Sort file:- Rochester, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 24 November, 2024.


Earliest 1858-

Prince of Wales

Closed Apr 2018

90 Cecil Road


Prince of Wales

Above photo by Chris Whippet Creative Commons Licence.


I have reference to another "Prince of Wales" addressed as Troy Town. I don't know if this is the same as this pub. Local knowledge required please.

Ind Coope & Co Ltd purchased the pub from Budden & Biggs Brewery Ltd by conveyance and assignment dated 23 March 1931. The pub held a beer only license.

The pub was closed in April 2018 after having its license revoked after a knife attack in March 2018.


From the By Adam John. 14 March 2018.

A man had his face slashed at a Rochester pub after a punter 'drew a knife and started waving it around.'

A man in his 20s suffered a large cut to his face after a fight broke out at closing time at a Rochester pub.

Officers are now appealing for witnesses to come forward after the assault at the Prince of Wales in Cecil Road on March 10.

It is reported a man drew a knife and started waving it around.

Officers say it is believed to have happened between 1am and 2am.

The victim was understood to have been helping the landlord who was asking people to finish their drinks when a commotion broke out.

One man, sat with a group of people, is reported to have taken out a knife and started waving it around.

He is then reported to have cut the victim's face before leaving the pub.

The suspect is described as a white man, around 5ft 8in and of slim build.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call Kent Police appeals line on 01634 792209 quoting crime reference XY/013536/18.

Alternatively contact Kent Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.


From the By Amy Nickalls, 3 April 2018.

Prince of Wales pub, Rochester, loses licence after knife attack.

A pub has had its licence revoked with immediate effect following a violent attack.

An appeal was submitted to Medway council's licensing committee after a man in his 20s had his face slashed during an after-hours drinking session at The Prince of Wales pub in Cecil Road, Rochester.

The victim lost more than a litre of blood and needed 40 stitches from his scalp to his cheek. The wound narrowly missed his right eye.

Knife attack 2018

A man's face was slashed at the Prince of Wales pub.

Police called for the pub to be closed following the incident in the early hours of Saturday, March 10, and the landlord had his licence suspended on the grounds that the premises was associated with "serious crime and disorder".

It was revoked at a meeting this morning. The full decision is due to be published on the council's website soon.

Officers have been monitoring the venue amid concerns of drug abuse, under-age drinking and serving drinks after permitted hours.

A warning letter had been sent to landlord Alfred Martin as a result of their investigation.

Supt. Vaughan Lukey feared it could be "a flashpoint for further incidents or reprisals" should it remain open prior to a full review within 28 days.

CCTV required as part of the licence conditions was not recording at the time.

Mr Martin told the council panel that it had been switched off five days beforehand and he was waiting for a part. He confirmed the suspect had visited the pub over the previous three weeks, but had not caused any problems.

The opening hours to sell alcohol are Friday to Saturday from 10am to midnight. Police were called to reports of the violent disturbance at 1.20am.

A report to the licensing hearing said: "The crime scene (bar area and blood) was cleaned by staff prior to police arrival potentially hindering the investigation and possible forensic opportunity".

It added: "At this stage it is suspected that a large knife or machete was used as a weapon to cause the injury.

A 17-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of assault. He has been released pending further inquiries.


From the By Nicola Jordan, 31 October 2019.

Victim of knife attack at Prince of Wales pub in Rochester tells of terror.

A pub regular has relived the horror of the night he was brutally attacked when he went to the aid of a landlord.

Martin Bass lost a pint of blood and needed 35 stitches after a yob slashed his face with a large army-style knife in the unprovoked stabbing in Rochester.

Martin Bass 2018

Martin Bass in September 2018.

Knifeman Sami Perfect, 19, was jailed for nearly five years for the attack which left Mr Bass with a scar on his face from the top of his head to this chin.

The attack, which happened during a "lock-in" at The Prince of Wales in Rochester, led to the closure of the pub.

Mr Bass was at Maidstone Crown Court to see Perfect sentenced to four years and nine months after admitting wounding with intent.

The 30-year-old, who lives in the same road as the pub in Cecil Road, said: “It was important for me to be there and see him go down.

“He showed no reaction. His solicitors said he was sorry, but I don’t buy that.”

Mr Bass, a local at the pub since he was 18, said he had gone for a late-night drink as a break from his computer after working for hours on a dissertation for a degree.

He said: “I have known the landlord, Jim, for years and I was helping him clear up when one of a large group was trying to get somebody inside as he was closing up.

“Things started to get out of hand and then suddenly Perfect got what I at first thought was a machete and started flinging it about. On about the third swing it hit me on the chin.

“It was surreal. I was not in pain, it must have been the adrenalin kick.

"I could feel the blood but there were no mirrors.

"It was only when one of the barmaids freaked out that I knew it must be bad.”

Mr Bass then fainted at the bar and the next thing he remembers is being in the back of an ambulance.

He was taken to Medway Maritime Hospital where a surgeon decided to stitch him up rather than wait for the following day to be transferred to a specialist unit at East Grinstead.

He said: “I was dosed up on morphine and as high as a kite. When I first saw my face it was horrific.”

Mr Bass rang his boss at Marmox UK, a specialist building suppliers in Chatham, and was told to take as much time off as possible.

But he returned the following week and three weeks later, had the stitches out.

He said: “I was told the surgeon had done a very good job. I did not get his name, but I would like to meet him and thank him personally.”

Sami Perfect 2018

Sami Perfect was jailed for four years and nine months.

Mr Bass was determined to get back to his job and return to his studies.

He added: “I was working during the day and then going up to university. I’m sure it helped my recovery because I had something to focus on.

“People gave me looks and assumed I was a fighter. Let’s just say, people moved out of my way.”

He has since gained a degree and is now embarking on a Master’s course in analytical chemistry at Birkbeck, University of London.

He said: “I have moved on and put all this behind me.”


Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.



VOKES Charles 1858+ (age 30 in 1851Census) (Pump Lane 1851Census)

VOKES Charles 1882+ (also Cab Proprietor age 36 in 1881Census)

VOKES Emily 1891-1903+

BLADEN Hannah C Mrs 1911-13+

TASSELL Mary Mrs 1918+

TASSELL Albert 1922-38+

DOUST Len & Clara 1940s-50s+ Next pub licensee had

TASSELL A E Mrs 1955+

MARTIN Alfred to Apr/2018




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-