Sort file:- Strood, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 24 November, 2024.


Earliest 1853-

Old Gun

Latest 1970s

1 London Road


Old Gun 1860

Above photo circa 1860 showing the original building.

Old Gun Inn 1890

Above photo, circa 1890.

Old Gun 1910

Above photo, circa 1910.

Old Gun

Above photo, date unknown.


According to a book called the "History of Strood" by Henry Smetham, published 1899, this also held the name of the "Prince of Wales" for a short time, and the following passage is credited to that statement.


From the Gents' Magazine.

A poor brother of the Charterhouse, London, 1st May, 1769, set a time to visit a friend resident at Otterden Place, near Faversham. On the evening of that day he reached Strood and took rest and refreshment at the wayside in, called the "Prince of Wales," from the porchway of which house the traveller had a view of a grand landscape and a very glorious sunset. Before retiring to rest, the traveller, in the presence of his wonderstruck host and hostess, tried many wonderful experiments in electricity and magnetism a science science then quite in its infancy.


Formerly the "Old Gun "face Cuxton Road. In the front of an ancient city with it's great old Castle and Cathedral, the noble river with its rising heels verdantly clad. At the rear rose our own beautiful wooded hills, which the setting sun glorified as it sank. Truly a sight to justify merit the eulogy of the old writer from the Gents' Magazine.


The original building was demolished some time between 1860 and 1911 and a new one built. I am not sure whether it was on the same site yet or indeed the exact dates.

Robert Easto was born in 1839, in Diss, Norfolk and was the father of Flanders Herbert Easto.

This is Robert’s Probate:- late of the "Old Gun," Strood. Beerseller, died 26 Oct 1887 at same proved by Alfred Clark of Stanhope Road, Strood, Corn Factor, one of the Executors.

So it’s a fair summation that Flanders took over from his father in the "Old Gun" as Flander’s is on the 1891 census there.

Ind Coope & Co Ltd purchased the pub from Budden & Biggs Brewery Ltd by conveyance and assignment dated 23 March 1931. The pub held a beer only license.

The new pub was again demolished again in the 1970sfor road widening at the entrance to Cuxton Road.


South Eastern Gazette, 8 November 1853.


WEDNESDAY.— (Before Alderman Clements, Capt. Burton, Dr. Drawbridge, E. R. Coles, J. L. Levy, and W. Manclark, Esqrs.)

John Goldstone, of Strood, was charged with having 7 quart pots and 6 pint pots, all of which were deficient. Defendant keeps the "Old Gun" beer-house, at Frindsbury.

Fined 5s. and 7s. costs.




GOLDSTON John 1853-58+ Next pub licensee had

ROUT William 1881+ (age 52 in 1881Census)

EASTO Robert 1882+

EASTO Flanders Herbert Next pub licensee had 1891 (age 24 in 1891Census)

HAWKINS George 1901+ (also Lodging House Keeper age 30 in 1901Census)

TAYLOR Charles 1913-22+

DAVID Charles 1930-38+

BLYTH Thomas J 1955+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
