Sort file:- Tunbridge Wells, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 12 May, 2024.


Earliest 1841-

Kentish Yeoman

Latest ????

(Name to)

18 Grove Hill Road

Royal Tunbridge Wells

Kentish Yeoman

Above photo, date unknown.

Kentish Yeoman sign 1986Kentish Yeoman sign 1991

Above sign left, March 1986, sign right, October 1991.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Kentish Yeoman pitcherKentish Yeoman pitcher

The above pitches has been bought by Lynette Hammond in America. It has the initials R Y on it indicating Ralph Young circa 1871.

Kentish Yeoman pitcherKentish Yeoman pitcher

The engraving on the bottom says "Kentish Yeoman, Grove Hill, Tunbridge Wells."


The pub changed name to the "Orson Welles" around 1991 and is now operating as the "Black Pig and Dining Rooms." I do not yet know when the name changed.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 29 April 1851.

Mr. Foreman, of Tunbridge Wells, appeared on the behalf of Mr. Chittenden, for a licence to a very respectable house at Tunbridge Wells, called the "Kentish Yeoman." The Bench would recollect that at the last annual licensing day, Mr. Apps, the then tenant, in consequence of a scheme of his own, by which he expected to assign a licence for another house, which he also held as a beer shop, was directed to elect which house he would apply for; he chose his own, which eventually went off on some informality; a licence to the "Kentish Yeoman" was therefore gone, and the house almost valueless. The house was well adapted for business, in a good public thoroughfare near the railway station; it had good stabling, &c; he hoped the Bench would grant the licence; according to the 14th section of the act they had ample power given them to remedy the omission caused by Mr. Apps, in neglecting to apply for this license.

Mr. Crisp appeared for Mr. Apps, and requested the bench to allow the application to stand over till the next annual licensing day. Mr. Apps had applied for two years, but the Bench did not grant the licence in consequence of his living at the "Kentish Yeoman," which he was compelled to leave, not being able to get a living.

Mr. Foreman said this licence would have been applied for at the last annual licensing day, if it had not been for that exceedingly unfair conduct of Mr. Apps, which he was sorry to say had been very bad throughout.

Licence granted.


Kentish Gazette, 2 December 1851.

Tunbridge Wells. Melancholy Death.

Considerable sensation was created in this place on the morning of Sunday week, by the death of a woman apparently about 50 years of age, who died during the previous night, under somewhat distressing circumstances.

The following are the particulars which we have been enabled to collect respecting the affair.

It appears that the woman, whose name is Beale, had, on Saturday morning, about 7 o’clock, called on her daughter, who is living as servant with Mr. J. Bailey, of the "Rose and Crown Inn," Mount Ephraim, from whence she proceeded to the Wells, where she accompanied a man named Henry Wise, to a beer-house, called the "New Castle," where they had some beer, and the woman appeared very merry, after which they repaired to the "Kentish Yeoman" public-house about half-past ten o'clock, where they had a pot of beer and a biscuit, which the woman commenced eating. A portion of the biscuit appeared to take the wrong passage, causing her to cough, vomit, and turn black in the face, after which she slid from the seat to the floor, and was thought by those present to be asleep.

Shortly before 12 o’clock the landlord, Mr. Baker, sent for police-sergeant Swift, who, on the man Wise’s refusing to see the woman home, had a very small hand-cart procured, in which she was conveyed to the station-house. Mr. R. Duncan, surgeon, was sent for immediately, and on his arrival, he pronounced her dead.


South Eastern Gazette 01 June 1852.


Application was made for a transfer of licence of the "Kentish Yeoman, Tunbridge Wells, from Thomas Baker to Edwin Bourne. It was stated that Bourne has permitted a ratting match to be held at his house. The magistrates refused to allow the licence to be transferred.


Kent Times, 17 May 1862.


IN the Matter of ROBERT WINNIFRITH, late of the "Kentish Yeoman Inn," Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells, in the County of Kent, Innkeeper, Tent Proprietor, and Cricket Ground Keeper, and also of Southborough, in the Parish of Tonbridge, in the County of Kent, Wine and Spirit, Beer and Tobacco Retailer, and Cricket Ground Keeper, but now of Park Road, Southborough aforesaid, labourer, Bankrupt.

WHEREAS at a public sitting of the Court held this day, the Court granted an Order of Discharge to the said bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an Order of Discharge will be delivered to the bankrupt after the expiration of thirty days from this date, unless in the meantime an appeal be duly entered against the judgment of the said Court.

Dated this 14th day of May, 1862.




From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 20 March 1874.

Extension of Time.

An extension of one hour was granted to Mr. Ralph Young, of the "Kentish Yeoman," Grove Hill Road, on the occasion of the Hearts of Oak Benefit Society's anniversary dinner.



APPS John Edward 1841+ Next pub licensee had (age 31 in 1841Census)

BAKER Thomas 1851-Jun/52

BOURNE Edwin Jun/1852 refused

WINIFRETH Robert 1861-May/62 (age 36 in 1861Census)

SHARP John 1862+

YOUNG Ralph 1871-81+ (age 40 in 1871Census) Kent and Sussex Courier

BACK Edward 1882+

Last pub licensee had MERCER Jeffery 1891+

BUSBY Charles 1901-22+ (age 52 in 1911Census) Kelly's 1903

ROLLINSON Henry G 1930+

RICHARDS Percy 1938+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-