grower age 41 in 1891Census) Kent and Sussex Courier

PAYNE Walter Nov/1902-03+ Kelly's 1903

THOMPSON Reverdy 1911+ (age 34 in 1911Census)


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
