Sort file:- Rainham, June, 2022.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 04 June, 2022.


Earliest 1866-

Kent Volunteer

Latest 1905-

White Horse Lane / Station Road



Originally known as the "Kent Volunteer, although very often just known as the Volunteer.


East Kent Gazette, Saturday 31 December 1927.

From the 50 Years ago column so related to 1877.

Rainham. Killed on the Railway.

On Monday evening last, and inquest was held at the "Kent Volunteers," Rainham, before W. J. Harris, Esq., coroner, on the body of Thomas Samuel Evenden, age 29, Wheelwright, residing at Luton, near Chatham, who was killed on the railway here on Saturday evening.

It appears that the deceased came down to Rainham on Saturday evening to attend a meeting of a benefit club here of which he is a member, intending to return home by the last up train. Unfortunately he stayed in the "Volunteers," which is close to the railway, until the last minute, and as the train by which he was going past the signal box he started across the line to go round the tail of the train to get on the platform, but before he could do so he was knocked down by the down boat express, the approach of which he had not perceived. Death was instantaneous. . . .

At the inquest the Jury, is a rider to their verdict called attention to the danger of this level crossing, and we learn that the inhabitants of this part of Rainham are very desirous that an overway should be erected, as they are obliged to cross the rails to get to the other part of the parish, the line running over the public road. Some years ago we recollect, a fatal accident occurred at the same crossing, and the jury than recommended that the gates should be locked when trains were due to prevent people from crossing the line. This was done for a time, but was soon discontinued.


The victim never made it back to Chatham and was buried instead on 26 December 1877 in Rainham churchyard (maybe paid for out of benefit club funds).

Based on the current positioning of the "up train" and "down boat" lines at Rainham (which is supported by what I have pasted below) the story suggests the "Kent Volunteer" was close by on the north side of the railway tracks, and not where the "Railway Inn" now is on the south side.

"What side of the tracks do trains travel on UK?
In the UK, the trains are virtually all driven from the left-hand seat and the trains go on the left. A lot of this is tradition, as early trains had to be compatible with existing traffic in the early days of trains."


David Auger.


East Kent Gazette, Saturday 3 April 1920.

Proposed Tunnel at Rainham.

The medical officer recommended that a closing order be made in connection with the "Old Volunteer Inn," Station Road, Rainham which had been unoccupied for about 15 years and was in an insanitary condition.

The Medical Officer said that the previous day he was informed that the Railway Company proposed to make a tunnel under the railway, and if this were done the house would have to come down. The walls were good, but the place was being made a public convenience of, and that nuisance would have to be stopped.

The Clerk was instructed to write to the owners and ask them to put the house into habitable repair.



Last pub licensee had GOLDSTON John 1866-71+ (age 50 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1866Kent Harrods Directory 1867Post Office Directory 1870

COOPER Stephen 1874-95+ Next pub licensee had (age 59 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1874Mannings & Co Directory 1877Post Office Directory 1878Kelly's 1882Kelly's 1887Kelly's 1895

MITCHELL Stephen 1899+ Next pub licensee had Kelly's 1899



Post Office Directory 1866From the Post Office Directory 1866-67

Kent Harrods Directory 1867From Kent Harrods Directory 1867

Post Office Directory 1870From the Post Office Directory 1870

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Mannings & Co Directory 1877Mannings & Co Directory 1877

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Kelly's 1882From the Kelly's Directory 1882

Kelly's 1887From the Kelly's Directory 1887

Kelly's 1895From the Kelly's Directory 1895

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
