Sort file:- Tonbridge, August, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 04 August, 2021.


Earliest 1828-

Red Lion

Closed 1965+

157 High Street


Red Lion

Above photo, date unknown.

By kind permission

Red Lion 1963

Above photo, 30 September, 1963.

Kindly supplied by

Former Red Lion 2015

Above Google image, October 2015.


Kentish Gazette, 29 May 1849.

To Brewers, Innkeepers, Butchers, and Capitalists.

VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, IN THE HIGH STREET OF THE TOWN OF TONBRIDGE, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. CHARLTON AND SON, AT the "Rose and Crown Hotel," TONBRIDGE, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th day of June, 1849, at Three for Four o'clock in the Afternoon, in Four Lots.

Lot 1:— All that valuable FREEHOLD INN or PUBLIC HOUSE, called the "Red Lion," with convenient stabling and appurtenances, in a commanding and desirable situation in the High Street, in the occupation of Mr. William Mitchell, where a lucrative business has been conducted for several years.

Lot 2:— A MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, and SHOP, in the High Street, adjoining the last Lot, with out-buildings, stabling, and garden ground, in the occupation of Mr. John Woolley.

Lot 3:— A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, with Butcher's Shop, Slaughter-house, and Stabling, in a prominent situation, adjoining the "Lion Inn," with considerable frontage to the High Street and Church Street, in the occupation of Mr. Edward Richardson.

Lot 4:— A COTTAGE and SHOP, in Church Street, in the occupation of Mr. Roche; and a BUILDING adjoining, used by the tenant of the "Lion."

May be viewed by permission of the respective Tenants. Printed particulars and conditions to be had 15 days prior to the sale, at the "Kentish Hotel," Tonbridge Wells; "Bull Inn," Maidstone; at the Office of the Auctioneers.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 3 February 1863.

A General Thief.

On Saturday before Major Scoones, William Johnston, shoemaker, of Leeds, was charged with stealing a pair of boots, the property of Mr. White, at the "Red Lion Inn, Tonbridge, on the 29th ult.; also with stealing a pair of shoes from the "Dorset Arms Inn," the property of Mrs. Laws, value 1s., on the same date; also, on the same day, was stealing a pair of trousers, value 1s, the property of Mr. Hemsley, at Tonbridge. Police constable Samuel Norris proved apprehending the prisoner and finding the articles sold in the town. The property was identified by the owners, and the prisoner was committed for trial on all the charges.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 27 September 1864.

Tonbridge, Kent.

To Brewers, Innkeeper's, Butchers, and Capitalists.

The valuable freehold inn and stabling, known as the "Red Lion," Dwelling House, Butcher's Shop, Cottage, Slaughterhouse, and Premises.

Messes Charlton will sell by auction, at the "Crown Hotel," Tonbridge, on Tuesday, 4th of October, 1864, at 3 for 4 o'clock, the following valuable property, into lots.

Lot 1. That desirable freehold Inn, known as the "Red Lion," with convenient stabling, yard, and outbuildings, in a commanding situation in the High Street of Tonbridge, opposite the entrance to the stock market, where a lucrative business is carried on. The premises are in good repair and possession may be had at Michaelmas.

Lot 2. A freehold Dwelling House, Butcher's Shop, Cottage, Slaughterhouse, Yard, and Stabling in a prominent situation, adjoining the "Red Lion Inn," with a frontage of 24 feet to the High Street, and 116 feet to Church Street, in the occupation of Mr. Henry Richardson and another, at the very moderate rent of £44.

Particulars and conditions of sale to be held at the "Sussex Hotel," Tunbridge Wells; "Crown," Tonbridge and Sevenoaks; "Bull," Maidstone; Messrs. Goreham and Warner, Solicitors, Tonbridge; or of Messrs. Charlton, Land Agents and Surveyors, Tonbridge.


From the Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, 24 September, 1870.


The Petty Sessions were held on Tuesday before C. Powell, Esq., (in the Chair), A. Pott, Esq., Major Scones, Sir David Solomons, Bart., M.P. and J. G. Talbot, Esq., M.P.

The Bench also renewed the license of the "Red Lion," Tonbridge.



LANGRIDGE George 1828-40+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

MITCHELL William 1849-61+ (age 39 in 1861Census)

WHITE John Thomas 1862-63+

CHARD Henry 1874-Feb/1877 (also Gun & Pistol Maker)

BURROWS Henry Feb/1877+

KENWARD Emma Mrs 1891+

MOCKFORD Emma Mrs 1903-13+ Kelly's 1903

SURTEES Henry to Aug/1923 Kent and Sussex Courier

STANFORD Samuel Aug/1923+ Kent and Sussex Courier

BEST Alfred George 1930+

STANLEY Arthur Reginald 1938+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
